Biggest Loser

Discussion in 'Teacher Time Out' started by silverspoon65, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 4, 2009

    I hate it when they decide to not show the weekly outcome on this show. I know that there was a lot in this episode, but it's a two-hour show and there was still a lot of filler they could have gotten rid of to make room for the outcome.

    It was really nice for Mike to give Aubrey the groceries, everyone this season just seems to really like each other which is a nice change from last season.
  2. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 4, 2009

    I am infuriated that we have to wait until next week to find out if Mike pulled a big number. How totally unfair to place that on this kid!!!! I am loving this season, and I am glad that Jillian finally gave Laura the business. I prefer Jillian-Bob is nice, but after his stunt with crying over his new team, I am over him. Nothing like making your new team feel like losers. And I am frustrated with Simone (spelling?) and Filipe too. Get over it already!!!! I would LOVE to have the trainers they have, to have the right food accessible to me every day. Quit whining about having to leave Bob-they are lucky they are still there. My fav person this season is Tara. No bull there....and doing this for the right reasons. I miss Dane too....
  3. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 4, 2009

    This is a really good season! I almost cried when Mike gave her his groceries. That was very sweet of him to think of her.

    I think Filipe (or is it Simone) is going to blame Jillian for his unimpressive weight loss this week. I think that he misses Bob and is thinking that if he was still with Bob he would have lost more weight this week.

    And poor Mike shouldn't have to be in this position. I know the others didn't know it was going to be this kind of weight in this week, and some of them pulled big numbers last week so of course they'd pull small numbers this week. Mike has had to carry his dad all this time, and now the weight of saving 2 people. I'm sure if they don't meet the 78 lbs, the show will still donate the money.
  4. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 4, 2009

    Oh, I hope so, Smalltowngal! I still hate to think of Mike having to worry about having two members voted off too. Poor kid-and he needs to be there so badly!!
    I agree, I think next week, Simone or Filipe will blame Jillian for the small loss. I think it was Simone who didn't do well. I think Filipe had a 10 pound loss. Still, I say-give it up! That is the way the game is played, and they knew that could happen! It really has beena great season.
    Honestly, I am forgoing American Idol because of it! (and I haven't missed that for years, but that show is NOT exciting this year!)
  5. silverspoon65

    silverspoon65 Enthusiast

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Mar 10, 2009

    WOW! So much for there being no drama this season.

    That was a crazy vote-off. Ron gets on my nerves. He always is really opinionated about who needs to go, but he is the one who can't pull big numbers. He probably needs to be there, but if they want to play the game, he needs to go, and instead of throwing others under the bus, you would think he would step down.

    And Filipe. Oh, Filipe. I love the black team but I would like to see him gone. What a baby. I can't believe he had the nerve to eat a plate of chicken fingers and fries and a fat steak, and then get pissed at Jillian for not working him out. And then call her fake and say she disrespects him, when he disrespected himself like that, and was "fake" for eating like that and trying to cover it up.

    Ok, that is my analysis of tonight's show. lol.
  6. Samothrace

    Samothrace Cohort

    Mar 14, 2008
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    Mar 10, 2009

    there was definately some drama in this episode, for sure!

    i love Sione and Filipe. While I think they should be feeling really guilty for acting so stupid. And I was thinking that Mike lost as much as he did b/c he's not old enough to drink! Although I'm sure he ate just as much junk!

    As much as Ron can be irritating with his opinions, he does need to be there. you can't help injury or pre-existing conditions, and that does need to be under the watchful eye of a trainer so you don't make it worse!

    on a side note..American idol is iritating me! I don't watch it, never have, but it's taking up my Fringe timeslot! lol
  7. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    You are freaking me out...are you SURE you are not my long lost twin in Delaware???? Are you sure you weren't in my living room listening to me tell my son the exact same things???? So totally weird,Silverspoon!:haha:
  8. silverspoon65

    silverspoon65 Enthusiast

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    Haha. Did you also tell him that Aubrey and Mandi are stupid because whichever one of them didn't go home tonight is going next week. There is no way Bob's original three are going to vote out each other. They should have made a deal with black to vote out one of the other ones.
  9. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    This season as more drama than last year, and I didn't think that was possible!!

    I love Bob, really I do, but he should have sent them back. And Felipe was sooooo in the wrong for going off on Jillian because Bob would have done the same thing. I can't believe that the black team still won after ingesting that many calories! :eek:

    And I think Ron was just being honest. He, Kristen, and Cathy have been together since the very beginning and he was just letting them know that. I thought what Mandy did was a great thing! And she looks awesome!
  10. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    That was the plan until Mandi voted Ron instead of Cathy.
  11. silverspoon65

    silverspoon65 Enthusiast

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    No I mean they should gotten rid of Cathy or her daughter (is her name Michelle? I can't remember). Because next time blue is up, they are just all gong to vote off Aubrey. And if they had sent her home instead, then they would just vote off Mandi next time. Instead, they should have gotten black to vote for one of the others, then they would have been even.
  12. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009

    Yeah, and the plan was that Ron, Kristen, and Cathy were going to vote for Mandi and Lauri, Aubrey, and Mandi were going to vote Cathy which would have made a tie, then black team would have come in and voted probably Cathy out. But then Mandi didn't vote Cathy, she voted Ron which broke the would be tie and sent her home.
  13. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 11, 2009

    The black team was going to vote Aubrey out if it was tie, which was why Mandi voted the way she did; she decided that she could handle it at home better than Aubrey could. I just don't understand why Ron gets to make the decisions all of the time. It seems like every vote they vote how he tells everyone to.
  14. silverspoon65

    silverspoon65 Enthusiast

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Mar 11, 2009


    I agree about Ron too. Seems like a nice guy and his reasoning is usually pretty sound, but he forgets to add in that HE is probably the one that really needs to go
  15. iheart5thgrade

    iheart5thgrade Comrade

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Mar 12, 2009

    I'm really tired of Ron being here this long. Yes, I know he has health issues and needs to be on the ranch, but why can't the blue team see that he is absolutely NO help to them? He's a good reason why they are losing the challenges and the weigh-ins.

    I was SO sad that the blue team worked so hard, while the black team partied, and yet they still ended up in the elimination room. That is just not fair. But I was happy to see Kristen win her match up; she was SO focused to beat her competition!
  16. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Mar 12, 2009

    The thing with Ron is that at the rate he is losing weight and the amount of weeks there are left require that he be able to lose most of his weight at home and he is killing his team in challenges an weigh in each week. At the rate he is losing weight (about 5-6 pounds) he will only lose about 35-50 more pounds at the ranch if he stays the whole time, which is still far from where he needs to be. And since he can't do the strenuous exercise I think that he could actually lose at the same rate at home.

    Also, I believe at this time in the competition the contestants have learned the tools they need to be successful at home and either they will be do it or they won't, but besides losing weight a little faster I don't think that there's a long-term benefit to lasting weight loss for being at the ranch. So at this point they should be voting in a way that will make them last longer in the game.
  17. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 12, 2009

    Does anyone get the TV Guide? There is a story in it about the Biggest Loser and if they "cheat". They said that two of the women that went home, Carla and Shannon, took a leave of absence from work, set their home up like the ranch, and didn't allow any phone calls or TV distractions, and that is how they managed to lose 70 and 40 lbs. Aubrey only lost about 2-5 lbs at home because she had the every day distractions of a husband and kids. Carla actually took an additional 2 months off of work after she was eliminated to continue working out like at the ranch so she can do well at the finale.
  18. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 13, 2009

    I did!!! How funny. Bob's original 3 will never vote each other off. I like this season, but so ticked off on the way everyone is treating Jillian. I mean, come on, she isn't that bad.
  19. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 18, 2009

    Alright all you fans-
    What do you think is going to happen??? The blue team is down to three people-do you think next week it will turn into a "no team" and everyone for themselves? How can the blue team even survive???
    And Filipe got what he deserved after treating Jillian so bad-he was home for the week and had a lousy weigh in. And I don't like the way he ignores Jillian and hugs Bob. Poor sportsmanship.
  20. MuggleBug

    MuggleBug Companion

    May 7, 2008
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    Mar 18, 2009

    I know. I felt SO bad for Tara that she missed out on the $10K because Helen ate the cookie for her. How awful! She really busted her butt, then to only lose 2 pounds after losing nothing last week...she's got to be so frustrated. Felipe and Sione are dead to me after what they pulled with Jillian - but she was cracking me up when she said "Wouldn't you listen to me?! I would listen to me!" I was just nodding my head furiously, telling my TV "Yes, yes Jillian, I will listen to you!"
  21. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 18, 2009

    Remember last season when Jillian was down to one member? And she ended up winning!!!

    Dh and I laughed when Felipe didn't lose that much weight.
  22. iheart5thgrade

    iheart5thgrade Comrade

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Mar 19, 2009

    My favorite part of the whole episode was Jillian's "Would you listen to me? I would listen to me!"

    I think everyone watching was saying, yes Jillian I would!! Only idiots would go on the show and think they know more than their trainer! Obviously if contestants knew more than trainers, they would never come to the ranch in the first place......
  23. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 19, 2009

    And I think part of Tara's problem is that she might have overdid it at home, training too hard. I do feel bad for her though because she is really trying hard.
  24. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 19, 2009

    I agree. Tara is working TOO hard. I had to explain that to my son. People can over train, and the body goes into a "starvation" mode and stores everything! I learned that in WW a long time ago. You have to give your body enough food to balance the training in order to see pounds come off.
    I feel so bad for her though. I missed the cookie part. (must have been talking). What is that about?
  25. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 19, 2009

    Each person was given a container of cookies. You could choose to eat as many cookies as you wanted. If you did, each cookie would be 5 minutes added on to the time of another member of your choosing. Helen was the only one that ate. I thought Aubrey did too but I guess I missed that.

    My BIL who's a doctor said that if you starve your body of food and exercise hard, then your body holds onto the fat that your trying to get rid of so as not to starve itself.
  26. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Mar 19, 2009

    I agree that I love this season. I too laughed when Jillian said that this week. I'd listen to her!
  27. iheart5thgrade

    iheart5thgrade Comrade

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Mar 25, 2009

    Can I just say that I felt like I won that challenge WITH Tara?! I was so excited for her and I'm glad she channeled her anger into helping her win!
  28. knitter63

    knitter63 Groupie

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Mar 25, 2009

    Right there with you!!! I was actually angry at Filipe and Sione. I had to go to bed the second half-what did I miss? Who was voted off?
  29. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 25, 2009

    Aubrey was voted off.
  30. MathManTim

    MathManTim Companion

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Mar 26, 2009

    I wonder if they have all the "twists and turns" planned out in advance. I'm thinking about the week where they all flipped a coin to determine whether or not they would keep their trainers. That was a badly designed twist, in my opinion. It directly led to that blowup Filipe had with Jillian, because he had become so close with Bob. I mean, really, as good as the other trainer is, he or she hasn't been working with you, and doesn't quite know where and how you need to be pushed. I wonder if this week's twist where they let the contestants choose their trainers was a direct result of that blowup; it gave the producers some cover and a chance to undo the previous coin-flipping challenge.

    Um, no one here would happen to know if Tara's single, would they? :whistle:

  31. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 26, 2009

    I don't know if they do or not Tim. And I think Tara is married. Sorry.
  32. iheart5thgrade

    iheart5thgrade Comrade

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Mar 26, 2009

    I was going to say she was single---we didn't see a husband when she went home to run the 13 miles....we saw her mom and brother. Maybe her husband was just off screen the whole time, but I don't remember him being mentioned?
  33. hillsidefogo

    hillsidefogo Companion

    Sep 10, 2002
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    Mar 26, 2009

    I think she's single. I've never seen her mention a boyfriend or hubby. I've watched all the seasons and love this one. Vicky almost turned me from the show last year. I like Tara and admire her drive but she was a bit of a crybaby this week over pounds for the car challenge. Glad she won!
  34. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Mar 26, 2009

    Oh, I thought she mentioned a hubby.
  35. Samothrace

    Samothrace Cohort

    Mar 14, 2008
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    Apr 1, 2009

    holy drama on the show last night! apparently I missed all the commericals to build up to the drama..or they just left is all a secret.
  36. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Apr 1, 2009

    No, there were some commercials that mentioned "the most shocking weigh-in of the season"...I loved the show last night. :)

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