You can always read an extra book, play another game. Follow the leader, Here we go around the Mulberry Bush, I'm a Little Teapot, Dance with a scarf. Take a cheap paper plate. Students color it staple on some crepe paper, tie a string on it and go outside and fly the kite. Give them a piece of paper and have them draw a picture.
Have a fabulous great day tomorrow! I'm sure you have lots planned--I know I always have twice as much as I need! Do all of your kids start at the same time or do they stagger in?
Stagger? They arrive tomorrow morning between 8:30 and 8:50 after that they are late. Tomorrow I'll have at least three adults in the room if not four at times. Sigh it's going to be a very crowded room!
Good luck tomorrow!!! Have a wonderful day. However, you might be exhusted. Anyway, fill us in when if you make it through the day!
I too will have 3 adults (me, aid and ST) and 23 kids. Yes my room will be crowded too! You will make it out alive but you might feel as though you were beaten up Do they have a half day or anything like that?
Sorry--that really was unclear, wasn't it? That's what happens when I try to multi-task. What I was asking, in my very imprecise way, was whether all your students start on the same day. Our junior kindergarten students (and those seniors attending for the first time), don't all start the same day--they have "staggered" start days--so that there are only a few new students each day.
Ok here is my schedule what do ya'll think? 8:30 to 8:50 give out name tags at the door. Help students find their seats. Color fish. Teach lunch choices Cold or Hot lunch. Teach freeze signal (clap signal) 8:50 to 9:00 attendance and lunch count, 9:00 to 9:30 morning meeting (rules) • Introduce each student and have them say favorite color • Work on Classroom Rules • Teach chart (write each child’s name on the chart as they say it) 9:30 to 9:40 Teach bathroom procedures • how to use the bathroom • how to wash hands 9:40 to 10:10 Calendar • Month, day year, yesterday today and tomorrow • weather, • temp • days we have been in school 10:10 to 10:45 Kissing Hand activities • Read Kissing Hand • Tour of the school (office, Library, Art room, Music room, gym, café (teach where we will sit for lunch) • Guided discover on how to use crayons • Heart Activity 10:45 to 11:00 talk about playground rules. How to be safe on the playground. Go explore the playground, no playing we are learning how to be safe. 11:00 to 11:15 talk about lunch rules how to get lunch how we eat politely in the café. Wash up and head to lunch 11:20 to 11:40 lunch with students 11:50 to 12:20 my lunch 12:20 to 12:40 read or rest 12:40 to 12:50 read First Day Jitters 12:50 to 1:00 Guided discovery how to use scissors, and paste 1:00 to 1:45 Chester numbers color, cut, glue 1:45 to 2:00 recess 2:00 to 2:15 snack 2:15 to 2:55 Library 2:55 get ready to go home. 3:05 picker uppers lined up 3:15 wave 1 lined up
Oh no, I had better work on my clarity before school starts next week! We basically have a 2 year kindergarten program. 4-year olds attend Junior Kindergarten and 5-year olds Senior Kindergarten. While kindergarten is not a requirement, most children do attend. To make things more confusing, our kindergarten is a half-time program, some schools offer half-day programs, while most do all-day-alternate-day. Have a confused things completly now? Regardless, I'm giving up and going to bed-it's been a long couple of days. :sorry:
Good luck tomorrow! Your schedule sounds great. Mine needs a little more detail, too. We start on Tuesday and the children are only there from 10:40 to 2:20. I am there all day, however. I will have 30 students and no assistant. Can you say "classroom management skills"?
OHhhhhhhhh. We don't have a two yr program. They are talking about having preschool (I think just 4 yr olds) in public school. Maybe three yr olds also. Here some schools still go to half day K. I actually worked at a school that had that alternate day thingy. Monday group A came from morning until 11:00ish, than group B showed up around 12:30ish. Tuesday and Thursday Group A all day. Wednesday and Friday Group B all day. Is that what your school does?
At the risk of being more confusing than I already have been (caution--I haven't had any coffee yet) Group A--Monday, Wednesday, alternate Fridays Group B--Tuesday, Thursday, alternate Fridays Invariably, for the first few weeks of the year, Fridays are crazy--kids who are supposed to be there aren't, and kids who aren't supposed to be there are. The primary reason for moving away from half-day is because of busing--our board does not offer noon busing.
"30 no help! ACK no thank you. I'm all set. How do you meet with them all?" Answer: I have no idea! Last year I had 20 with an assistant.
Oh that makes sense. So why did someone tell me not to bother wiht all those stupid plans. I did nothing.
It was wonderful! This afternoon was a little long but the kids were really tired. The students are so freaking CUTE! One calls me Ms. Jaime B haha. Also almost got a red hand print on my butt. haha.
Horray!!! Glad that you had a wonderful day!!! Hope you can have a relaxing evening! Have fun tomorrow!!!!
I am glad you had a great first day too! How much of your plans did you not have time to do? How are their parents? I hope you weren't too bored with only having 1 grade to teach and 1 classroom to teach in .
Lets see what did i get done from my plans. Attendance took until 9:30 Morning meeting took until 10:00 Bathroom took until 10:20 Read kissing hand and tour the school Finished at 10:55 Recess explore playground 11:10 than off to lunch this afternoon rest until 12:40 Than the kissing hand, hand print until 1:45 Recess 1:45 to 2:00 than snack and off to library. what a day.