wow. I hadn't really been following the case except through the newspaper. Crazy. Bet Nancy Grace is going to go on a drinking binge tonight...
I am so upset. I can't believe they didn't find her guilty of anything but providing false information.... Kcjo that's exactly what I thought. She didn't cry when they talked about the horrible things that happened to her daughter... But now she cries because she knows she has gotten away with it... Ridiculous.
I can't even believe it. I am so mad, upset, and sick of our justice system. She'll serve less than 4 years in jail.
I had jury duty a few months ago and i was the one who wanted to find the lady guilty and want justice for people...i totally disagree with casey not guilty.
it is the states job to provide evidence....and the jury is only suppoed to decide based on evidence is what i understand.
I feel so bad for the prosecution. They did their jobs. And I agree with Dr. Drew-the celebration is sickening.
She was only found guilty of misdemeanors. They usually just warrant probation and she's already spent over a year in jail awaiting trial. I just can't believe it. I know the legalities, reasonable doubt and all, but I really thought a jury of 12 people would have more sense and see through the defense smokescreen.
This is so sick--she will spend less than 4 years in jail and then make a million dollars with a book deal!!
yeah I cant believe the way theyre sure.some jurors disagreed but based on evidence were pursuaded to agree with others so heyvcould be done with deliberations...everyone had to agree for thrm to be done.
Why is it that these big high profile cases always seem to get not guilty when it is SO clear to the rest of us? How does this happen? That poor child was killed for no reason at all and no one will ever pay on earth. There are special places in hell for people like Casey and OJ.
the jury is supposed to be a cross section of the community. sad....i had a tear just now because i cant believe how crim lawyers act and are happy abt it.
OMG--Her defense attorney is disgusted!! The public is disgusted that there will never be justice for Caylee.