I'm a total coffee nut. I guess you can also say its a hobby of mine. I have a coffee machine, french press, espresso maker, grinder, etc. etc. etc. My questions are: 1 - What is your favorite every day coffee? Chock Full O'Nuts or Folgers 2 - Do you have a favorite "splurge" coffee (at home)? Fairway Markets Brazil or Nicaraguan coffee 3 - What is your favorite coffee out of the house? I'm a fan of Quick Check and Dunkin Donuts coffee
1- Dunkin' Donuts 2- Dunkin' Donuts 3- Dunkin' Donuts Honestly for all of them! The at home stuff and the store!
1 - Whatever K-cup I grab with a tiny bit of flavored creamer, or Community. 2 - Barnie's Coffee Cooler mix 3 - PJ's or Cafe du Monde.
The ONLY way I'll drink coffee is with so much Kahlua and whipped cream that you can't taste the coffee
:thumb: NOW you're talking!!! KInd of like those "very, very dry martinis"--- the ones where you tip the vermouth bottle against the glass as opposed to actually pouring any vermouth in.
I have a Keurig as well. I always buy an assortment of k-cups at the local coffee shop; I prefer flavoured coffees, but do like a smooth dark roast every so often.
Every morning I pop a Starbucks Veranda k-cup in the Keurig. Add a splash of Cinnabon creamer and I'm good to go. From time to time I splurge on a frappuccino at Starbucks, but only if I watch my sugars.
Everyday - Folger's Classic Roast Special - Whatever strange, different coffee BF has picked up - right now it's an International Coffee club Jamaican Blue. Abouts Town - Dunkin' Donuts. With a shot of caramel. And some cream
Everyday-I have a Keurig but I have been using the K-cup reusable filter with my own coffee lately. I am hooked on Cafe Bustello which is really espresso coffee so I don't have to use much for one cup. I add sugar free vanilla creamer. Special-Island Coconut K-cups when I am not too lazy to stock up. They are a seasonal flavor. My one real coffee splurge was years ago ordering chickory coffee from Cafe du Monde. It was wonderful. Out-I rarely buy coffee out. I will occasionally go to Dunkin Donuts. I try not to so I'm not tempted by all their other goodies.
This is so funny because I just finished up my can of Chock Full of Nuts (I can't help humming the old tune from the commercial for it from years ago) and started using Folgers (it was on sale or something). The Folgers just isn't as rich. I love CFON. Out of the house, I prefer Dunkin' Donuts' coffee, but I go to Starbucks, too. I just get regular coffee, iced.
Right now I have Folgers as my everyday coffee, but I am pretty versatile with my coffee preferences. I don't have a favorite "splurge" coffee. I usually get the McDonalds (Newman's Own) coffee when I go out, but I often go to Dunkin Donuts, too. I love the iced coffee at a coffee shop in my town, and I get that a lot.
I can't stand American coffee. It tastes like slightly muddy water to me. I drink Cuban style espresso. I rarely buy coffee out, mostly because outside of Miami, it's nearly impossible to find a place that can brew Cafe Coladas properly, and that aforementioned distaste for American coffee.
Usually at home I have a bag of Starbucks brand or something along those lines. I usually drink it straight black. I stop at the local gas station--filling station for you non-midwesterners--and get a cappucinno(sp?) and mix in plain coffee with it. All for about a 1.10 or so.....
My everyday coffee is Don Fransiscos Butterscotch Toffee. My splurge is Starbucks Christmas Blend. It's dark and slightly spicy. Delish!
1 - What is your favorite every day coffee? Folgers Breakfast Blend, currently 2 - Do you have a favorite "splurge" coffee (at home)? I don't have a splurge coffe right now. I'm thinking of getting some from the store the next time I go. 3 - What is your favorite coffee out of the house? I don't have one of these either.... :lol:
1 - What is your favorite every day coffee? I dont like "regular" coffee, I do drink starbucks black tea k-cup every morning. 2 - Do you have a favorite "splurge" coffee (at home)? no 3 - What is your favorite coffee out of the house? I love starbucks peppermint mocha when its cold outside, and iced white chocolate mocha in the summer I also like Dunkin Donuts iced mocha swirl latte (or mocha swirl iced coffee with cream and sugar). Those are usually the only coffee I will drink!
1. Favorite everyday is Peet's Cafe Domingo. It is smooth and not at all bitter. 2. Favorite splurge coffee is Greenwell Farm's medium roast 100% kona coffee. It is amazing. 3. Favorite out of the house coffee is basically any place but Starbucks (burnt coffee). I prefer non-chain type coffee shops - they tend to have better tasting coffee. But at the same time, I love a good vanilla latte from McDonald's.
San Francisco Bay's whole bean French Roast is the only coffee we drink. It is very strong and very smooth. I don't drink the coffee at school or purchase a cup of coffee anywhere like Starbucks, etc.
1. Folger's Classic 2. Don't have one. I only buy Folger's. 3. I love the Caramel Frappe from McDonald's but after seeing calories on My Fitness Pal, I tried an iced coffee there and it was ok. I hate McDonald's hot coffee though.
:thumb:This is what we drink. I bring a travel mug, so I rarely buy coffee. If I do - Peet's vanilla latte!
Try Community New Orleans blend. It's more expensive than ordering from Cafe du Monde online, but it's distributed more widely around the country so you may be able to find it locally.
1. Starbuck's Colombian 2 and 3 - We have 2 local coffee roasters in our little town. Both have great, freshly roasted coffee that brews better than anything. I grind and use coffeemaker (saving for Keurig). 3. For a super splurge, I get a coffee with added Ginseng/Coffee powder. Gives a real punch and tastes soooo smooth! I also can't drink American coffee any longer. It is just bland.