Random question as I'm working on my classroom birthday chart for the upcoming year. Do you tell your students when your birthday is? Do you put your birthday on your classroom birthday chart?
I don't have a problem with my students knowing. I don't go out of my way to tell them, but I don't keep it a secret either.
My students know when my birthday is...just not the year! I share the same birthday with 2 of my students and one of my parents. Since I teach the same students for several years in a row, the families and I get quite familiar.
We make birthday glyphs on one of the first few days of school. I make mine as s sample and put up on the class display (the paras in my room last year also made glyphs). On my birthday I bring snack to share
My students always find out because my co-teacher tells them. It is kind of nice, actually. I enjoy sharing my special day with them.
Yes. I've always included myself in the birthday chart and on the calendar. They also ask. They want to know! I like when they know because they make it more special.
I put it on my birthday chart, and the principal announces staff birthdays along with student birthdays on the announcements. Two years ago my students wished me a very happy 200th birthday. LOL
No one here gets cake - food police. I leave my birthday off all calendars. Since I am obviously not just out of school, I don't want "happy birthday" to be followed by "how old are you? I bet you're 80." If it gets to age, my response is all over the spectrum, but "older than dirt" seems to stump them the most.
My students know mine because I write a problem of the day to figure out what year I was born and how old I am. Luckily, so far, they are always surprised at how old I am! Then I hear about how I am older than their grandparents!
I don't post anyone's birthdays in my classroom, but when my parents had a floral arrangement in the shape of a birthday cake in honor of my 45th, my students got the idea.
Somehow, they ALWAYS find out. Many will ask you, and also ask how old you are and inform you that you are older than their parents, and some tell me I am older than their grandparents. That's some young pregnancies. Anyhow, I think it sort of helps in your connection with the kids.
I have never thought my birthday is a big deal and stopped celebrating it when I turned 18 -- I'm 25. I prefer commemorating other people's birthdays, though, because I like seeing people smile when I give them a thoughtful gift.
I don't keep it secret, but then again, I'm never really asked nor does it ever come up. It's smack dab in the middle of summer break.
To be fair, I'm not of an age that would end up leading to any drama The kids think I'm 20 (on the days that I shave), but I'm in the "boring" age range right now. Not over the hill, no white hairs, etc... I'm enjoying the lack of comments while they last