A parent catches you coming out of the liquor store with a six pack or two of beer? Not intoxicated? Have you ever been in the awkward position?
It wouldn't be an issue at all here. I've met parents in the liquor store and exchanged wine recommendations.
It might be awkward but how would you get in trouble? I'm guessing there's nothing in your contract about being in the possession of alcohol so it really wouldn't be anyone's business.
That's what I was guessing because that happened today. The parent was driving by. I guess it there is no DUI, public intoxication, or social media craze then it's okay.
I don't see why. I can go into a liquor store, by whatever alcohol I want, and consume it at the privacy of my home (alone or throw a party) as long as I'm not driving, not let anyone drink and drive, not go out in public drunk and not going to work drunk, or with any alcohol in my system. I haven't been in this situation, but if a parent saw me buying alcohol, I wouldn't be embarrassed. My thoughts would be "your child is part of the reason why I'm buying this" lol
Lol good advice. I highly doubt they would confront you about it. I wouldn't even entertain that discussion.
The parents of my students would just smile. I have been to several of their homes, and I know they have plenty of beer and wine themselves.
I wouldn't care at all. If I had a cart full of liquor I might smile and say something to break the ice. But I never buy carts of liquor
As long as you are over 21 and aren't buying for your students, there is no conflict of interest. Hope you're having a relaxing weekend.
I'll go a slightly different direction here... there have certainly been teachers that have been fired for things like facebook photos of them drinking. If you happen to live in just the wrong community, and ran into just the wrong parent, I could potentially see you having a problem. That's pretty unlikely, all things considered, but it is at least conceivable.
I'd be more worried about a parent finding a teacher in an adult guilty pleasures store. However, most parents would be too embarrassed to admit that they were close enough to a place like that to identify people in there. However, there is still nothing illegal about that either.
What would it matter? If you are over 21 and buying it legally, why would it matter? Our city just recently legalized liquor sales. It's been a huge ordeal. On the way home from work last week I stopped in the liquor store to buy whiskey and beer. I didn't think anything about buying it. I actually don't even drink. I use the beer for bread and beer cheese. I plan to use the whisky to make bourbon balls at Christmas, but I bought it that day to make my dad's homemade cough syrup because I had a nasty cough.
First parents think they have the right to say what a teacher does in her classroom. Then they want to have the right to say what she does OUTSIDE of the classroom? It must be nice to have that much time on their hands.
It would not be a problem here. I have a former parent that works with my daughter at a restaurant. This same parent works at another restaurant that serves alcohol. When I go to that place, I ask if she is working and if she is I ask for her. She knows that we will have a drink. No biggie.
I think, as long as you're not seen consuming alcohol, you'll be in the clear. I once heard a teacher dined out and ordered an alcoholic beverage in a foam cup and straw! :lol:
Thanks you guys. They were driving fast and I don't even know if they recognized me. Who cares right? No crime.
This isn't the early 1900s or late 1800s where women teachers couldn't smoke, be seen in public with a man, be married, be pregnant, or consume alcohol let alone go to a bar. Although I prefer to have a drink or two at home, that way you can let your hair done without the risk of DUI scares, public intoxication, or other drama. No bars for me AT ALL.
Wow. Yeah some places are super conservative and hard on teachers. Sucks. I can't see a teacher getting fired for simply BUYING alcohol. Lol. That would be sad. And illegal maybe?
Lol yeah I never brought more than a bottle of whiskey or two 6 packs at the most. A whole cart- someone just might be an alchy. Smh. :lol:
Or getting ready for an open bar party, like a wedding or an anniversary party or New Year's Eve. Maybe it's the area in which I live but alcohol is no big deal here. I don't think twice about buying alcohol, consuming alcohol at a restaurant with dinner or having an after school drink with colleagues at the local pub. I don't like being drunk in public, but SO and I have walked home after a staff Christmas party after having too much to drive. A few years back, a student's parents gave me liquor chocolates as a Christmas gift. As long as it's after school hours, I'm not doing anything illegal and not embarrassing myself, I can't see it being a problem.
All it takes is one loud mouth parent, one administrator with a weak spine, and being in a right-to-fire state. They might not be officially fired because of it, but it's not hard for an administrator with a vendetta to cook up a bad evaluation.
Nah. If you're over the age of 21, you can buy alcohol. Simple. I went to a bar-hop to benefit breast cancer. A bunch of parents were there. We had a jolly time
You have to know the area where you teach. Here, it would be absolutely a non-issue. If someone tried to even bring it up as an issue, that person would be dismissed as being completely crazy. I wouldn't have to worry about hiding in the "privacy of my own home" to drink either- being out at bars and such is completely fine around here. Our PTO always provides alcohol for our staff Christmas party. In my hometown, it could honestly be an issue. I grew up in an extremely conservative small town where many people think drinking is immoral, so many parents would have issues with teachers drinking since they are supposed to be "role models." In college, we were advised to even go out to dinner in another county if we wanted to drink with dinner in case we ran into a parent. I remember they also showed us a news story where a teacher was fired for drinking out of a red solo cup in a facebook picture.
I actually have heard of places where this could be an issue - particularly in private schools. In my district in my liberal state, it's completely a non-issue. My admin offers up free drinks at a local pub on Friday nights of particularly challenging weeks.
If it was an issue in a certain school they should bring it up ahead of time so the employees are aware of it. If the OP never heard anything concerning that then it shouldn't be a problem.
"It is commonly held that teachers and administrators enjoy a measure of privacy in their personal lives. These rights should be respected to the extent that they do not violate the integrity of the community or render the teacher or administrator ineffective in performing professional duties." Essex, Nathan L. (2011-04-28). School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders (5th Edition) (Allyn & Bacon Educational Leadership) (Page 216). Pearson HE, Inc.. Kindle Edition. (I kept the source information because this book was TOTALLY worth keeping after the class ended).
It wouldn't be an issue here. I have seen parents out in restaurants when I've drinks in front of me. Heck, once I saw my principal out and we saluted each other from across the restaurant.
Why would you get into trouble? You didn't break any laws. It's like if they saw you coming out of the sex shop or the strip club. None of their business & not breaking any laws.
We were just discussing this today. I have bought alcohol at the grocery store to drink at my house. There are several teachers that won't even buy it for fear of a parent or child seeing it. I don't see anything wrong considering I'm an adult and not hurting anyone by siting in my yard, throwing back a few after a hard week.
As weird as it is, this could be an issue, but it all depends on your community. I teach in a conservative southern town, but my entire department goes straight from school to happy hour on Friday afternoon. Parents are there all the time. No issue. Next county over, I've had some teachers get unofficially "talked to" by admins because they were drinking in a restaurant.
Exactly. If I saw a parent at the liquor store, my repsone would be: "I see we have the same way of dealing with your child."
If people are going to go bat crazy over teachers drinking alcohol they need to inform new people when they are hired either official or just by word of mouth. If your district had some of those complaining people I think someone would have mentioned it to you as an FYI.
Yeah, and one parent even gave me a bottle of wine for Christmas. Actually, she gave it to about 10 people in the school. I thanked her and rushed it straight to my car for safe keeping :lol:
Well, I'd have a talk with the waitress and have them put my drink in a "non" cocktail glass so no busy bodies would know!!