(I'm sure there must be a thread like this somewhere buried in the pages of archives, but I tried a search and couldn't really find one!) I just thought it would be nice to have a thread where we can share nice little stories about things students have said or done that really made our day. I have a few that I can think of, but I'll just share one for now to get the ball rolling It was open house at the Middle School and I was standing outside my office door to say hello/chat with my incoming students and their parents. Last year, I had taught Spanish at the elementary school, but was laid off. Many of my students were upset that I was leaving and (as of the end of the last school year) I didn't know where (or if!) I would be teaching this year, so none of them knew I'd be at the MS. Well, one of my favorite students from last year (who is still at the elementary school) was there with her older brother (who I will have this year). When she saw me, she literally put her hand over her mouth in absolute shock, came running at me with a big hug, and said to her brother "You have the BEST Spanish teacher!" I was so touched Anyone else have any cute little feel-good stories they'd like to share? (Or, maybe if you teach older students, stories that aren't necessarily "cute" :lol: but things that a kid has said or done that made you happy/feel good?)
I have one from this morning! I was standing in the hallway talking to another teacher during passing time. I saw a student who I had last year standing off to the side, waiting to speak to me, and so I said hi to her. She told me how much she missed me and my class, and how she wished she was still in it. That made me feel good for the rest of the day, particularly since she is a very quiet student and rarely speaks!
I can't wait for school to start so I have new things to share. I had a boy last year, 4th grade, that all year acted like he thought he was in middle school, he was kind of too cool for school, homework, liked hanging out with older kids after school. He was never disrespectful, but just very disinterested and unfocused. I was tough on him because he comes from a single parent home where mom was really struggling to parent him because she was working and going to school and he was with grandma a lot and she pretty much let him do whatever. Anyway on the last day of school we let the kids color on paper. They were all writing their names in fancy bubble letters or whatever. He made a card for my co-teacher and I that said "thanks for all you do for us." I could never imagine him saying those words, so seeing them written down, knowing he was thinking that and wanted to tell us that was really touching.
I love collecting new memories like this each year. I teach high school and have a few students I communicate with by text, because I've tutored them or have a relationship with the parents etc. I just had surgery and texted those kids afterward to let them know I came through alright. Most just replied with That's Good or Yay, but one kid wrote about how he was there if I needed anything, and told me that I'm a strong person and would be fine. That really got to me.
I enjoyed the other day when I told my 3rd grader she could erase the board. She went into a little touchdown dance and goes "siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" :lol:
I am missing my kiddies from last year who are nolw in 7th grade and whenever I set one foot down 7th grade hallway I am mobbed by students yelling, "Hey Ms. ____________!" I'm working on bonding with is my new students. This is only the end of my first week, but I've already had two students impulsively come up and hug me, so I guess that's a good sign.
This morning I got a ring set and a money holder. Ok so they were from the bubble gum machine. But I am wearing the rings proudly and the money holder, well Im a teacher I am always broke no money.