I post here and on one other teacher board. I don't however tell anyone at school that I do this. Not that I don't want them here to share ideas, chat etc...it's just that I like having my own "private" space and want to stay anonymous. So who else doesn't tell? Or, do you share this site with friends and faculty members?
I always assume that my principal is reading over my shoulder. But, no, I don't think I've ever mentioned it. Then again, with 2550 kids and a faculty of over 100, there's always some breaking news at school to discuss
I have told a few people. I am always very careful when describing situations to be as diplomatic as possible and leave out anything identifiable!
I've never mentioned it. It's my secret. I try to write like Aliceacc- like someone is over my shoulder.
I've told people, because when I see something great, I copy it and share it with others I think may be interested.
Also--I;m so uncreative with my name, and if anyone knew me, and saw those initials, they would know it was me. I really should come up with something more secretive, huh? I'm just not good with that though, cause I always worry it will sound dumb.
I am relatively new to this, but I have not told anyone that I post here. I hope to remain as anonymous as possible!
well, not intentionally!! Well, thanks to IrishDave, I think we almost gave up about everything when we told our age! and then told everyone 'what area do you teach?' and now we are 'goin' hog wild' in the 'Ugh don't say that' thread...so we are letting out all kind of secrets! I am so paranoid I never mention my kid's name! Notice my trademark...."I told ________ to get to her room." but, hmmm..I did say I lived in southern california. Now I live in Chicago. Teach pre-k, Head Start. if you had my ss# you could look me up under Illinois State Board of Education and find my credential! ooops! probably put that in a thread somewhere when I thought I was in Amazon.com! I remain.... Master Pre-K secretly unknown to Speed Racer, his long lost sister who ran away years ago....
I haven't shared this forum with anyone from school. Not that I wouldn't, I guess, I just haven't. I do make sure to try to remain diplomatic and tactful in regards to my colleagues and admins. I just pretend that my posts are being printed and posted in my principal's office and in the faculty lounge. Would I be embarrassed about anything I'm saying here? If so, I won't say it.
I have not told anyone that I post here (excpet my husband). I share the site with people, but leave out the fact that I read and post on the discussion boards. Like others, I try to write like someone is watching over me, or trying to figoure out who I am.....so I try to leave things as obscure (sp?) as possible.....Its my little secret!
I used to visit this site when I first started teaching and loved to look through it for ideas and lessons. I didn't ever go on the discussion boards. I have told people about the site but not that I post on it. (only my husband) I try to write like someone is watching but I also want to write to find out the answers, if you know what I mean. Sometimes, with people you work with, you have to be more...I don't know, walking on eggshells sometimes. But here, no one knows who I am so I can be honest and tell it like it is, so to say. I know you will be honest back with me.
I try to remain as anonymous as possible. I try not to say anything bad or revealing, but I would feel strange if I knew somone from my school was on here and knew who I was. When I write, I try to remember that someone could be on here, so I need to leave out any identifying details.
maybe they should know! Copied from my, "help...my college instructor hates me" thread. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yes friends, I am back. I just got a call from my instructor. Gave me the 'sandwich' approach...you know, something good, something bad, and something good at the end. Says to me, "I really liked your lesson plan, and I want to know if we could use it in class. I don't think the class understands what I want. There are a few things you didn't do, and I want you to fix them. You can get a better grade, because the class and I will tell you what needs fixing." The old me would have only heard, "you can get a better grade" The new me only heard, "I don't think the class understands what I want." Duh! And you think a week before finals is a good time to do a show and tell??!!
must read.."Help, my college instructor hates me" first! started summer school class. Woman refuses to call me my name, or calls me anything but! Always sarcastic, and jokes when people ask questions. Never answers questions, "what do you think?" is her response. Must also read, "NCLB, love it, hate it?". Question is, should teachers bear the blunt of low test scores? I say there are many issues out there, but yes, some of us could use some refresher courses. Exhibit A. My last post. If this teacher visits AtoZ, hopefully she will realize that she should brush up on her skills!
My husband and good friend know, but that is it as far as I know. Someone who knew me could possibly figure it out, and I wouldn't have a problem with it. I actually hate being anonymous because I really want to share some pictures and my website, but I'm afraid I've posted something I wouldn't want my colleagues reading. I'm just very opinionated at times, and...well, I don't know. JustMe I remain.
I have mentioned it too... but feel like I don't say anything on here that I wouldn't say to them (or at school for that matter).
oh yeah, have you seen my 6 am and 1:46 am posts?? :woot: what did I do before you AtoZ??? where have you been all my life? I see emails from my friends hidden between AtoZ emails! What will I do when I go back to college and work in August?? I think I will definitely come back for help with my research papers!!!
support group starts on Friday, 8/10.... those who have started back to work...can meet on saturday 8/11 we will discuss... how to wean ourselves... how to actually brush our teeth and have breakfast before coming to AtoZ how to go to bed at a decent hour and when we return to college and/or work, how to come back to AtoZ for serious, pressing issues only... not for silly stuff like ...well, don't want to mention anything...we have all had silly stuff!!! In good taste, of course! except on weekends... when we have done the laundry.. sign up in the "Procrastinators Anynomous" thread !
At a technology inservice before school started a year (or was it 2) ago, one of the teachers was surfing around and landed on this website. She stumbled onto a post that I had submitted, and loudly asked "hey! is this you?" So much for anonymity! :lol:
my username is my same as at school (guess i didn't consider the anonymity issue when i signed up!) plus...she recognized the post as somthing that i do in my classroom.