Hi All, I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your favorite teaching blogs. Why is the blog a favorite of yours? If you could share, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks
I like: http://www.readinglady.com/index.php?&MMN_position=1:1 Links there for comprehension strategies, readers theater and the authors blog, as well as a link to 'mosaic group'...teachers who read and discuss literacy instruction. http://oneextradegree.blogspot.com/ This is MrsNickerson's blog (member here)...she's very creative, shares her classroom ideas, and designs creative, beautiful, and well-thought out units which are available for download. Halpey, another member here, has a great website about his adventures as a K teacher. Another member (name is escaping me) has a great one on first grade. Once you get hooked on a blog, check the blogs those bloggers follow...usually great suff!
Thanks czacza! If you go to my blog (below) on the right hand side I have a blog roll of blogs I like to visit often.
I just started a blog, and am looking for followers http://gofourthwithowens.blogspot.com Some of my favorites are http://oneextradegree.blogspot.com/ also http://ladybugsteacherfiles.blogspot.com/ Also, there is www.teachingblogaddict.com which is a compilation of blog posts from other bloggers.
Oooh - Wall-E for Earth Day, love that! And I'll be a follower - always looking to support new bloggers.
I've gotten hooked on this one thanks to facebook. http://www.preschoolteacherstalk.com/ She posts some of the cutest ideas!!!!
I love http://fairydustteaching.blogspot.com It's a Kindergarten blog with CUTE and original ideas, mainly nature and art inspired.
It's not a teaching blog per se, but I'm obsessed with fedupwithschoollunch.blogspot.com. It's an Illinois teacher who documented her daily cafeteria lunches for a year. She posts a lot about food in schools and general education.
A few of my favorites: http://oldschoolteach.wordpress.com/ http://coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/ http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ I also use Google Reader to be able to easily keep all the blogs organized and know when there is a new post.
Looking for practical ideas and theory? If so I think this group of blogs is great. Lots of pics, ideas, videos, etc. There are several grade level teachers, but I look at all of them to see if I can use them in 5th. http://teacher.scholastic.com/teachingstrategies
I LOVE blogs and I follow SO many and I have lost track. Here is mine if you would like to check it out. www.fun-in-first.blogspot.com You can check out my sidebar for some of my favorites.:haha:
I'd love it if you would check out my blog. I also have links to some other great blogs on the right side. Jenn http://finallyinfirst.blogspot.com/
I'm in the process of starting mine up again. Focusing on ideas for the classroom. http://artofpossibilityforteachers.blogspot.com/
Great stuff for Elementary and Middle School are posted here: http://sciencemade4middleschool.blogspot.com/ AND http://engaginglessonsandactivities.blogspot.com/
Thank you all for sharing the links! I've added them to my favorite list! I'm only just starting to blog. Here's my link: http://6thgradelearners.blogspot.com. Feel free to stop by, follow me, and comment!