I'll be moving to 2nd grade next year and I'm looking for a general idea of what kind of a calendar routine 2nd grade teachers use. Any suggestions/ideas would be greatly appreciated!
When I taught second grade my calendar routine was a bit faster than it is now in first. We do the day of the month etc. on the calendar, keep track of the days of school but we also do a lot with the day of the month. The kids make the money that corresponds to the day and make it in as many ways as possible. We also would think of number sentences that equalled the day of the month. I did more in depth patterns on the actually calendar too. Have you ever used Everyday Counts? Check it out too.
First, we figure out the day of the month and the number of school days. We first write those numbers in expanded notation as we discuss place value (this takes A LOT of coaching during the first semester), and then write them next to each other. We determine whether they are even/odd. We write a comparison sentence to determine greater than/less than/equal to. We then make each number in money, and time (or the closest time to the 5). After we have taught it, we determine how many days are left in school using subtraction and check it with addition.
During the first two weeks of school, one of the first things I teach my kids is the days of the week song. (Tune: Addams Family) There's Sunday and there's Monday. There's Tuesday and there's Wednesday. There's Thursday and there's Friday, And then there's Saturday. Days of the Week (snap, snap) Days of the Week (snap, snap) Days of the Week, Days of the Week, Days of the Week (snap, snap)
I do all my calendar stuff on the SMARTboard. I made made with links to all the songs we sing and it even has a few videos of songs. It has everything from calendar to expanded notation to time to money to weather to place value to 100 chart practice to odd and even numbers. Happy to share it if there's a way to send it. I'm new here and not sure how everything works!
I have done skip-counting patterns using a 100 chart during calendar time. If it was a number counted by 2's, we would underline it in red....If it was a number counted by 3's, we would put a blue dot over the number....If it was a number counted by 4's, we would but a green triangle around the number.....If it was a number counted by 5's, we would color the box yellow with a highlighter.....If it was a number counted by 10's, we would outline the box with a heavy black marker. It got a little confusing, and I'm not sure if kids really "got" what we were doing, so would love to hear if others have done this concept a better way!
I am more than interested in the smart board info. I am new to the smart board this year and I am very excited, but also nervous. I would love your links. Thanks. P.S. I don't know how you can get it to me.