Applying for jobs

Discussion in 'Job Hunting & Interviews' started by Beth2004, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. sofiluv

    sofiluv Rookie

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Jul 7, 2006

    Thanks for the tip, I was thinknig of doing the same, except at the same time that i don't want ot step on any toes, I don't want to seem like I'm riding on her coat tail, even though I do need her to help me out a little until I get the routine down, If she has a way of doing things, do you think I should follow her ways, or can/should my class be completely different from hers?--MAybe this is a question for the Kinder forum, I'll post it there, sorry about taking the space of the "applying for jobs forum" srh-thanks for your feedback I would love ot talk to you some more!
  2. nasimi77

    nasimi77 Groupie

    Feb 27, 2005
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    Jul 7, 2006

    srh: I actually really liked Kinder. Never slept better in my life either, lol! Hard work! I actually prefer the do indeed need every moment of the day. I did my ST at a primary center so it was kind of nice, all the teachers were on the same page. :) I learned to have a new appreciation for Kinder teachers, since b4 my ST I really hadn't worked much with that age group. I am quick to correct other teachers who think it's "play time", it's anything but that...especially now with NCLB laws! 5 yr olds are sponges and just budding with excitement to learn. :p I'm either going to have 2nd or 4th grade this year, and I like those grades too.
  3. MissFrizzle

    MissFrizzle Virtuoso

    Mar 10, 2006
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    Jul 7, 2006

    I have a HUGE amount of respect for the kinder teachers!!!!!! It is not all play time and fun and games. These are the first teachers ( for the most part) that a child will meet and they can be such a positive influence on future school years.
  4. nasimi77

    nasimi77 Groupie

    Feb 27, 2005
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    Jul 7, 2006

    I sub at a rather large school and the Kinder teachers have a very different lunch schedule. I over-heard a few upper-grade teachers talking about the K teacher's "day" as if it were "simpler" and "easier" and I kindly said, "I must tell you, after working with them for 9 weeks nothing could be farther from the truth." They all got quiet.
    I know better than to think anybody on this board would think such a thing, especially you MissFrizzle. ;-)
  5. srh

    srh Devotee

    May 4, 2005
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    Jul 7, 2006

    Oops...I just send a reply off to LaLa Land, I think. So if it shows up, this will sound redundant!

    I LOVE this site because it is nice to talk to people who KNOW and UNDERSTAND our unique situations! Thanks, Nasimi, for stepping up for us!! As to lunches, I am the only teacher at our site with a lunch at 11:00. The morning K teachers go with the other primary teachers; upper grades go later, of course. Sometimes I have even brought a dessert or salad for a potluck, and no one remembers to bring me a plate!! So guard your importance!! :-D It's a good thing I like my alone time...and I don't eat much lunch either!!
  6. kidatheart

    kidatheart Habitué

    May 16, 2006
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    Jul 7, 2006

    Thanks for explaining it. I thought I read somewhere that you had an am class and the other teacher had a pm class. My mistake.
    The kindergarten that my son was in this year had 21 kids, the kindergarten next door had 21 also. They had class time alone, but much of the day was spent team teaching. I don't know the logistics, but I do know that one class was set up with more tables, learning areas and the other classroom had a play kitchen, a loft type area and a wall of toys (wood blocks, legos, etc).
    They seem to work very well together!
  7. srh

    srh Devotee

    May 4, 2005
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    Jul 8, 2006

    Kidatheart--I may have unintentionally confused you! (I'm really good at that, especially in emails!!) My partner does teach the am class; I assist during centers time. Then finishes (and goes to lunch) as my students are coming in. He comes back and works with us during our centers time. The hard part is sharing everything, without any "clean-up" time between our classes. His are literally going out the front door while mine come in the back! So I end up quickly wiping tables or stuffing his "tools" and things somewere in the last two minutes or so before his class leaves.

    I have heard of arrangements like you mentioned with your son. I think the idea is to have different types of centers (opportunities) in the two classrooms, and each teacher runs one room of centers. Or, one teacher can do group activities while the other does assessments or reading groups, etc. It is a good system for an alternative! (Have you noticed that Kinder teachers learn to be very flexible??!! :-D)
  8. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Jul 8, 2006

    srh your co-teacher is a HE! I have never seen a male teacher in kinder. Second and third grade but not first or kindergarten.
    All I can think of is kindergarten cop. So how does he do?
  9. njeledteacher

    njeledteacher Cohort

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Jul 8, 2006

    I've observed a male K teacher..he's awesome and the kids listen and respect him. For some of them, it's the only male figure in their lives that cares. I don't know how he does it all day. It's not an easy job.
  10. srh

    srh Devotee

    May 4, 2005
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    Jul 8, 2006

    JaimeMarie--He is VERY good! He has a very playful, fun nature (he's a father of three, and I've observed excellent family dynamics!)...he is well loved by both students and parents. He also is able to gain attention much better than I can, with his loud, booming voice that just commands respect! :-D Being a guy, and much more "bottom line" oriented than I am, he has taught me a lot about shortcutting things when appropriate! He is especially good at quick fixes, like when we run out of something (lined paper for journals), he can whip up a sheet on the computer unbelievably fast, and copy it. I would tend to say, "well, tomorrow..." (On the other hand, he is a bit forgetful and loses things all the time...sound familiar to anyone?! HAHA I keep track of "where things are.")

    He has been teaching six years, the last five in Kinder. He became a teacher to spend more time with his family--he was a building contractor! While we do many things quite differently, and I am more language arts while he is math/science, we work well together.
  11. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Jul 8, 2006

    I didn't mean to imply it was a bad thing to have a male kinder teacher. I was just surprised is all. I know the male second grade teacher that I worked with was amazing with the students. I bet he would be a great kinder teacher to. I wish I could observe your teacher SRH. I love watching other teachers teach, I seem to learn so much.
  12. srh

    srh Devotee

    May 4, 2005
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    Jul 8, 2006

    I didn't take it as a criticism! In fact, I love sharing info about my partner, because it IS a unique situation. We have another male K teacher in the district--I don't think he is quite so comfortable with it, although he's done a great first year job. He was snapped up for the position partly because he is bilingual, and his school is high in Spanish-speaking students. So many of these students just need a great male role model; both these guys fit the bill!

    (And hey! Next time you're out in California, let me know and I'll set up some visiting time with you in our district!! IT COULD HAPPEN!! :-D I'd love to meet lots of you AtoZ folks!)
  13. JaimeMarie

    JaimeMarie Moderator

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Jul 9, 2006

    Thanks! I don't know if I will ever visit California. I just don't have that desire. But I suppose it could happen. I should probably try and visit all the states in my life time. Which means I have about 14 states to go.
  14. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006

    HI Jamie

    That's about all I have yet to go, too. Think I've missed Maine, Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, and a few others I don't remember off the top of my head.
  15. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006


    the dollar store will be a life saver. They have SOOOO much stuff for young kids.

    I'm doing summer school with the little ones, and just spent a hundred bucks on stuff, LOL

  16. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006


    You are sooooooo right! I had a speech impediment when I was in school. When I'd get called on to read, they'd laugh at me, and I'd run from the room in tears!

    Years later, when I was in the police academy I actually missed the day we had to do an oral report! (the only day I missed). I just couldn't talk in front of a bunch of people.

    Now, of course, I'm years older, and do fine...but that early experience held with me for a long long long long time.

    I'm sure children that stutter, read slowly, etc., would have similar stories to share about reading aloud horrors.

  17. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006


    I think you're right. My enthusiasm is probably what got me hired, too-- as I've never taught in a public school, I'm 45, and an ex-cop, and will be working under a conditional license.

    I was just so excited at the prospect of teaching there == even on the phone interview, I knew I wanted to work there, and told them so, LOL:D

  18. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006


    When I discussed being 'friends' with my students, I said "I'm not really there to be their friend, I'm their teacher. I will show them by my actions and words that I care about each and every one of them. I love having students feel comfortable enough with me to share their lives and problems with me. But, I don't feel the need to do the same. I will assure that I leave 'home' at home, unless it's something that I can particularly relate to, for instance I've actually told students about some of my speech problems in school to show that I could emphasize with them"

    BTW, I got the job where I said that.

  19. shadowrose45

    shadowrose45 Rookie

    Jun 19, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006


    For reading, I'd recommend small groups. Less chances of children feeling bad if they have problems. I'd also start journals in this grade for each student. They seem to like them. It's the last thing I'd do in the day- quiet time to settle before going home.

    I'd use assigned seats (reallly!) and place the desks in 'groups' of students.

    I'd also, when you're interviewed, explain that you feel it's important to place children in groups according to their strengths. This way, you don't have one group will ALL one type of student. They are able to benefit from all the various strengths of the group members.

    It's a good grade to start 'team learning'.

    Good luck! You'll do fine!

  20. Sarah5483

    Sarah5483 Companion

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Jul 9, 2006

    Shadowrose, I love your answer on the "friends" question! Thanks for sharing. :)

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