Hello, Does anyone know when teacher contracts are renewed? Specifically, I'm looking for information about teacher contract renewals in Tennessee and more specifically, contracts for teachers in Maury County Schools. I can't find information about renewal dates anywhere. I know things are crazy right now, but not having any idea of when contracts are normally signed is terrifying.
Usually in April or May in a typical school district in a typical year, but of course, this isn't a typical year though it is time for districts to start looking at their staffs for next year.
"(c). Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-5-409(b) was likewise amended to require that teachers must receive notice of their dismissal or non-renewal for the following school year within five (5) business days following the last day of instruction for the school year." https://www.martindale.com/education-law/article_Leitner-Williams-Dooley-Napolitan-PLLC_2211388.htm http://knoxfocus.com/columnist/school-board-rejects-non-renewal-policy-revisions/
OP, are you teaching at a public school or a charter school? That can affect when you must receive your contract for the following year, to be sure, but I like swansong1's recommendation to reach out to HR for more concrete guidance Wishing you the best!
In my TN district, teachers are notified if they will be non-renewed or excessed before the transfer period opens. Those teachers in my building who were non-renewed all knew at the start of April. One has already found new position at charter school.
Well, I would work with the assumption that since you aren't gone - not non-renewed or RIF'd, there will be a contract in your future. With that said, I will reaffirm that reaching out to HR can almost certainly give you the answer you need to feel secure as this school year comes to a close.