Class Dojo

Discussion in 'General Education' started by readingrules12, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. readingrules12

    readingrules12 Aficionado

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Tomorrow I want to start using Class Dojo. I have been fortunate this year, and I have a really well behaved class. (Isn't it interesting how each class is SO different?)

    It looks really great, and I know lots of teachers have loved using it.

    I have set up the names and the Avatars, and it looks ready to go. While it works well on my laptop, I am having problems using it on my Android phone. I know the app for the Android isn't out yet, but there is suppose to be a way to use it on the web-site. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. :)
  3. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I have a school issued iPad, and I cannot add apps (even free ones). So I do not have the app. But I open the website. I find that it lags and freezes a lot when using my iPad. I never have had an issue when using my laptop.
  4. JustMe

    JustMe Virtuoso

    Jun 7, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I have used it at school, but it gives me fits (both the site and app for iPad).
  5. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I don't have the app. I just open the site on my iPad and it syncs with what's on the computer roughly...90% of the time. Sometimes I need to refresh my laptop. Overall, I'm still pretty happy with the program.
  6. MissApple

    MissApple Companion

    Oct 13, 2011
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    Sep 23, 2012

    You have to go to the mobile version of their site on your android phone. I think it's I tried it on my HTC One X and it worked.

    I'm starting Class Dojo tomorrow too. I'm really hoping it goes well : ) Good luck to you.
  7. Proud2BATeacher

    Proud2BATeacher Phenom

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Sep 23, 2012

    What is Class Dojo?
  8. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Only the most amazing thing ever. :) Check out the video on

    It manages behavior via icons on a screen. You can click each kid's icon and give them positive/negative points according to behaviors that you input. My favorite part is the "print report" button for parents. It shows their overall percentage of positive versus negative points, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what your comments were for the week.

    My kids LOOVVVEEEE it. We're always competing as a team to get our class average up, and at the end of the day I can look at the overall statistics and we can reflect on what we do well and what needs work.
  9. Proud2BATeacher

    Proud2BATeacher Phenom

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Thanks FourSquare! I would totally look into it.
  10. waterfall

    waterfall Virtuoso

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I was thinking about using this but am still unsure of the specifics. I saw a FAQ on the site but no video...

    If you can't display it, how does it really work? I don't have a smartboard. I do have a projector, but obviously I use it for many things and can't have this attached to it all day. Would you just tell the kids how many points they have? Announce every time you give or take away a point? Also, is there a way to just do it for the entire class and not for individual kids? I was thinking it might be a good way to help curb all the chattiness and wasting time during transitions, but I'd rather just do the whole class part than focus on individual students.
  11. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I don't keep it up because I don't like the other kids knowing each others' totals.
    Sometimes- especially if have lost a lot of points. They can always ask me. I run point totals for a week, and they get to see their report at the end of the week.

    Nope. I have the sound up, so they can hear if I am giving or taking away points.

    Yup. The whole class or several kids at a time.

    Once my kids have 5 weeks of positive totals, they get to customize their avatar.
  12. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Yeah, the site dings when you give a point. It makes a very different low sound when you take away a point. Kind of like *whomp whomp* :lol:

    I leave the screen up sometimes, but not always. They like to see it just before lunch and right before specials, just to see where they're at. I run it directly through my LCD projector, although they are coming with the Promethean board on Tuesday. :woot: :woot: :woot:

    Here's a video:

    *They also made it so the avatars don't have to be monsters anymore. I uploaded my kids' heads as their avatar. :)
  13. readingrules12

    readingrules12 Aficionado

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Four Square,

    How can you customize the Avatars?
  14. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Under "edit class" and "choose avatars." I have 2 default groups of icons called "Monsters" and "Critters" but you can also click "add your own" and upload whatever you want. I just snapped all their pictures and made a group called "Photos."

    Here are some screenshots from Google for those who don't have time to watch the video:



  15. MsDeb

    MsDeb Comrade

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    I've been using ClassDojo since the beginning of school (4 weeks ago) and it's working really well. I email parent reports every Friday with a push of a button - and the parents love it!

    I have a few children with difficult behaviors and we make a goal together every day - it's really helped them. What I love about it is that even if you get "in the red" you can come back to "green" by doing what you're supposed to!

    I give rewards every Friday to all positive point earners from a reward menu that I created . The top 3 point earners get the choice of ANY prize on the menu and it goes down from there. Love it!
  16. bison

    bison Habitué

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Sep 23, 2012

    This looks like such a fun, motivating program! I skimmed through the video and loved the names he used in the examples.
  17. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Question for those of you who use it: What do you do when you have a sub?
    I will be out but on campus this week. I plan on showing my sub how to use it and I will leave my iPad with her.
    In a few weeks, I will be out for 3 days in one week. I plan on using my old behavior system (punch card) that week.
  18. AZMrs.S

    AZMrs.S Cohort

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Is this something I could introduce easily after we've already been in school for awhile? We're going on seven weeks already. Or will starting this now will disrupt routine? Also do you this instead of a "regular" behavior system?
  19. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Yes to both!
  20. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Sep 23, 2012

    Yes and yes. I implemented it last year in April. It really is no different from the "regular" system. Before Dojo I had a color stick where I moved clips up and down. The kids got points subtracted for the same things they would have been clipped down for.....and points added for the same things they would have been clipped up for....but for whatever reason the digital coolness of it all made it so much more engaging.

    Plus, everybody can win this way. I look at points and averages. If you have the most points you get a small prize. However, even if you don't have the most points but you have a positive percentage of 80% or greater you earn 3 Scholar Dollars. (schoolwide incentive) The dollars get thrown in a raffle for dress down days, special trips, etc.

    If kids consistently fall below 80% on their average, I call a conference....just like I would if kids were consistently "on red." Only this way the data is so much better, cause it literally tracks every click.
  21. readingrules12

    readingrules12 Aficionado

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Sep 24, 2012

    Thank you for all your help. Especially, Four Square for your help on changing the Avatars. That worked great! Oh this is too much fun. The students really enjoyed it today and they were really good trying to earn points. I really like how flexible it is. I can see a lot of ways this can be used. Thank you! Thank you!
  22. Cicero

    Cicero Companion

    Jul 15, 2012
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    Nov 20, 2012

    Sorry to resurrect such an old thread, but I just started using Class Dojo last week and could use some pointers.

    When I started class today, I showed the students their avatars again and reminded them of what earns our positive points and what leads to consequences tied into the negative points. After this, I switched our window but kept the app up on my iPad. Throughout our activities, I monitored the students and (I believe) assigned +/- points fairly consistently in class.

    One of our consequences is that -3 in a class period is a silent lunch (we only meet for 45 minutes, so I feel being disruptive that many times in such a short period of time warrants a consequence). I had my first student reach this today. I let him know after class that he would be receiving the silent lunch. He was very upset and argued that it wasn't fair since he couldn't see his negative points as I was giving them to him. He was very disrespectful and disruptive in our class and tends to have many days like this. He’s exactly the kind of person that I hoped having a more laid out behavior system would help.

    Does he have a case about not knowing his points real time? Should I somehow keep the points visible as I give them? I think that this might be more disruptive than I desire, because I feel like a student like he would be pushing the limits up until he would get a consequence.

    Thoughts? I really have had a wonderful experience with it so far with most of my other student. In other classes just holding out my iPad and showing them the monsters is enough reminder to simmer down.
  23. readingrules12

    readingrules12 Aficionado

    Jul 3, 2010
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    Nov 20, 2012

    I use Class Dojo, but I choose also to let the students know if there is a negative. The first negative is a warning, and the second is missing 1/2 of their recess. I always make sure the student knows when their warning is, otherwise the student doesn't know that one more time and there is a consequence.

    I feel also that it is best to let the student know when they break a rule for the 2nd time, that they know right away about their consequence. That way the student sees that he/she did ___ wrong and that ___ happened. If I tell the child later, the student often doesn't make the connection.

    This is my opinion and policy, but it is not the only way to use Class Dojo and consequences.
  24. FourSquare

    FourSquare Fanatic

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Nov 21, 2012

    We look at it from time to time...I like to take 30 seconds to do the "random" button. Always a favorite! I don't leave it up all day but they have a chance to see where they're at. I always tell a student verbally if he/she loses a point whether the board is up or not. Middle Schoolers are old enough to keep track in their heads.
  25. donziejo

    donziejo Devotee

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Nov 21, 2012

    I'm going to check this out.

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