I've been fortunate enough to work at two schools who supplied our paper and basically just gave us free reign with the copiers. At my new school, there is actually a "copy lady" who works in the copy room and makes copies for teachers. To me, this seems more inconvenient than anything, because now I have to turn in copies and wait a few days to get them back. No more "morning of copy runs." What's the copy policy at your school?
Everyone makes their own copies. We also have a district copy center for large jobs, but you need to turn those in about a week in advance.
Mrs. SLS, I would hate that! At the schools I've worked at, we get a 4-digit copy # & so many copies a month. At one of the schools I was atthis last year, teachers had to bring their own paper to put in the copier. There's been a couple of schools where there was free reign...no copy #s or limits. I really copied a lot of stuff when I was there!
We can do either/or... we have a copy lady who needs three days turn around and you have to give her paper, or you can do it yourself. I personally prefer to do it myself. Our lady often makes mistakes (copies the same thing on both sides, copies the wrong thing on the back side, copies upside down, etc) and then refuses to fix it unless you give her more paper. It's much less hassle for me to just stay after school for a few hours and run off all of my copies for the quarter and have them done right.
Like Ms. I mentioned, my school gives us our code and a strict yearly copy limit. I would hate having someone else make copies for me.
We can make as many copies as we want, until the paper runs out. It usually lasts-- sometimes it runs out near the end of the year. I buy a few packs of paper at Staples over the summer when they are on rebate to be prepared just in case. We also have 2 aides that will make them for you. I usually give them a folder on Monday with stuff for the next week, and ask for it back by Thursday.
We have 2 copy ladies and unlimited copies. Any papers I need copying are always available the next day, if not later that same day. It has never been a problem if I needed last minute copies.
We weren't allowed use the office copiers unless it was absolutely necessary. As a result, many teachers made their copies at places like Staples.
We have our own copy codes and supposedly they monitor our copy use. By the beginning of May we were being warned that we were approaching the limit for our school as a whole and then we ran out of paper. I am thinking this might mean more restrictions for the new year. I would hate having someone I had to give my orders for copies to!
We make our own copies, but we have a staff member that is available to make copies for us if need be. I'm too much of a control freak and hate waiting, so I tend to make my own. We have copy paper at our disposal, but we used to have an allotted number of copies each month. If I remember correctly, it averaged out to 2.5 copies per day per student. Thankfully, that's not the rule anymore.
We have to order copies and allow 48 hours notice. We get 1500 a month. It's not enough. I HATE not being able to make my own copies. I print a lot of things at home because of it. We also have a limited number (300 a month I think) of same day copies, but we can't make those ourselves either - have to bring them to the copy lady.
I'm usually decent about doing copies ahead of time, but I also like things done a certain way and I'm really not crazy about the whole copy lady situation.
I miss having a "copy lady" since there is always a line that eats up my 45 minute planning period. If you wait until the weekend, there's no paper left.
We make our own copies at my school. We have an unlimited amount of black and white and 500 color copies for the year. I can get extra color copies since I usually use them to make copies of concert programs. I wish we had someone to make the copies here. We did when I was in Idaho and I really liked it. You could still make your own, but there was a lady in town that did copies for the whole district-you just had to give a few days notice and she would copy and deliver to the school. When I make copies now, I'm usually making at least 200 (for a whole grade level), so it takes forever. Most of the classroom teachers have parent volunteers who help with copies, but no one usually volunteers to help me.
We get a copy code and can make our own copies. I've heard whisperings that there is some type of limit, but I've never hit it (and I don't know anyone that has). We only have black and white copiers, and they are AWFUL. Constantly jamming, running out of toner, etc. A principal from another school in the district was at our school for a meeting and he tried to make copies on our office machine. It automatically started jamming up. He goes, "you guys, hands down, have the worst copiers in the district!" The sad thing is...he was using the copier that we all think is the "best" one!
We make our own, or have parent volunteers when available. We are limited by the amount of paper we are given. Each teacher gets 5 cases of paper for the year. When we first were given the limit, only classroom teachers got 5 cases. Sp ed were given 2 cases. I ran out that year around Feb. We protested, and now get the same amount equally. Not sure what we will get this fall. I have 2 cases left from last year.
We must put in copy orders with aides for amounts over 20 copies. Thankfully, I never have more than 20 students so I can make my copies myself. I HATE having a copy person.
We have the same set up, but usually if I put copies in in the morning I can get them by the afternoon unless copier breaks or the principal is making a lot of copies (say a practice test for the entire school or something copied for all parents) then I might have to wait until the next day. I think it's a small price to pay for not having to take the time to stand and do it myself. My AP also has a copier in his office that I can use if I have an emergency and need copies right away. I try not to abuse that privilege though.
We make our own copies, paper is supplied, but we get a code and a max. of 1500 copies / month. If we run out, we can ask another teacher if they want to help us (some teachers make more copies than others), but if I really needed it, my P would help me out. In May I ran out, towards the end of the month, and I really don't think I've made that many copies. The secretary said the counting may be off, so hopefully they'll fix it.
I've experienced all types of plans...I like being able to make my own copies because I'm rather particular. I don't like black borders and lines!
We definitely have to make our own! And we have unlimited copying. I'm actually going to buy my own copy machine to have in my room (not an excessively large one), but enough where if I need to have an emergency copy made, it's right there.
We have unlimited copying, but we have to do it ourselves. Central duplicating was dropped a few years ago as a cost-saving measure. I would love to have it back!
I remember interviewing a for job. While I was waiting in the office, their copier jammed. No one could fix it. I had the same copier, which jammed all the time. I fixed it for them, and got the job.
We have quite a few on the boards that don't like the copy ladies! At my first school we made our own copies and the copier was always jamming. I would sometimes spend my 1/2 hour prep trying to clear a jam and never actually got to the copying. I hated it. I'd much rather pass off that stress. Unrelated to the topic, but that reminds me of my first teaching job. I was the only person that knew how to load the laminator (since I was the only one who bothered to read the instruction manual when it came in). The office staff would pull me out of my class to load the laminator or fix a jam. Sometimes this could take a 1/2 hour, especially if it was a jam.
Hmm I didn't think about not having to repair the copiers in exchange for having a copy lady. That actually sounds like a good deal now! I HATE repairing copiers.
We have free reign of the copy machines. Our principal likes to show up a principal on another campus, so he always makes sure we have plenty of copy paper for whatever we need. The other principal is known for hiding paper and only buying a set amount. Those teachers usually run out of paper by Christmas. Which is the reason our students coming up have not had handwriting.
We must input a code and are allocated a certain amount of copies each month. I honestly don't know how many copies that is but it's never enough. Honestly, I find it a bit annoying. If I'm making copies, it's not for my personal fun and enjoyment; It's for my instruction. And yes, I have to do the copying myself - unless I get my para to do it. Almost always, I do it myself.
The school I just left is virtually trying to go "paperless" next year. The problem is, they have NO technology to support this. There is one computer lab that is used almost all day for tech classes, which is one of the specials. There are 2-3 computers in each classroom and they are VERY old. I typically had one working one. There are no student laptops or ipads or anything like that. Apparently they want the teachers to put everything up on the doc cam and have kids copy it into their notebooks rather than using graphic organizers or anything like that. Worksheets were already a big no-no. Homework is supposed to be "interactive" next year (whatever that means- very poor community, kids don't have computers at home). I'm not sure what they're supposed to do for assessments. I'm glad I won't have to deal with it but I feel sorry for my friends. Of course, my new school could be the same way for all I know- it's not like you talk about copy limits in the interview!
I've actually never heard of having a copy lady before. I don't think I would enjoy that because as a new teacher, a lot of my photocopying is done either the day before or the morning of, so I would be a bit panicked having to wait on someone else to do it. Most nights I would go home, create my lessons and any handouts/activity pages, then go in early to photocopy. Most schools in my district have a copy code that each teacher gets assigned with allotted number of copies. The school I taught at this year didn't have a code - everyone just used what they needed. I loved it!