I am not really looking forward to going back. I am ready to see my kids but I am not ready to face my coworkers and all the drama that goes with that. When is summer break? What are you looking forward to and not looking forward to?
not looking forward to a faculty meeting tomorrow, counting the days till MLK Day when we have off! It will be nice to see my students tomorrow
We had 9 snow days (7 in a row) before Christmas break, so I feel like I haven't seen seen my kids in forever. I'm looking forward to going back. I hope we don't have any more snow anytime soon.
Not looking forward to seeing my most challenging class, and am glad that they will no longer be my class after 11 more days. I'm looking forward to seeing my awesome baking class, I will really miss them. I am also looking forward to seeing a few of my coworkers, especially the one who will be out on maternity leave in about three weeks.
I'm a little worried since I'm going in to a new class. Also, the old teacher is still working at that school-in a different department-and plans on being in the class for the first half hour over the first couple of weeks. I think that might be a good idea for the first day, but I need to figure out how to tell her (nicely) that I don't think she should be in there every day!
I'm looking forward to seeing all my kids and teacher buddies. I miss them. I'm also glad that the term is almost over, so we'll be getting new classes in two weeks. I'm not looking forward to the technology problems that we are continuing to have. Our classes are driven by an online class management system (LMS/Angel) and the server has been down all break! That means we haven't been able to get online to upload our lessons or grade during the break at all.
I start back tomorrow, but my kids don't start until Wednesday. I'm ready for them, (well except for 2, but I'm working on it.) I have one co-worker who's grandson is in my room. I'd enjoy a much longer break from her. Gee, that really sounded ugly. I'm working hard on not doing ugly this year.
I'm not ready to go back. I would feel so much better if I had 1 more day. January is the only day that we don't have 1 day without kids...well, we have a professional development day on the 31st...
I'm not really looking forward to going back. I enjoy the time at home. There's a long stretch between mid-Jan and spring break!
I'm kinda ready to go back but another week off sure would be nice. I am counting the days until March 25th when we leave for spring break vacation!
I don't have spring break till April. We have a long weekend in February for President's day and one in two weeks for MLK.
I'm SO not ready to go back. This year has been difficult, and the only thing good about going back is that it's one day closer to summer break!!
I've been bored out of my gourd most nights by 9 yet have LOVED the time off... I spent some time on professional reading and am looking forward to implementing some new ideas (and getting back to tutoring $$$ on top of my regular schedule! ). February break is almost on the horizon..
Usually I'm ready. This year, not quite there yet. We have faculty meetings/pd tomorrow and then get kids on Tues. I still have a whole pile of work I was supposed to get done over the break . This time of year begins the push for preparing for our standardized testing which is anxiety I really don't need. But we have to do what we have to do, right? I am excited to see the kids again and implement some new activities.
Kinder~that's one reason why I'm not really looking forward to going back....the push for TAKS is coming! And I have two math classes with kids that need to pass and one English student. The pressure!!
Our last day was the 22, and I got sick on the 23rd... I just started feeling better yesterday, so I'm not ready to go back tomorrow! Plus, three of my kids moved over break. It makes me sad, and it makes me super worried since I will be down to 16. I don't know who I'm going to get when we get back!
Our last day was the 23rd, so we still have another week, and the 10th is a PD day, so I'm really excited to be able to get lots of stuff done over the next several days!
I was making name tags tonight and I couldn't remember one of my student's name... I do wish that we went until the 22nd so that I could have 2 extra days at home.
Not looking forward to getting up at 5 tomorrow--I haven't really slept in during the break, but at least I haven't had to jump right into the shower! My best friend was here until yesterday, and my daughter was home for five days; not having them around is kind of a letdown. Plus, DH is having some medical issues and has a test scheduled later this week. I'm a little unfocused on school, but I'm sure it will come back to me tomorrow.
I'm not looking forward to facing tomorrow on about 4 hours sleep (I'm flying from Orlando to Toronto shortly and I won't be home until close to 2:00am). I am looking forward to seeing my students tomorrow and hearing about their vacations.
I am not even close to ready. I feel that break went by so quickly this year. The first week was getting ready for Christmas and then the second was getting ready for New Year's. I need more time
I am all for that. That five o'clock alarm is not going to the highlight of my day tomorrow! But I shouldn't complain. If MrsC can go in tomorrow, I can too.
Remember You have Martin Luther King day in January Presidents' day and Valentines Day (not a real holiday but the kids think it is) In February St Patricks Day (not a real holiday but the kids think it is) in March April Fools Day, Good friday/Earth day and Tax day (not public holidays but the kids think so) in April Memorial Day, Mothers' day (not a real holiday but the kids think it is) in May and THEN the end of school. See it is all mapped out I am not looking forward to Monday I don't GET to go back to school I miss taking attendance after Christmas, there was always the hope that that one problem student moved, was stranded at grandma's or was kidnaped by elves.
I miss that. Growing up in New England we had Feb break, but here in NC we go from Jan to April with no breaks. It's torture!
We usually get a short break for Mardi Gras, but this year since we switched to block schedule, we don't have enough minutes to have extra breaks. Yet another reason why I hate block schedule!
Not looking forward to it at all...I have formed no attachments to my school or students this year. I'd happily go back to last year's students though :-s
I am not ready to go back yet either, but that's only because I love "holiday mode"... eating lunch when I am hungry, sleeping, not doing prep work every evening, having time and energy for friends and family. I know when I get back into the routine of school I'll be fine... but this afternoon I am cozy on my couch, not ready to give it up! (I go back on Thursday)
So today went as I thought. I was happy to see the kids but not happy to see my peers. ugh! The kids were actually pretty good. No complaints from them.
We have one more week off before we go back (oh we pay for it dearly though...school does not get out until early July....talk about dragging the school year on and on), but I think by next week I will be ready. I have been useless here at home, and I actually have a million things to do, like finish grading, finish a paper, and put together a presentation I am doing the first week back....I have a headache just thinking about it.
It was like Invasion of the Body Snatchers today. Physically, they got their bodies to school. But their minds were still on vacation. Big time. As in "Come on!!!! You're sophomores in high school!!! Can't ANYONE tell me what a proportion is???? What does it look like??? How do you solve it???ANYTHING????" Eventuallly I got "cross multiplication" out of them, and we got around to the definition. But I earned my salary today!!!
Perfect description of my students today (unfortunately, it was also a perfect description of their teacher as well). A glass of wine, a hockey game on TV and an early night will cure that!
No break's ever long enough for me, but all good things must come to and end, so I just roll w/ the punches. It wasn't as hard as I thought to wake up this morning to get ready for work. I mean there I was in my cozy bed w/ the electric blanket on & it's still dark & rainy outside. Plus, that's the earliest I've woken up since Dec. 17th. I'm looking forward to MAJOR changes this new year. I want to get accepted to a communications disorders grad program, so I can get hired as an SLP ASAP & leavesubbing behind for good! I also want my home-based program to get rolling!