Hi, I need help passing the FTCE Prek-3rd Math section. I got 192/200 points. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks
Sorry I missed this, redrose32. Does your score report spell out domains in math that are giving you grief, or do you have some sense of specific areas with which you need help?
Taking math tomorrow, I will let you know the most useful topics to study since you are only points away. Khan Academy is great to explain any weak areas you have. But I think simply reviewing past concepts is your best bet yet. I didn't find XAMonline book to be helpful at all. Just studying the competencies (my strategy) and doing my own Google research coupled with prior math background hopefully will do it. Let's see what 4 days of cramming gets me. lol
As I mentioned in a PM to you, the MATH came back "not passed", sucks, but really doesn't seem as if it is something I cannot get through second time around. Not worry at all. Heck, 4 !/2 hrs...tires you out. Wished it was first test, not third!!! Decided to post on board (not just PM) to help others taking Prek-3rd (dont want to be selfish and take and not give back/ great website!!!). My comments after Prek-3rd: The Developmental and LA/Reading I ran through without looking at all the choices. that's how confident I was. Passed both tests easily (this is my field anyway). However, if I had not had teaching background, it could really be a challenge to some. So anyone needing help in these two sections, I can offer advice there. Science, I didn't study like I did for Developmental and LA/Reading. I winged it there but its not hard, just need to know the basics and apply to teaching senarios (key). CliffNotes (the best ever!!!) or XAMonline (so so/but helps). The science section really goes by what is actaully in the study prep guides. No trickery. Now the math (calculators not allowed/lol)...not needed but wished I had when I came to those fractions/equivalents (which they mixed an additional skill into that skill to make more complex). I know basic math plus algebra/equations (not one on test I saw), etc...so I was shocked. I NOW SEE their approach on this new test....THEY COMBINED AT LEAST TWO SKILLS WITHIN A SKILL..SO BE READY TO USE CRITICAL THINKING/STUDY THAT WAY IN YOUR PRACTICE. Ask yourself, how many different approaches this skill can be thrown at me. I ran out of time by the time I understood the format (not supplied n study preps!!!). Hope this helps others (CLIFFNOTES...HANDS DOWN THE BEST)!!! Just remember to apply the skills from CLIFFNOTES to actual teaching setting senarios (apply to real world). If you are studying with a LITERAL mindeset, you will be lost and loose time.... make APPLICATION of the skill. Test well! Just never give up! It's the money FLDOE wants and Pearson gets their cut every time we fail..don't let the system stop you.
TeacherGroupie, Yes, competency 1 and 5. Don't really know how to study for competency 1. I only study from the xamoline book.
Competency 1 in math is "Knowledge of effective mathematics instruction". Look online for Florida's content standards in math: whether or not the content standards are Common Core, they should list grade spans at which various math concepts are expected to be taught, and the chances are pretty good that FLDOE also has Web pages devoted to the teaching of math in elementary school. You could also Google for math lesson plans for grades Pre-K, K, 1, 2, and 3 - do each grade separately. Since you're using the xamonline book, use it as a source of terms to look up. That should work for Competency 5 as well.
Finally passed! You were right the common core helped a lot along with the xamoline book and other math websites. Thanks
Advice Good afternnon, I am attempting a career change and have decided to take the FTCE for Prek-3RD any and all good advice is welcomed! How should I study? How long should I study? I am from a non education background. And I am very interested in teaching. I have purchased the FTCE Secret Study Guide since it was the only recent on that has been updated Mar 2014 Thank you everyone
Prek-3rd Help ASAP!! I am also looking for advice on the prek- 3rd Test (FTCE). Any help is appreciated!! I have to pass by June 30th!
LA & Development These are the 2 sections I am worried about the most. Can someone please help me?? As I mentioned, I have to pass by June 30th!
Pre-K - 3rd Test HELP! I took my exam on Friday. I only studied for the development and language arts part. But.. I passed only the development and science. What did you use to help you study for the Language Arts/Math? I need help! I need to pass the exam next time I take it. :help:
For the development section of the exam, I would say know your people. I used the FTCE Prekindergarten/Primary Pk-3 Wynne, Sharon A. to study.
Let's form a study group in Apopka FL Hello My name is Patricia Career change and looking for a study group in Orlando Area I've taken the test twice and I am planning on taken it again would love to form a study group where we can meet twice a week and pick each brains just so we can get that edge we need to pass this test. if you're interested email me @ panayotti2003@yahoo.com.
Hi not sure if you will be able to see this but I was wondering if you can tell me what you used to pass the LA and Math? I have taken this test 3 times and still can't pass it!!!
Hi for the developmental part, I used the k-3 secret study guide it was pretty basic, and for science I have my own study guide that I did and can provide you with a copy of it. You need to study middle school science.
I would VERY much appreciate that. My email is heatherd86 at hotmail dot com (it won't let me post my email in standard format). I will be taking the exam in a few weeks, so hopefully I can share my tips at that time. Thank you!
If there is anyway you can offer suggestions on LA I would Really appreciate it. I am an ESE Para right now and getting as much back from my environment to help as possible. This will be my 3rd time on LA next week. Ive passed the other 3. I actually scored worse 173 this past month than last time 188...Im using the "study guide" and gathering all the info possible.
If you don't mind, I would love to get your science guide as well! My address is ecpcharlotte at gmail dot com. Thanks so much!
Hello, I would appreciate a copy of the science material I plan to take the test the end if this month. My email is ssmall06at msn com Thank you so much for your help and input
Hello ... I'm having such a hard time passing Science, Language, and Math. If you have any great study material I would appreciate it. My email address is Janna.Frazier at st lucie schools dot org. Thanks a bunch.
Hello, it possible can I please have a copy of the study guide you used for the science portion of the exam. It would be greatly appreciated. My email address is Fosteriab89 at gmail dot com. Thank you in advance.
Hi Heather, If you received the study guide and don't mind sharing it would you please forward it to me. My email address is Fosteriab89 at gmail dot com. Thank you
Hello Janna, If you have study material that you don't mind sharing would you please share it with me? My email address is Fosteriab89 at gmail dot com. Thank you
Hello. If you have a copy of that Science study guide you created can you please send me a copy as well. I would greatly appreciate this! my email is michelleypittman at gmail dot com
I've passed the first part but need to pass Language, Science, and Math. I'm out of field so If anyone can help with resources, study guide, advice, etc. it would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hello. I know it has been a couple years, but is it possible for you to send me the same help for Science and Math? pictureperfect worldwide at gmail
Hi, I am not sure anyone gets on anymore because it's now 2020! But I'm seeking advice on how to pass the pre k to 3rd grade subject areas, professional, and gk,as I'm not sure where to start I have been on quizlet alot, please message back! As I'm running out of options and want to talk to a real person thanks to anyone that reaches out!!!!!!!!