I started this thread last school yr, which was quite popular in which people posted how their subbing day went. I hope you've all had great summers & are ready to dive in! Many started work again on Mon., Aug 9th, so let the posting begin!
Good idea Ms. I. Well I will be substituting for both preschools and elementary grades. Mainly K-5. I have accepted a monthlong assignment starting in mid September until mid October. The assignment will be for a Special Day Class (students with special needs) in an elementary grade. I will call the teacher to get the details on the grade level, the students' needs, what my assignment will be for, etc. I am so thrilled to receive an assignment for an entire month! I hope everybody here has a wonderful new school year.
I've been LTSing summer school and taking credential classes. I'll be REALLY glad for time off starting next week. Then my district starts up again mid-September.
Thank you Ms. I. I hope you will have a fantastic year. Special-t I hope that you have the well deserved break and enjoy it. A fantastic year to you too!
Hello mizzkaren. Well I am already signed up to sub in two preschools and I am already getting assignments. As for elementary school I will work in a SDC class starting in mid September-mid October. I am excited to begin!
myownwoman, that's great about the preschool jobs! I used to work at a very prestigious preschool here until a few months ago as a floater for 6 weeks to 6 years and I really liked it.
Today was my 1st day of subbing for the new yr, but it was at a school & for an SLP I'm very, very used to. What was ridiculous is that this was the end of only the 1st wk of school & NONE of the 3 copiers worked in the workroom! One was out of toner & something was wrong w/ the other 2. I had to go to the ofc to mk copies & I hate going into the ofc where the bitchy ofc mgr & clerk are. Then in the 2 teacher restrooms, there were no paper towels! Why are things not fully stocked & ready to go at the start of the yr?!
Oh that's too bad Ms. I. Maybe the custodian overlooked the supplies for the teachers? I know that does not make any sense lol. I hope everything is fully stocked by next week!
There's an SLP, but she's so busy, she can't work w/ the kids, so she needs me once or maybe twice a wk. The district actually just hired 4 new part-time SLPs.
Yay, I'll be subbing at the same school every Fri for probably the ENTIRE school yr (yes, the one w/ the nonworking copiers & bitchy ofc secretaries). So far, it's only Fridays because that's the only day I'm avail for the next 3 mos. After that, I'm sure I'll have more subbing days.
I grabbed a job only to have it taken away. Turns out the teacher had someone she wanted the subbing people to call. Plus, it was the first day of school in a special ed class. When I got the call to cancel it literally less than a minute after grabbing the job I was told "You don't want this one." I think I can live with that.
Ms. I, Congrats! Waffles, They don't know what they're missing! YAAAY! I just accepted my very first job! I will have to let you guys know how it goes. I'm so excited and nervous! It's for second grade.
Yipee!!! I literally just snagged a middle school job for the same district for a 2nd part half day on Wednesday, too.
I can't really get mad when the teacher had someone in mind already. And the subbing people never pull me off of anything. In fact, they save jobs for me that they think I'll enjoy. So if they told me I didn't want it I trust them on that.
KateA & Ms I., thank you! I'm excited and I will be letting you know how my first experience goes soon! Waffles, that's really good. It is awesome that they know you so well and try to give you what they think you will like the most!
-I have another half day for 5th grade tomorrow! -Tuesday I start school and my field experience. -Wednesday I have a half or a full day for middle school english. -Thursday I have school again. -Friday I have a part time job unless if I'm offered another sub job to replace it!
Well, tomorrow's it! I start a new 3-month SLPA job at a speech clinic that's M-Th & a 40 min drive 1-way (the farthest I've ever driven for a job), PLUS the start of new online college classes at 2 colleges I've never attended before! Then, every Fri, it's subbing at the usual school I'm used to. mizzkaren, good for you! Hopefully your 1st day was a POSITIVE adventure!
Ms. I, thank you! It was a VERY good experience! I can't wait to go back to a second grade room to try out different things. It sounds like you're really busy as well! :thumb:
I took the summer off from AtoZ, but I'm back to subbing already! One of my school districts started on August 11th. They are going to be constructing all new school buildings - 3 elementary, 1 middle, and 1 high school. So, they're starting really early this year, but won't start until September 12th next school year. My first day of subbing was last week for a first grade teacher. When I arrived at the school, there was NO PARKING LOT! It was all fenced off for the construction. I had to drive around to the far side of the school and park on the street. The day went OK, just one problem kid. Last Friday, I went to another school to sub for a 4th grade teachers. I'm back today for her. She has some repiratory problems, so she's out sick. With this heat, it really makes things miserable!!! I'm teaching language arts to her class this morning and then repeating everything this afternoon. The kids are really good! Looking forward to a great day!
No work for me today but I am going in this afternoon to meet with the teacher I am replacing for the next three weeks. The weather is horrible today, wet and cold (still Winter here in Aus) so I am hoping it gets better in the next few weeks. Hope all the subs returning to work in the USA get plenty of work with well behaved classes
Ms. I it's that hot in SoCal? The mini heat wave has disappeared, bringing in a mix of cool weather with fog/low clouds to the Bay Area. We might have a chance of rain on Sunday!
Two days of not working, not good. But I also grabbed 6 days in the future so I think it will work out.
myownwoman, yes it was uncomfortably, very hot all this wk, but they said it will be cooler this weekend. So, 1 wk of my SLPA job is down. The thing I do NOT like about my job is the way I get paid. I normally have to come in at 8:30 because the 1st client is seen at 9am, then I leave btwn 3p & 5pm depending on the # of clients that day. The small private clinic I work at doesn't pay by the hr, but by the # of clients that day ($25/client for an hr long session), so for ex, if I expect to have 6 clients that day, but 1/2 of them cancel, I only get paid for those remaing 3, but I can't always push them up to earlier times & leave earlier due to the clients' availability, so I may have a client, then have 2 hrs to kill, then another client, then 3 hrs more to kill, etc. So much time is wasted & I'm driving 40 min 1-way for this particular job! I could be doing other things & many times I'll make more in a day subbing! I don't like how that works at all, so all I can say is it's a good thing this is only temporary (3 mos) because I need it for my univ program requirement.
Ms. I that doesn't sound like a great way to get paid...especially if you get some no show-ers I start my 3 week contract tomorrow. Little dissapointed it is under contract, could do the same thing on supply and earn double the money but ohh well. Haven't worked in a very long time and feeling very nervous about it :s It's grade one and I know there is no set planning, spoke with the teacher last week and she showed me some things she wants me to do but I have to pretty much do up my own work...so will try and get all the planning done tomorrow so at least I know where I'm heading
14 more school days...give me strength... They were non-stop talking and doing the wrong thing, I wrote out behaviour forms and they didn't care. I took them to the science lab & they played up for the 2 aides, also played up for the NCT teacher and annoyed me the whole time while I was trying to plan (that I had to bring home, nothing was left for me) And I got a brand new student today on top of two new ones that came last week. They are a nightmare...I blew my whistle at them while we were playing a game and got no response...I have to make them sit down and do things step by step or if I turn my back for one second they go feral...give me strength give me strength give me strength...lol
Yay! I'm able to be on my laptop here at work! Now I can keep up w/ my online classes & not be bored during the downtime. Miss Snix, I'm sure these 2 wks can't be over soon enough, but I hope you can mk the best of it!
3 weeks Mr. I...3 weeks (not counting weekends, but am sure as heck couting down those days lol) Today was a tiny bit better and a tiny bit calmer. I used their tickets they get when they do something right (that then go into a big box and tickets get pulled out at whole school parade and they get a prize) as bribery err I mean behaviour management lol It worked for the most part anyway. I think the longer they have me the calmer they will get, usually the way...just hoping so. I have one child who just will not sit down and work but walks around annoying/fighting with others, I've had to send her to another classroom at one point so I can focus on actually teaching the rest. But I saw them with the music teacher today and they were a lot more worse for her, so at least I know it's not me. But I am getting there with them...just one day at a time lol
I got a netbook a few months ago. I'm so excited about being able to use it for homework during downtime.
That's great, I like those mini laptops! Getting a new computer's always exciting. When I go to Europe in 2012, I want to get one of those. What brand did you get & what made you decide on that one? I've only had Dells.
Third day in, I got my first call today. Kids were pretty good. Of course it was middle school, which I totally prefer to the high school with its block scheduling and silly 3pm rule.