Hello everyone, I am scheduled to take all 3 subtests of the CSET PE in 2 months. I do not have a background in kinesiology. I have a background in English. I took the English CSET and passed all of them last year in my first try. So I'm a good test taker. I am continuing to go through the PE Framework. I have purchased and am reading Children Moving and Teaching Children Physical Education (George Graham). I even bought some flashcards from Mometrix(?) but they seem to be so broad and nothing on them is very relevant to the practice tests on the CSET website. Speaking of... I did OK on the practice tests. Some of the ones I've missed, I looked up the SMC code and looked around that particular topic. I gotta say though, some of the CSET PE Practice Test answers just seem wrong to me. Like I've found multiple contradicting sources online that give opposite answers to the ones in the practice test. Which is confusing and troubling for me. Am I in over my head? Is there something else I could do to get ready for it? I've tried to find as many affordable options in the books that are cited for the PE CSET, but it's just a lot of info and I'm not sure if I'm even headed in the right direction.
Working through the PE framework is always a good start. Whichever terms it uses that you don't know cold, look up. Be selective in the online sources you use. Where possible, stick to sites that serve professionals in PE or movement. HPERD websites are good choices; I can't recall right now whether it's AAHPERD or CAHPERD that is now operating under a different name, but whichever it is is well tagged with the old one (and there's likely to be a professional-organizations question on one of the subtests). Wikipedia is also a good resource - one doesn't cite it in a public place, of course, but to deal quickly with the "What's up with that??" that test taking so often evokes, it works beautifully. Get some good from those flashcards by using them as building blocks: string several together with appropriate adjustments in morphology to make up statements in PE-talk. Use them as headers for games of solitaire in which you figure out which subordinate concepts are grouped with which. With two months to go, and given what you've said of yourself, I think you'll do fine.
#1 and #2 are pretty easy its #3 is the one thats pretty hard. Essays are pretty easy but the multiple choice part is whats getting me.
Congrats. Sounds like you just passed #3! I read your earlier post about not passing and being frustrated. Your post is exactly how I’m feeling. I passed subsets 1 and 3 no problem. I just failed 2 for the 4th time!!! Not use to this What’s frustrating is this time I knocked the essays out of the park and bombed the multiple choice. Even the first part of the multiple choice where I get 4 +’s I got 2!!! Do you have any specific suggestions for subset 2? At this point I really do not know what to do since the questions are so specific. At this point I’m even starting to remember the questions that repeat but still don’t know the answers!! Any help would be appreciated.
Hey Doug, Just wondering if you passed Subset 2? I have also failed it 4 times already. I have different study guide books and done other research but I can't still pass it.
Hello. It’s been a few months since my last post and I failed subtest 2 again?!? I even took an expensive online study course which did not help at all. I did take the methodology course so now I’m down to just subtest 2 with only this upcoming year to pass. Any help out there would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello. I will be taking the CSET for PE soon and was wondering what would be the best material to study from? Feel free to reach out to me: zitro 707 @ gmail . com