Well for practical purposes there's a sign in/out binder but the reality is that most of us don't use it. The P is of the mentality 'have to have this available but I don't care much about it' so neither do we.
As of last year, we don't have to sign in or sign out unless we are leaving for some reason during the school day.
There is a sign in/out binder in the office for use by visitors, students and parents (if students are being signed out in the middle of the day).
We sign in, but not ot (unless you are leaving campus during the school day). I don´t mind, but sometimes it can be a pain because often the office opens after I get to school. They leave the sign in sheet outside, but then that means I can´t check my box, and that means I need to make another trip over there during the day.
For real. We don't sign in or out. If we are not going to be there or are going to be late for some reason we just call the office. Or, if we have duty in the morning, we call another teacher to cover for us.
My last school didn't require us to sign in/out except when we were leaving campus for something or professional development days before/after school started. At this new district, we do have to sign in/out.
I didn't know so many fellow teachers had to sign in and out. I guess that makes me feel less annoyed. I wouldn't have a problem with it except the office closes like 30-60 minutes after school. And we don't have a key to get in. I've only been on the job for 5 days and already 4 of those days I was locked out of the office and can't sign out because I was so preoccupied with doing my classroom stuff.
We have to sign in, but not out and it can be done from our classroom computers instead of having to use the one in the office.