Curious why parents and other adults don’t actually play?

Discussion in 'General Education' started by SharedAccountWith3, Jan 13, 2025.

  1. SharedAccountWith3

    SharedAccountWith3 Rookie

    Jan 27, 2022
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    Jan 13, 2025

    When your child wants to race you at the playground on the kiddie rock wall, why is there this assumption that your child can’t actually race you? Instead it seems that grown-ups will just barely move, and act like the Kiddie wall is the hardest thing ever. Why not actually climb, and actually race your child like they are wanting you to do? The whole point of a rock wall races to see who can get to the top first. And the child just needs to climb a little bit faster next time to win genuinely.

    It is the same thing when a child wants to arm wrestle with them the adult seemingly barely even does much of anything, and it is very obvious that they are just straight up letting their kid win. Why doesn’t the adult actually put in effort when they arm wrestle? Why not actually challenge your kid, the whole point of arm wrestling is to see who is stronger. If the opponent loses then they just need to provide a little bit more strength.

    I have also noticed this when parents have a running relay race with their child. Why don’t the parents actually run? Instead they will sort of do this really awkward walking, and they end up just letting their kid win. The whole point of a running race is to see Who is going to get there first. Why not actually run and actually challenge your kid? Your child just needs to run a little bit faster next time to actually be able to win.

    If you were to play with a friend it’s not any different. Why would you automatically assume that your friend can’t play? If you’re going to arm wrestle with your friend, do it with your kid, if you’re going to run when you race your friend, do that with your kid . Same thing with Rockwall climbing on the playground with your child. Actually climb, just like you would do with your friend.
  3. TeacherNY

    TeacherNY Maven

    Apr 29, 2008
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    Jan 13, 2025

    Is this what keeps you up at night? :laughing:
  4. SharedAccountWith3

    SharedAccountWith3 Rookie

    Jan 27, 2022
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    Jan 13, 2025

    it doesn’t keep me up but I’m just curious and wanting to know why
  5. Ima Teacher

    Ima Teacher Virtuoso

    Oct 25, 2005
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    Jan 13, 2025

    There are too many factors in play to make such a generalization.
  6. miss-m

    miss-m Groupie

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Jan 13, 2025

    When I race/play with my students, sometimes I go easy because I’m out of shape and it’s exhausting. The game lasts longer if I don’t go full out, which is more fun for them.

    Sometimes I sprint full on and cream them in races, which is fun for me because they don’t expect it. But usually I get one solid burst, and then every kid on the playground wants a turn and I am BEAT.

    There’s also the fact that adults just ARE bigger and stronger than kids, and it’s not fun to dunk on children just because they aren’t as strong or fast or whatever as you. Like… duh, they’re a CHILD. And you, a fully grown adult, are OBVIOUSLY going to win at competitions involving strength or reach because you’re twice their size. Crushing children’s dreams because they should “just be faster” is unrealistic and mean.
    SharedAccountWith3 likes this.
  7. SharedAccountWith3

    SharedAccountWith3 Rookie

    Jan 27, 2022
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    Jan 13, 2025

    Why are you assuming that you don’t be crushing their dreams? I’m sure referring to actually playing , Actually trying in arm wrestling, actually running during the race, actually climbing the children’s kiddie Wall.

    The whole point of a running race is to see who is faster, and if the opponent loses the next time they just need to run a little bit faster. Same thing with arm wrestling, the whole point is to see who’s stronger, and whoever ever loses just needs to put in a little more strength next time. When it comes to claiming the children’s kiddie Wall on the playground, whoever loses just needs to climb a little faster next time, the whole point is to see who is going to climb to the top the quickest.

    Why does it seem like a lot of adults make the assumption that kids can’t actually play, and then they don’t give the kid a challenge. Why not give the child a challenge, that way both people get to actually play and have fun

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