What are some lessons that you have learned from this year? What are somethings you learned as a teacher that you will definitely do again or never do again? We are a little over the half year point and I have learned a lot about myself as an individual and as a teacher. Some things I have learned are no matter how patient you THINK you are you can and will be tested in your patience. Success is individual. Someone may achieve a higher score, but the person who works hard to improve is truly the successful one. A cliche but always prudent, "If at first you don't succeed try, try again." Finally kids are really funny and love to smile. BUT, the also love it when you or me, the teacher, smile. So flash 'em the pearlies! Have a great day AtoZers I am excited to see what you have learned and are able to teach me.
Refer to a co-worker as an idiot within hearing distance of someone else. Apparently, I don't mumble enough.
One thing I learned to help me control my temper when dealing with the children is that I almost ALWAYS keep my door open because it reminds me not to say anything to my students that I wouldn't want their parent/the P/any random person in the hallway to hear. When I first started teaching, I used to keep my door shut all the time and I confess, when I think of some of the things I said to the kids, I cringe. Also, when I see younger grades acting foolish in the hallway, I reprimand them because they might end up being in MY class in a year or so and I want them to know that "Ms. Em doesn't play". :lol:
Sometimes we need a break from a certain student, or they need a break from us... so arrange with someone to take them when that time comes. It is better for you to both take that break before one of you (student or teacher) blow!