I'm just wondering how long other people spend with their spouse in the evening to see if we're also in the norm :lol: Ever since my husband has had a longer commute, it obviously means shorter time in the evenings to really talk because he needs his own unwinding time (who doesn't?!) which I understand but I'm also eager to talk with him about our days and any other issues. We usually end up doing our own thing (like laptop or watch tv) in the same room but it doesn't feel like we get much talking in the evenings. He likes different shows than I do so unless I pick a show out, I'm not interested in his shows. I would say we have about an hour of talking/watching the same show together and the rest is whatever we want to do time, independently. I also go to bed earlier than him but I've been staying up later just to "visit". We don't even have kids yet and I hope he can get home earlier when we do have kids so the weeknights don't feel so rushy with talking and personal time.... When I stay up too late for me, I feel it the next day so that's been tough on me but I don't have an early morning job (it's in the afternoon) so I've been making some changes but I need to get back to more sleep.
My fiancee goes to work at 3 PM so I don't see him in the evenings. Now that school is out we have more time together though.
We probably only hang out together for a little over an hour. After that he goes to his "man cave" where he plays X box and I stay upstairs and get on here. :lol: We spend a lot of time together on the weekends. I will say we get on each others' nerves a bit when we're off for several days together. He's taking vacation time this summer due to surgery. I'll need a break at some point (and so will he).
I don't see my husband much in the evenings. He gets home late from work and most of the times when he gets home we don't watch the same shows. He's into soccer and I'm into Mexican soaps. On top of that, he likes to stay late and I like to go bed early. We mostly spend more time together on weekends.
We usually have about 4 hours of time together. That time is spent making an evening meal, sometimes together. We eat in front of the television. Conversations are generally short. Tomorrow night he is mowing the lawn and I am cleaning the house, so we will greet in passing and laugh about it.
We live in a small apartment now that we moved away for his new job. Sooo, right now he is playing x-box and I am on here. We are still hanging out but doing what we want to do. In a little bit, we are going running together. We spend time with each other from around 5:30 to when it's time for bed.
Right now, 0 because he's 8 hours away! Normally when he's here, it's normally from about 5-10 when we go to bed.
Dh gets home around 6. Always have dinner together and chat. We are asleep by 11. In between he reads, I watch tv, we may go to the gym together if I am not too exhausted. Tomorrow I will clean but we have plans to cook dinner together
It's all or nothing around here. We are either together 24/7 or don't see each other at all. Right now he's staying at the farm, so I may see him once a week unless I go there, too, which I can't do during the school year. Next week we're taking a vacation, so we'll be together the whole time.
Normally about 2 hours of full attention when I get home from school we hang out cook together and eat dinner together. My husband works from home so he is already here when I get home. He does go out of town for business a few nights a month so we spend no time together then. Once we finish eating he normally watches TV while I grade papers or browse the internet. We are in the same room but not really spending time together.
My hubby gets home at about 4pm but Friday is his last day of school and then he'll be home 24/7. During the school year, he gets home about 4pm, maybe 4:30pm, and we catch up and talk about our days, gossip, walk the dog, etc until 6pm. We eat the majority of the time between 6pm and 7pm. After 7pm we'll watch shows together or play some Xbox Kinect. We are in bed ready to go to sleep about 11pm and then we talk for 30 or so minutes- I get a nightly backrub- and then we go to sleep. This has been our day to day schedule for the past 3 years.
We are fortunate to leave for work at the same time, together, to the same place, and return at the same time. We usually take our nap together, and then I get up to cook dinner (I typically go online before my nap), at which point he goes on the computer, and then we will eat together. When done, he'll return to the computer, and I will go back to sleep shortly after. So, we are together, but not necessarily spending time together except for our nap (and not always that...he'll often nap on the sofa, while I prefer the bed) and dinner.
My DH gets home around 6. We eat, work in the garden, then watch TV. He goes to bed at 10 every night of the week. I stay up late. Since the washer and dryer are in the hall next to the Family Room, I wait until he goes to bed to finish up that day's laundry. I stay up late, and do a lot of housework.
I get home around 5:00 and since DH is retired he is always home when I get there. We talk, have dinner, and watch baseball. I go to bed by 9:30 and he stays up later, so we have a bit more than 4 hours together each evening. On the weekends we are together 24/7. It is very rare that one of us goes somewhere without the other.
Every day is different. If I'm working my 2nd job I see him sometimes only for a few minutes before I crash into bed. If he's with a customer (his 2nd job is a home business) then we also don't see eachother much. I tend to go to bed early so the only time we "hang out" is maybe when we're both only working 1 job that day and will watch tv, take the dog for a walk, etc.
I teach from home and Rockhubby is working on new inventions while looking for a full-time gig. We see each other a LOT, which is unusual, I'm sure. We don't always talk when we're sitting in the same room but definitely have our "together time" watching and discussing Letterman.