In my classroom we do Teacher vs. Student. I am trying to think of new incentives the students could earn by scoring more points than me by the end of the week. They earn points by being on task, following directions, etc. We have already done Flashlight Friday but it has sort of lost its luster. Ideas? I would like to do a weekly incentive. 5th grade, departmentalized so each classroom has their own scoreboard.
Could you have them brainstorm a list of what they'd like to work towards? The kids always are 5x more creative than me, especially since it's all of them thinking at once...and then there's immediate buy-in.
We do a monetary system, child does something good we give them fake money (the amount matches the deed) and end of the week they can cash in for small prizes or save for a big one at the end of the year (ice cream party) Or as a class provide extra recess. not 100% what I think you were going for but they are ideas.
We already do this school-wide. I'm looking more for weekly. I like the ice cream party idea but if all three classes earn it - then I will be buying ice cream for 80 kids!
We do something similar, and my prize is free recess, but it takes about a month for them to earn it. What about board game time? Or a class competition or game (PAT)?
I used to use the little charms (plastic) and bracelets, lanyards, tokens from . The kids loved to collect them. They were very reasonably priced.
Sit by a friend for a day Choose your partner for an assignment Take your shoes off 15 minutes free computer time/art time Homework pass