I've never heard it called prayer language before. I've always heard it referred to as speaking in tongues. I try to have an open mind about things, but honestly it really creeps me out when people do that.
I have not been a Cody fan all season but for some reason I want him to find a way to stay. I did not like how they teamed up on Kevin for simply talking to Cody in the kitchen. I'd REALLY like to see double eviction turn on Paul.
Christmas says her noms will be a game changer. I don't see that. Mark may win comps but he is weak. Alex or Paul would be game changing. Jason maybe if they would actually vote him out. Kevin has been floating so much that now they are pulling strings trying to find things he is doing wrong.
I'm not a fan of this years group. I am still watching because I assume after they get rid of Mark this week they will have to start turning on each other.
Hoping Matt, Kevin, Raven, or Mark win HOH this week. Pretty sure Paul will not as it will make him align. All three groups think Paul is in their group so he is likely safe for a bit...but I hope not. I was surprised that the veto was an endurance competition so maybe HOH will not be?
This is the dumbest group ever! They are all being played and they don't have the sense to get it. I hate Paul, but I guess he deserves to win.
I thought the show would get more interesting as time went on because the alliances would have to turn on each other. I feel like the opposite has happened- it gets more and more boring/predictable each week! It definitely felt like they were just "filling time" with Thursday's episode (showing recaps of the veto competition, etc.)
I am in shock that Paul was actually able to convince the entire house to throw the HOH competition. I.do.not.like.Paul. With that said, he may deserve final 2 with what he was able to do. WOWZIE! I feel bad for Kevin too. I hope they keep Jason but it's doubtful
Sooooo...They vote Jason out which is apparently a shocker to Alex. Alex wins HOH and she puts up Kevin and Raven??? Ummm...didn't Josh and Christmas just oust your buddy Jason? Plus Raven and Kevin are weak competitors. If Josh and Christmas win next...bye-bye Alex. She has no clue??? REALLY? Josh is on to Paul so hoping he wins and back doors Paul.