For writing workshop, it was recommended that we use a word wall with high frequency words. I'm uncertain how to exactly set up the word wall. I did a search for 3rd grade high frequency words (like than/then/a lot/because/etc) and found a great list of words. I obviously shouldn't have a giant list of words on the wall the 1st day of school... so how do I start with the wall? Do I add words? How do I introduce words, since they are common to the children? Any suggestions/comments/etc would be greatly appreciated!
I introduce new words each week. You can start off easy with words they should have mastered in previous grades and then introduce more difficult words. Typically I do 4 or 5 a week. Often- I also look at their writing and find words that children are consistently spelling incorrectly and put these on the word wall as well. There are great word wall cheers out there on the web and they might be a fun way to introduce new words...
p.s. I wouldn't just put words on the word wall without teaching them because they aren't meaningful to the kids this way. It's great toward the middle of the year or even at the beginning to have the kids go through their own writing and find word wall words and edit them to be sure they are spelled correctly. You can also make a version of the ww to send home so that the kids are consistent with the words at home too! I know the parents appreciate that I send them home often with updates in order to know which words their children should know cold!
I would just wait until they do a writing baseline and see what words many have trouble with then go from there.
I agree with trayums. This year I am going to have a section in my newsletter to share the new words for the week. I'm not sure about adding spelling words. I guess it depends on the words. I stick with high frequency/sight words - but I teach 1st and don't have a "spelling program." When I introduce words I use songs. I have a song for 3 letter, 4 letter and 5 letter words. I can't remember the song for 2 letter words. The kids love to sing the words! I display the new words in a special display bb and at the end of the day on Friday we move them to the wordwall. Last year one of my boys decided that it was similar to a sports player being named to a hall of fame because the words on the wall are the "have to's" - the words they have to spell right. That made the word wall an important place to be - where all words want to go, like a hall of fame.
songs to introduce word wall words haha. Nothing too original. (and you may be sorry because they are songs that get stuck in your head... and when you're humming jingle bells in april people tend to wonder! :lol: ) 3 letter words to the tune of jungle bells: t-h-e, t-h-e, t-h-e spells the, t-h-e, t-h-e, t-h-e spells the 4 letter words to the tune of are you sleeping: t-h-a-t, t-h-a-t spells that, spells that, t-h-a-t, t-h-a-t spells that, spells that, 5 letter words to the tune of what other than Bingo: w-h-e-r-e, w-h-e-r-e, w-h-e-r-e and where was the word-o I hope you can make sense of that. I was taught one for 2 letter words, but was scrambling to take notes at the conference and missed it!
It has been said that the best way to introduce the word wall is to start with the student's names first. Talk about patterns in their names etc. So on the first day, I would have all the student's names on the word wall. Then as the weeks go on, I will introduce them to 5 at a time. I don't just put them up. Actually, I don't put them on the word wall until the end of the week because all week long we "use" the words. We cheer them in lots of different ways, so for each day Mon. - Fri. we do a different cheer. We also do an activity with the words as well each day. For example, we do Pat Cunningham's "Write, Say, Cover, Spell, Check" with them. We skywrite them. We tap them out on copies of keyboards I laminated. They type of the word on the keyboard and at the same time, learning how to manipulate a keyboard, where to find the letters, how to use the space bar etc. We also do Mystery Words games like have the teacher or a child give the rest of the class clues about a word then have the class guess the word by writing their guesses on a white board or paper. By the end of the week, the kids usually know them pretty well, then we put them on the word wall. The next week, they learn 5 more and the activities continue. These activities help the kids to not only remember that those words are on the word wall and they should use it when they are writing etc. and they should be able to recognize the words in books.
I loveeeeeee that!!!!!! I am a former music teacher so as my husband says, I have a song for EVERRRRRRRRYTHING! Nothing new single Jingle Bells in April Thank you so very much!!!!
i test them during the first week of school on the first 100 words. (I teach 2nd). I use the dolch's list in order of frequency to test them
I have an activity for each day: Monday: cut out words, introduce words by ID'ing and spelling them together, them finger trace each word and do a goofy movement to "write" the word (like write it in the air with your tongue or write it on the ground with your foot, etc.) Tuesday: "read my mind." Give a couple of clues for the word and have the kids hold up the word as you give more clues (ie, "this word has a long a vowel. This word has the same ending sound as "stand", etc.) Wednesday: "personify the words." The kids pick a couple of the words, draw a picture that represents the words they chose and write a couple of sentences explaining the picture and word choice. Thursday: alphabetize the words, glue them down onto a piece of paper, practice writing them. Friday: test on the words. I use word wall words as my spelling words. I should probably clarify that I print out the words on cardstock, and they keep them in their desks in a ziplock baggie all week. I love the songs, I'm definitely gonna use those this year. Check this out- it's a greatttttttt Dolch Kit-- totally free and LOTS of great ideas and games etc. for practicing.
What if you did it to "Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it's off to work we go?" I-s, I-s, i-s, spells is? It's not perfect, but I think it will work.
OOOOOh. It took me a few tries (had to turn off the radio!) but I think you're on to something! :2up: Thanks!!
I use Camptown Ladies to teach because. Works beautifully. B-e-c-a-u-s-e Because Because B-e-c-a-u-s-e I can spell BECAUSE!
OOOh. I liiiiike that! Thanks for sharing!! I came across this today while looking for something else. Thought I'd share it.
Young teacher, You have some great ideas! I was just reading (and copying) several of your ideas under writing folders. Thanks for sharing!!
I found another song to teach 3 letter sight words. To the tune of She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain. T - h - e spells the can't you see? T - h - e spells the can't you see? T - h - e spell the We can spell it every day T - h - e spells the yes siree