CSET Waiver or Exams?

Discussion in 'Multiple Subject Tests' started by nyctimel, Nov 13, 2019.


Should I take the classes to qualify for the waiver or take the exams?

  1. Take the classes

    0 vote(s)
  2. Take the exams

  1. nyctimel

    nyctimel Guest

    Nov 13, 2019

    I am nearing the end of my first semester in a multiple subjects credential program. Recently, my school was approved for an ESM waiver through the CTC. This would substitute the CSET exams to provide subject matter competence. In order to qualify for the waiver, I would need to take two more classes concurrently with my credential courses. The courses are music & integrated science. Given your experience and what you know, what do you think my best option would be: take the two courses concurrently with my program or take the CSET exams? I’d appreciate any advice!

    Also, I’ve already taken subset III & passed.
  3. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Nov 13, 2019

    You've passed Subtest III, so your test-taking chops are at least reasonable. What diagnostic indicators (p, k, s, checkmark) did you see on your constructed responses?
  4. nyctimel

    nyctimel Guest

    Nov 13, 2019

    For my constructed responses, I had p,k diagnostic indicators in only one section with +++ overall for the constructed-response section.
  5. TeacherGroupie

    TeacherGroupie Moderator

    May 13, 2005
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    Nov 14, 2019

    Ah, then your test taking skills are in fine shape. You might be better off just taking the other two subtests of CSET-MS, then - and passing the subject-matter requirement in the time-honored fashion will help ensure that your credential won't get looked askance at by districts that haven't yet heard (or credited!) the word about the waivers.
  6. nyctimel

    nyctimel Guest

    Nov 14, 2019

    Thank you for your advice! I hadn't even considered districts viewing my credential in that way, but it is definitely a valid point.

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