ELD Rotations/English Only

Discussion in 'Elementary Education' started by mmartinramos187, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. mmartinramos187

    mmartinramos187 New Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Aug 24, 2014

    Hello. I am starting my 2nd year in 2nd grade! At my school we do ELD rotations. I am teaching the high English Only students. I also taught this last year. However, I struggled last year on what to teach them. So I ended up doing some writing. I would love to hear what other people teach their EO group or some ideas! Thank you!
  3. ktdclark

    ktdclark Comrade

    Dec 4, 2012
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    Aug 24, 2014

    science, social studies, art...!!
    We do ELD rotations at my school in second grade and rotate the ELL levels through 3 teachers. I teach the same "lesson" only change it up depending on EL level of the current rotation. For the all ELLs and EOs, we work on lots of academic language, both oral and written with vocabulary work around the topic.
    So for example, I did the art rotation last year and did a lesson around lines in art. Kids had to describe art pieces and the use of lines (horizontal, diagonal, vertical, thick, thin...etc) and then create their own piece of art and write about it using the art vocab.
  4. mmartinramos187

    mmartinramos187 New Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Aug 24, 2014

    sounds great!

    That sounds great! But I think I stated it wrong. I guess it's not really a rotation because the kids don't really rotate. I have the same EO group all year. I just get some kids from other classes and some of mine go to other classes as well.

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