I'm giving a quiz today and so far the students are doing well. The ones who always have trouble and never put in the effort to study are of course having a harder time, which is frustrating to me, but I can't threaten them to do anything. I'm just thankful for the peace and quiet that testing days give us teachers--- even though it gives us a ton of papers to grade, parents to call, and advisors to let them know that their student isn't doing very well. Yesterday we had a special schedule, so I didn't even have one period off... at all... thank goodness we were just finishing notes up in each of my science classes.
I love test days! I also love movie days, sometimes we use movies instead of reading the novel like The Crucible.
I haven't had a movie date yet--- I don't think my kids would take it seriously and know that while we're watching something we have to actually look and listen too. And I'm too worried to leave a movie for them while I have a sub--- since our subs are usually our fellow teachers. I can't grade any of the quizzes tonight though, my allergies are going nuts and I don't trust myself to properly grade anything while in this state. Oh wells... back to teaching tomorrow
I'm so jealous!! I used to love test days...it was a nice break. Now that I teach kindergarten, we are constantly testing...but everything is oral!! It is SUCH a drain- and takes forever! I guess there are ups and downs in every grade though
I always split mine up. Tomorrow I test my 3 honors classes, and Friday I test my slower class. I have NEVER had a movie day
I hate testing days! It's so boring to sit up front (I refuse to look away from them because they cheat like crazy and I have a really small room--I even make THREE versions of my tests). I love movies though!!! (Even though we only watch 2 and 1/2 the entire year.)
There's one classic cartoon that we watched in math class. It was the Donald Duck one in Math Land I think. It was VERY interesting!!!
That's what I hate about what the government did to the public school system. Kids at that age should not be tested--- observed, looked over, YES! But not tested... come on! All we did was sing songs, play, color, learn our letters and numbers, learned to write our full names, and have a ton of fun! That's what I think is truly appropriate for kids that age.
I have tests tomorrow, followed by a puberty lesson for an hour (oh joy!). At least I don't have to teach that!
I agree...I spend almost all day today testing phonemic awareness skills, concepts about print, and identifying #'s 0-5...each kid individually while I kept the rest of them busy...and the fun only continue on Monday!! I think the pendulum will swing back eventually...I was never tested this much and I turned out okay (well, okay enough! :lol