Today I meant to clean the whole house. Nice afternoon after church, Husband was thrown a high-paying security gig, one kid fell asleep. Then I had an uncomfortable medical incident of the TMI variety. Later, when trying to put my girls to sleep, I decided their room was messy. So myself and the bigger one picked up... and then swept, mopped, switched out an old shelf, brought in another one from the library, organized some dolls and toys on it and the room looks very nice... Now, I'm sitting in my messy kitchen and the laundry room is still a disaster. Now, Husband is very good at doing chores if I tell him to do so, but we're not naturally super-tidy people. How do you keep your homes clean if you do so?
It's just me in my apartment. Really the cat is the one creating all the mess . I try to clean every Sunday. It's a small apartment, so it takes 90 minutes at most. Today I ended up putting it off until 8 PM so I ended up doing it all at once. Sometimes if I'm in a lazier mood and have all day I'll do a tiny bit, take a break, do a tiny bit, etc. Occasionally I'll skip a week, but no more than that. It drives me crazy otherwise. During the week I do an okay job of picking up clutter most of the time, but I don't do much "cleaning" really.
I get out a magic wand and somehow the house becomes clean. I have a housekeeper that cleans the house.
I am not the best of housekeepers.Like Backroads, life gets in the way. Fortunately, I am moving in a few days and since we are packing up, I can now get behind the furniture and clean all the hidden dog and cat fur! My daughter, who is staying in the current house, says she is going to steam clean the house when we leave. (Since she was hired in custodial at Disney World she has become meticulous about cleaning...before that...not so much!)
I'd love to get one, they're fairly affordable in my area even for those of mediocre income just because it's been a fairly common "mom job" for people, but then I'd have to pick up things before they came...
We have a list of things we need to do, and whichever one of us gets to it does it. I don’t like clutter, so I keep things put away. We don’t have kids at home, but we have five dogs. We aren’t stickers for a completely spotless house, but everyone who has ever been here says it looks nice. Nobody needs to look on top of or underneath anything.
I would KILL for a housecleaning service. I'm slowly wearing my husband down (the $$ isn't the issue he just feels strange about having someone in the house). I loathe housecleaning. My kitchen I try to keep pretty clean because I do a lot of cooking. If someone were coming over I'd need about 30 minutes to tidy up. No, you may not come over unannounced LOL
I'm doing my holiday cleaning Friday and Saturday. Sunday I'm doing the grocery shopping, laundry and and some cooking. My problem is if I clean too many days BEFORE the holiday everything just gets untidy since I'm not the only one living in the house (untidy hubby, dog hair, etc.).Some cleaning for Christmas will have to be done the night before or morning of
Housekeeper is the way to go for me. The way I justify it is that I work really hard and I just don’t want to do anything i dislike in my spare time. We have less disagreements about cleaning so there’s a win too.
I don't have any pets and no one is visiting me that has children fortunately. A break is a break, no cleaning, no work, a little cooking, that's it. Lol
I try very hard to clean, but some days I am not the best of house keepers because life gets in the way. I always pick a day of the week (Saturday or Sunday) and designate it cleaning day. Then, I clean room by room and take a short break after I clean each room. I used to rent a two-floor town house, and I needed a day or so to clean it because it was big. My apartment now is small, so it takes about a day to clean.
I clean one room a day. Monday - kitchen, Tuesday - office, Wednesday - living room, Thursday - dining room. No cleaning Friday or Saturday. Sundays is bedrooms and bathroom. Then, I do the laundry and do a run through for clutter and the floors on Sunday as well. This way, the whole house stays relatively clean, and I only have to amp it up right before holidays. I never spend more than about 30 minutes during the week, and usually about 2 hours on the Sunday.
I have also discovered that cleaning goes quicker if I listen to an audiobook on my phone. It takes my mind off the menial tasks and I feel like I'm still doing what I enjoy (listening to books) while doing things I HAVE to do!!
I live in a super small apartment by myself, so cleaning doesn't take long... but I still just put it off until I have something more important to do (or I'm ridiculously stressed about something) and clean it all at once. Usually cleaning happens when I have a paper to write. My last deep cleaning session was last Saturday because I had two papers and a final due, so I cleaned EVERYTHING and then finally sat down to work. I still put the papers off until Sunday, but it worked out.
Cleaning done. Laundry almost done. Grocery store later today. Then just touch up as the weekend goes on. I have some baking to do .
Tonight is laundry, packing, and getting the house picked up for us to go out of town for the long weekend (we will be coming back home on Dec. 25 after spending the weekend at my parent's house).
Today I need to turn the guest room back into a livable room. I have been stacking stuff in there to take to Goodwill and consignment, and I need to sort that and get it out of there. DSS, his SO, and the grandpuppy are coming in this weekend, and the rooms needs to look decent.
Housekeeper comes 3 hours twice a month for $16 an hour...floors, bathrooms, kitchen, vacuum, dusting. It gets done in between by one of the five of us. Each son also has responsibilities each day/week...own room, own laundry, own bed sheets, dishes, shoveling/mowing, dog doo, etc. They have done this since school age.
I need to do the same thing this weekend. I also have to do a bit of work in my son's room before he flies in on Monday; my daughter has been moving things from her room in there to keep the dog from getting into them.
People have clean houses??/ LOL. I just rearranged several rooms in the house which means all the stuff that was put away is no longer put away. I have two weeks to clean the house, plan for classes at the new school and fold all the laundry that is clean, but not folded (all of the grand kids clothes, ALL OF THEM) I need a better plan lol
I always clean before breaks or vacations. It is one thing that makes me feel better. I travel to Canada over the Christmas holidays, though, so I just clean to make sure I have a clean house. I have autism, so cleaning is always something that is on my list of chores so that I can figure out how to tackle it without getting too overwhelmed.
I'm sure some people do!! Mine gets clean an then 10 minutes later I see dog hair flying off the dog, hubby leaving stuff around...UGGG! My biggest problem is floors I think. I remember years ago working with a woman who said she mopped her floors every night. I have no idea how I could do that without going bonkers LOL