FTCE Pk-3 Exam

Discussion in 'Multiple Subject Tests' started by s.shaw, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Mar 20, 2017

    I recently took this exam and I did not pass. Since I'm on a tight time frame to pass this exam, I am scheduled to take it again next month in April, but I was wondering if anyone can offer any suggestions on what resources they used to successfully pass this exam. I do have the XAM online Pre K-3 book and since I do not have my score report yet, it's hard to judge on what my weak areas are.

    I have reviewed math material on Khan and I've Googled some things to further expand my knowledge, but I am completely lost as to how to successfully prepare and past this test. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Loren

    Loren New Member

    May 22, 2017
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    May 22, 2017

    Did you pass? I have taken the developmental knowledge portion 5 times. It is keeping me from getting my bachelor's degree... I have studied everything, I don't know what else to do.
  4. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    May 22, 2017

    I've taken this test 2 times. The 2nd time I received a 197 in Developmental Knowledge and all I used was the XAM online Pre K-3 book. I haven't passed any of the sections yet the second time My scores were very close, it sucks because I almost passed all 4 sections! I honestly have no idea what else to use to study and review from.

    As hard as it is, I try to remember what were some of the questions that stumped me and try to find information on those subjects. That's what I did the second time I took it and I'm not sure if that's what helped me, but my score did improve. So here I am yet again getting ready to take it again next month. Is that the only section you need to pass? What did you use for the other sections, I need help with everything! Paying the retake fee is killing me!
  5. Loren

    Loren New Member

    May 22, 2017
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    May 22, 2017

    Yes, it is the only section I need to pass in order to get my Bachelor's degree. It stinks! I went in for the first time and didn't study and passed those sections. But I have a friend who used the FTCE secrets study guide book and she said that helped a lot.
  6. aspire2teach

    aspire2teach Rookie

    Sep 26, 2016
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    May 22, 2017

    Hello. I'm not sure if I can offer much help because I haven't taken the test yet but I've heard of a company called Learning Liaisons that have very good reviews. They have a Video on Demand course that is offered for Prek-3 for like $50 that may help you pass. I plan to use them to help me pass the test along with the XAM book that I recently purchased. Any study tips anyone can provide to help me out will be greatly appreciated!
  7. Cmac02

    Cmac02 New Member

    May 22, 2017
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    May 22, 2017

    Hi. I just signed up to take this exam again. I printed out the free study guide. I passed it over 10 years ago but I need to take it again now. Any suggestions?
  8. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Jun 12, 2017

    I recently took the test again and it seems I'm getting closer to passing. I finally passed something! I passed the first 3 subtests, but did not pass the Science so that is the only one I need to pass. I have to wait about 3 weeks before I find out what my score is, but the second time I took this test I got a 192, so I wonder if I scored the same, better or worse. That was my 3rd time taking this test. I pretty much continue to use the same resources, I have the XAMonline Prek-3 book, I signed up and have a paid subscription with ixl ( I used it mostly for the math and science) I also tried to remember those questions and the key words that stumped me and researched those topics, and lastly I have also used The Learning Liaisons, but I signed up for that course the first time I tested, but I remembered the strategies taught and just kept applying that each time I took the test.

    If anyone has taken and passed the science portion. What resources did you use? I sort of remember some of the topics on the test, but some of those things aren't in the XAMonline book I have and with the ixl website they aren't there also. So if anyone has any other resources they used, could you please share them with me? Thanks!
  9. Gina Rodriguez

    Gina Rodriguez Rookie

    Jun 24, 2017
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    Jun 24, 2017

    Wednesday is my test day and from reading all these posting I see Ive been studying from the same sources as everyone, my friend, we study together, she took it last Friday and did not pass Developmental and LA, she said most of the test were scenarios and questions about teaching strategies, kind of assessment to apply to scenarios, even IEP questions??? Im studying until the day I take it but will appreciate any recommendation or resources anyone want to share .
  10. Cmac02

    Cmac02 New Member

    May 22, 2017
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    Jun 28, 2017

    I am taking it tomorrow. I've been using the same book as everyone else but also have been using Quizlet. People make their own quizzes based on the test. It looks like a good resource we will see tomorrow
  11. Gina Rodriguez

    Gina Rodriguez Rookie

    Jun 24, 2017
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    Jun 28, 2017

    I took my test and passed developmental and science, I will take it again at the end of July, need to finished the test this year, I just missed my opportunity to teach pre k in August but I'm determined I will pass next time, good luck on your test! I used Quizlet too , testing was more scenarios and applying assessments and theories, nothing about any of the men , only one Piaget question in the whole test.
  12. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Jul 14, 2017

    Glad t

    Yay! At least you passed 2 sections of it! I just needed to retake the Science part which I took today, but surprisingly I didn't get my unofficial score report, it only said "receipt of completion" is this something new? This was my 5th time taking this test and I always either get a pass/no pass unofficial copy. Has anyone else received this "receipt of completion"?
  13. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Jul 15, 2017

    It probably means that you were taking a version of that specific test that's new enough that Pearson is still collecting data to determine how raw scores will map onto scaled scores.
  14. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Jul 15, 2017

    Yes, I just checked and it says that there is currently a scoring delay for that test. So now I just have to wait patiently for my score to post it says within 5 weeks.
  15. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Jul 15, 2017

    Ah, then that suggests that you're dealing with a revised test (that is, the test standards themselves have changed) rather than with a new version of an existing test.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  16. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Jul 16, 2017

    Ok, thank you for explaining it to me, now I have a better understanding of what's going on.
  17. Frazierj03

    Frazierj03 New Member

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Jul 21, 2017

    Ok soooo Im a little confused so does this mean this test is being revised and will be a totally different test now? ..... I just signed up today to retake this test AGAIN and I just need to make sure that Im studying the right material!!! If anyone know of any great study material pleaseeeeeeee let me know!!! Thanks
  18. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Jul 21, 2017

    The likelihood that everything has changed is pretty low. I assume you have downloaded or printed the Competencies for the version for which you expected to be preparing. Find the newest version of the Competencies online. If it bears the same date or version number as yours, you're fine. If it doesn't, identify where it's different: look for additions, subtractions, and rephrasings. You might also see if there's been a change to the state content standards in any of the curriculum areas that PreK-3 covers. (If I were a betting woman, I'd bet that the English/language arts standards now reflect more non-fiction reading and writing and that the science and math standards now stress subject-area literacy. Social studies standards in most states have focused more than math and science standards have on ensuring that students acquire the vocabulary and phrasings of the field and of academic language, so I'd expect less movement there.) Go to the FLDOE webpages that discuss changes and updates to the state standards; the documents there can give you a good overview of what to expect in the standards themselves.
  19. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Aug 4, 2017

    Finally received my score and I have now passed all parts for the Pre k-3! Now it's time to prepare for the General Knowledge test.
    Gina Rodriguez likes this.
  20. aspire2teach

    aspire2teach Rookie

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Aug 4, 2017

    Congratulations on passing and thank you for sharing the update! I finally took the Learning Liasions course and have the XAM Prek-3 book but I just get so overwhelmed when looking at this material not having any educational background. Please share any study tips you used to get through this exam! Thank you!
  21. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Aug 5, 2017

    Thank you. Yes, I used the Learning Liaisons also, I found them to be a great source to use as far as guiding you on strategies to use towards answering the questions and tracking your time, etc. they don't provide much for content matter but he does suggest to use the XAM online book which I used as well. In addition to using XAM online I also used IXL website to me it was extremely beneficial for the math and science subtests it gives great practice but it does cost $19.99/month but you can cancel at anytime. I know that khan academy is a free resource that can be used, but to me I found IXL to be better.

    I thought I took this test 5 times, but I actually took it 4 times but I can say that each time I took it I made a mental note of the questions and topics that stumped me. As soon as I was done with the test, and I was in my car I would take out my phone and make a note of those questions that stumped me while it was still fresh on my mind and I would then later research what information I needed to know pertaining to those topics, I believe that helped me A LOT! Yes, I would have loved to have passed this test on the 1st try, but I think the constant exposure to the test helped me know what topics it was I needed more information on to successfully pass.

    I hope I was helpful, I know everyone learns and processes information differently, but these methods is what worked for me. I wish you good luck on your turn taking this test and can't wait for you to say you PASSED it!
    Gina Rodriguez likes this.
  22. Autnixhall45

    Autnixhall45 Rookie

    Aug 12, 2017
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    Aug 12, 2017

    I've taken the prek-3rd test 3 times. Passed development and science first time, reading second time, and just took math for the 3rd time this week. Don't know my score yet. But I have a feeling it could go either way. Anyone else having trouble with math? I'm tired of taking this test! It's way too expensive and I want to be able to get a teaching job. Anyone else having trouble with this exam?
  23. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Aug 12, 2017

    I know how you feel. I had to retake that test 4 times before I actually passed it. On my 3rd try I passed everything, but science on the 4th try I finally passed the science section. With the score delay I just received my PASS score last week, so now I'm waiting for Statement of Eligibility from DOE, I'm going for a temporary license but I probably won't be able to teach until 2018-2019 school year a lot of positions have been filled and there's only a few left. In the mean time that gives me a chance to pass the GK test.

    For the math portion of Pre K-3 I simply used ixl.com you do have to pay for a subscription, but it helped me tremendously! I used them for the math and science which costed me $19.99/month, but since you only need the math I believe it cost just $9.99/month I only used grade 3 math for review, also I printed out the competencies and matched it to the lessons on ixl if they didn't have it then I Googled it, but for the most part they have everything you need to review.

    It was one thing in the grade 5 math that I found was on the math subtest, I would have to look at my notes and see what it was, but again ixl helped me big time! I started using it after I failed the math my second try and on my 3rd try I passed it. Hopefully when you get your score you will see PASS and not have to worry about it any more, but if not ixl is another great resource to use.
  24. Autnixhall45

    Autnixhall45 Rookie

    Aug 12, 2017
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    Aug 12, 2017

    Thank you! I hope I passed it this time and I know it would be by barely. I know already I may have gotten 10 wrong. Some of the math was not 3rd grade. I was wanting to teach this year and I still can. In my county there are 100 positions that need to be filled all over the news. I'm in Polk County. If I didn't pass I will look up that website. I'm terrible at math! General knowledge is going to be a pain! Let me know how that goes. What is worse is that my degree is non education. It's in public administration. So I've had to teach myself all this stuff.
  25. Autnixhall45

    Autnixhall45 Rookie

    Aug 12, 2017
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    Aug 12, 2017

    S.shaw, what is your email address?So we can keep in touch in this process. It's nice to have someone who is going through this also.
  26. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Aug 12, 2017

    Yes, I know what you mean. I have a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice and a Master's in Business, but the content on these test have had me beyond stressed! I would love to keep in touch my email is s.millershaw@gmail.com
  27. Brenda1980

    Brenda1980 New Member

    Jun 6, 2018
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    Jun 6, 2018

    Where did you study to pass the test????
  28. Teachersent123

    Teachersent123 New Member

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Jun 20, 2018

    Need help to pass this test can someone share resources please
  29. Jun 20, 2018

    I used the XAMonline study guide and the learning liaison. The first time I took it I passed math and development. The 2nd time I added a k-6 study guide and passed LA. Each time I missed science by 2 question I work for a school and was given grades 2-4 science fusion books for more study guides. I am taking it on Monday so I better pass
  30. s.shaw

    s.shaw Rookie

    Sep 5, 2016
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    Jun 27, 2018

    It's been awhile since I logged on to here. There's an AMAZING Facebook group called "FTCE help- SAE GK ProED K-6 Florida Teacher Cert Exams" the group have members who are studying for these tests and those who have passed offer great tips & suggestions. One of the members Kathleen Jasper creates AMAZING study guides, her company name is NavaEd. She not too long ago has created a Pre k-3 study guide that some of you may find helpful. She didn't have that study guide when I was going struggling to pass the test, I wish she did maybe it wouldn't have taken 4 times for me to pass, but anyway glad that hurdle is over!

    Anyway, maybe you all may wish to join the group like I said there is a lot of support that goes in that group. I'm still a member of the group because now I just have one more test to pass and that's the Professional Education one, but give the group a try and also try NavaEd a try.

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