Anyone watching the UNC Vs. MSU game tomorrow night? If so, who do you think will win? I personally think UNC will win. They are a great time and work well together :O)
We're in mourning since UConn lost to MSU. They played terribly! However, tomorrow night we will be watching as the UConn women (we hope!) win their sixth national title.
Yeah KU lost to Michigan State but I'm rooting for Michigan State because I don't like UNC and if MSU wins then we lost to the best team in the nation!
In my bracket I had picked UNC and UCONN in the final game....I was in first place. Surprisingly I'm still in first. I'll win the whole bracket if Michigan State wins. (the other guy close enough to beat me picked UNC) I honestly don't think they'll win, but I'm really rooting for Michigan State tonight!!
I think that UNC will win, but I hope that Michigan State wins. Although, I'm still upset that no Big East team is in it.
I'll be watching! None of my teams are still in, but I'm rooting for MS. Michigan, the state, needs something to cheer about right now. I'm not a huge fan of UNC since I back Duke 100%.
I went to bed about 7 minutes into the second half. I was completely shocked by how MS played! They were a completely different team on Saturday.
Franklin St. here in NC went crazy. We were there until about 2...CAN YOU SAY NUTS??? It was a wonderful experience. Who needs 70,000 fans right? Sorry, I just feel like showing my excitment! Now back to report cards