I am choosing to do daily video chat. I hate phone calls. Most parents prefer texting , I’ve found. I’ve also got a list of all kid cell numbers. We got all of their numbers before we closed school.
I know. I was agreeing with the points you made about the parents not having extra time to work with the kids in some cases. I was more talking about the issue that schools are making the teachers get an 80% engagement rate (I know you did not mention the percentage). It's not the teacher's fault if that's not happening at that high a percentage. That mainly falls on the parents.
I definitely agree schools should not be requiring a certain engagement rate and blaming teachers for that. In some circumstances, I don't think anyone is to blame. I have students (high school) who I know are now taking on full-time hours at their jobs because they have to help pay bills at home, their single parent is already working 2-3 jobs and hardly ever home and they also have to help raise younger siblings/take care of the house. It's a crappy situation all around and in this scary and uncertain time, I definitely understand school work not being a top priority. At least when school is in session, they may have a study hall or class time to get some work done because they have those 7-8 hours dedicated to only school each day. Now, their jobs are taking advantage of the fact that they are not in school (a big grocery store here is one of the biggest employers of students and they are slammed right now). Plus, the student's family needs the money. I guess just a long-winded way of saying, I am giving grace to students and parents as well during this time.
Our peak is predicted for May 12, which is two days before our school ends. Of course, some of the information was not accurate. It didn’t list our schools as being closed or a stay home order being issued or travel being restricted. All of those things have occurred.
New York? Looks like it's overwhelmed as of more than a week ago. Not at all good. I'm confused about "9,055 ventilators" needed. That's far below news reports of 30,000.
Ugh. That "party" was a second line, typically done for funerals. I'm not at all saying it was right, or that it should have happened. People need to be staying home. But those are important cultural customs used to remember and honor the dead. It's not "people partying." The touristy districts of New Orleans are basically closed. The bars are closed. I do think the whole state needs to be more strict about what an "essential business" is. That would help stop the spread tremendously.
I have a friend on Facebook in the New Orleans area who is just livid at behavior of a lot of people there. She is an essential worker so she has to go to work every day but she sees too many people are just "gathering" even if it isn't a party.
Yeah. My dad is saying the same thing. There are many contributing factors: crawfish season, culture of family gatherings/multiple generations of family living together, people not understanding what social distancing really means, large families, many houses are duplexes that share back yards. My sister lives in a duplex. Her half has four or five people currently living in it (two bedrooms) and then the other half does, as well. So if they are in the yard getting exercise or sitting on the porch getting sun, it's a gathering of 8-10 people! I'm seeing more of a problem with what is considered an "essential" business. I understand grocery stores and pharmacies. Liquor stores? Craft stores? Close them down, and stop going to them!
No no, not those. I mean the cookouts by the lake, all the hanging out, the drinking in public. It's ridiculous.
Post office had plastic covering all across the front desk. Only five allowed in at a time. Workers with gloves and face masks. Quite a different world we live in.
Ours is serving lunch every day to anyone 18 and under. There are something like 10 locations around the county.
Ours does breakfast and lunch. Lunch is made to be consumed that same day and breakfast for the next day.
Daily pickups at specific (not all) school sites. No idea how many are actually going, but I assume it's a lot. We are a large district.
These states should just go on and announce what we're all expecting anyway: school buildings closed until August. Why keep extending the closure by only a month when no one is going back in May? This thing would have to literally drop dramatically to even entertain the notion of returning and that ain't happening.
I'm surprised they aren't expecting the school to deliver breakfast and lunch to them every day. Or are they?
For meals, students can come to the HS between certain times each day to pick up breakfast and lunch, and the district is also running buses to deliver meals to those students who can't drive in.
I'm pretty dissappinted with the my school for the lack of information and follow up. Thursday night we got an email that school closure is extended til April 30th, and Tuesday we'll get more info. It's now Thursday. Emailed my P, he said be patient. Then he said they ad to revise things after our governor gave his speech. I already know we're done for the school year, they announced it for California, but also the biggest school district in the nearby city has voted to close completely. Today he said they're waiting for the superintendent to send her email then our director will. My P said we gave them 4 week's work so that should hold them over the week after next (next week is spring break). That's inaccurate and I told him. They told us to give them 3 week's work, because we were supposed to be back on the 14th. I'm not blaming my P, whatever he knows he probably can't tell, but i's disappointing from the higher ups. I'm not even calling my students right now, I told them Ill call them with the update. So tomorrow I will need to make 22 phone calls?
Our entire state just shut down through May 1st. if we are able to go back then, we would only have 9 days of school left!
Our school is not going back. they finally sent us an email with a pretty good plan, which is the only plan I can see working. It's packets, with kids bringing them back in 2 weeks so we can start grading, and then they have 3 weeks in May. deadline for turned in work is May 22. Part of the reason is that whatever packets they to drop off, the office will hold for 5 days because research has shown that the virus doesn't live longer than 5 days on paper. Anything online is optional, such as Zoom or Google classroom, or we can just stay in touch with phone. I'm glad because a small part of our students do not have internet. We, staff will have a virtual meeting on Zoom tomorrow at 10 am. I still have to download the app and play around with it.