I am using a crayon theme this year. Does anyone have a behavior management idea to go along with it? I teach 2nd and 3rd reading and math pull out.
You could have a "Crayon Jar" instead of a marble jar. Are you familiar with the marble jar idea? They could earn crayons in a jar for good deeds, compliments from other teachers or other positive behavior, then, when they reach the top of the jar, have a party, voted on by them! Just a thought.
if they are designated "crayons"....all your crayons need to be in the box before you leave the room on a fire drill or anything else. haha I crack myself up sometimes
You could empty out a crayon box for each child and they can earn a crayon when they are on track. When the box is full, they could earn a special reward (first in line, extra computer time etc.)
I observed in a kindergarten room where they had a crayon behavior management plan. The children had pockets their crayons went into. If the student misbehaved the teacher just simply pulled a crayon out of their pocket and added it to a pocket with their name on it that was hanging on the wall. I assume first crayon removed was a warning, second possibly lost recess time/time-out and so on. I didn't have a chance to ask her about it, but it was a completely silent behavior plan, she didn't say a thing to the student she just removed the crayon.
You could do some kind of behavior chart and attach cute crayon phrases. Just brainstrorming.... -Rules on individual crayons -At the top of the chart, "You are so bright!" -Warning...You are fading away from the pack (lighter color) -You have "broken" a rule (picture of a broken crayon)
thanks I love the ideas! I wanted to do something fun and cute. I will about 10 groups of 5 or six kids at a time. I teach basic skills.
You could do some kind of behavior chart and attach cute crayon phrases. Just brainstrorming.... -Rules on individual crayons -At the top of the chart, "You are so bright!" -Warning...You are fading away from the pack (lighter color) -You have "broken" a rule (picture of a broken crayon) WOULD YOU USE THIS LIKE THE TRAFFIC LIGHT SYSTEM?
You could. My clip system is a modified system because the kids don't start out at the top. They have to show excellent behavior to move up the system.
Every time I see this thread, I think that you mean a plan to get the crayons to behave. Makes me chuckle.