I hope this is an appropriate place for this..... Reading all the love for Ellen_A after her death made me think about how many people I appreciate - but only know here on A to Z. It might have seemed silly to think I "know" any of you before the accident, but now it seems much more reasonable. I'd like to offer some Appreciation, especially the heartfelt emotional kind. These are not All the People I Appreciate. I'll add more with time. If you want to add yours, please do.... Ellen_A, you wrote to me about twins and shared your first hand experience which helped me tremendously with my twins. Thank you. MamaRuthie, you did as much for me with my twins, and I thank you. I'll never know what it's like to be a twin, but You do and you shared with me. MissFrizzle, you always reply to my posts, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate your warm words. Really, it mists me up to think of it, seriously. TeacherGroupie, you once said you knew I'd do fine on the CSET. Your status here at AtoZ as a teacher mentor gave that serious weight. I felt gratitude that you had confidence in me. I hope I have not offended you over time. I appreciate you so much. CutNGlue, you are so open, I love the way your personality comes thru on your posts. I'd like to have you as a real-life friend. MasterPreK, you write like you speak (I'll bet) which makes me feel like I know you. You are funny, real, and sincere, which I always appreciate.
Grammy, you and I shared such a great IM string. I'll always be glad for it - it cleared the air for me in many ways, that can't be shared with the whole world!
Here are some of my special people. Upsadaisy- You have always offered such insight and have most recently supported me throughout the writing workshop "revelations" I have made. You are nurturing to many on the board and have responded to some prayer requests of mine. I really look forward to when I read your responses to posts. TeacherGroupie- You're my partner in crime! Ehh... you know what I mean. We knock one another to the ground with puns about geology and whatever other topics we venture toward. The best thing is that you put a great deal of effort into contributing genius ideas that work in the classroom and many test preparation ideas for younger studetns as well. Mommaruthie- You have given people so many resources over time, and you truly cared when I was going through a pretty difficult period this past year. Thank you so much for wanting to be pen pals, though it never happened. Anyway, you are extremely caring! Katenar- You have a brilliant website, and though you're more of a new friend of mine, you've already made an impact on me! Miss Kirby- You and I are in the same situation- at home and focusing on school a lot- but it is apparent that you love your classroom and your students! Amanda- You made these boards possible, and I thank you tremendously for that. Ellen_A- Though I didn't know you all that well, this difficult time has shown me that I need to tell people how much I appreciate them! You seemed like an extremely caring person. MissFrizzle, Peachyness, loves2teach, pwhatley, Steph-ernie, AMK- Though I don't know you as well, you're people I look forward to "seeing" on here. You brighten my spirits, and I hope to get to know some of you better by being here on A-Z!
I appreciate the people who started this site. I can't imagine all the hard work that goes into maintaining this. But the effect this site has the people is amazing. Seeing the outpouring of love for Ellen A is proof of the bonds that have been created thru this site. I've been posting lately, but normally just lurk. I've learned so much from the experienced teachers and the newbies! It is so nice to know that I am not alone in my fears, frustrations and happy moments. Thanks to all who make this site what it is--from the administrators, to the regulars, to the lurkers. It defiantely makes a difference in my life.
there are just too many individuals on here who come together and make this such a great place to be. I have gotten to know some of you better in the year that I've been a member and it I can't tell you how much the support from this forum has helped me. Now if only we could open our own little school.............. we'd all have jobs... The only problem is who would be the principal
They'd be awesome principals! Plus they have the highest amount of posts, so they're dedicated. Yay, yay! Then MommaRuthie and SpecialPreskoo can be the resource because they're known for posting links and other resources.
hahahahahahaha...... I nominate TeacherGroupie. It sure would be a great school. Where would it be located? Thank you for your kind words and thoughts, Ms.Jasztal. I relate to you more than you can know. You guys keep me excited about learning new ways of doing things. I have been shamefaced at times when I recognized myself in some of your complaints about coworkers. The talent and potential of you young teachers is so very impressive. And the heart and soul that many of you put into your job searches is very inspiring. The best thing is that you feel like family.
In the sky between Florida and California, of course. Where else? Thank you for the return compliment!
If I hadn't logged into another computer and committed an act of laziness by not signing in, I would have missed this post. Instead of signing in I did a search for my own name. Thank you very much! Sometimes I worry just a tiny bit that if one of my coworkers came on here they would figure out who I am in spite of me asking Amanda to change my more obvious name awhile back. I could actually use a real-life friend right now. I haven't strayed outside of my work/home life much since I moved here and frankly that shows when I spend my first summer alone without my hubby or any family close by. Of course with things being so crazy, I wouldn't have had much time for them anyways. Either way it's always nice to feel appreciated and noticed. Thanks! You perked up my 4th of July just when I needed words of encouragement the most!
I accidently found this thread too when I got onto another computer. Anyways, my life really did change when I found this site. I've recieved SO many wonderful information and ideas from you guys. I feel like I have really grown as an educator (still a bratty little kid otherwise!) I only joined this site about a year ago, but it feels like I've been a member forever. I have not clue how I've gotten along in my career without this site before I joined and met you guys. Thank you Amanda for starting this site!!!
As a first year teacher this site has been a saving grace. At time when the hubby wouldn't listen and I needed to vent or just ask questions you were all there. I am so thankful to have a group of people willing to take time to put their heart and soul into an answer then wait for a reponse and respond back. This site has helped in thousands of way and I can't thank you guys enough.
Also... I used to be a head moderator of message boards at my own domain (religious), but when I closed the domain, there weren't boards to post at any longer. These have been incredible. I feel like I am heard while I am on here and that I can be of significance to people.
Each member is unique and I have gained from each of you. Thanks for sharing and adding a spark to my life. I can't pick only one person, because you are all great.
I appreciate everyone for letting me fell comfortable when I post questions and suggetions here, even though I am not a teacher in your shoes (ha, I don't have to wear shoes when I teach). I have learned so much from all of you. I also liked reading Ellen's post about being a twin since I have twins.
I guess I've been a little out of the loop and just read about Ellen. I do not post often, but I'm on here often. I remember reading her posts and seeing her beautiful picture. I want to offer my condolences to the family and thank everyone on here who make this feel like a family. There are people like me who read more than they post and you will never know in what ways you have touched another.
Take a week off to be with family, and look what happens... Me, a principal?? Not even, noway, unh-unh.
Can I be part of your school MissFrizzle? I want to teach kindergarten! I'm ready, eager, and dedicated. I'll do my BEST to meet the need's of my students and challenge them to be successful learners and thinkers. Now how's that? Do I get the job?????
Fine. Science Resource Extraordinnaire, then. Or just stay true to your roots and go for Testing Coordinator. You're no fun. (Just kidding.) These boards are like a teaching family... and it is in a way like a school because we do support and affirm one another often. You may even bring something (personality-wise) out of others that normally doesn't even come out in real life.
You haven't figured out that I'm holding out for Power Behind The Throne? But, yes, there's much to these threads that's like family.