We don't go back until September *not that I have a librarian position as of now..but I'm still hoping and have my first week planned out in my head just in case!
I was just thinking about you the other day. Im sure something will open up last minute for you. Have faith.
Thanks! I had another interview yesterday and 2 more postings came up on OLAS yesterday so Im definitely thinking positively!
I have been back for 3 weeks. I am totally exhausted! I spent the first week going over library procedures and introducing myself with a Powerpoint Pres. about me. Next week, I start lessons.
Woohoo!! Congratulations! I will be happy to share some ideas. I need all the great ideas I can get, too!
Do you have a smart board? I have some great files I used last year in my leave replacement, I can email to you if you do.
I don't have a smart board. I do have a digital projector. Smartboards are in all the classrooms but not the library, yet. I don't have space on the wall for one right now. I would have to majorly weed books and mount it over the shelves. Bummer. Right now I am teaching lessons that integrate skills they are learning in the classroom. My new school is big on integration this year.
You should go volunteer in the libraries in your school district, or any of the libraries in schools that you are interested in. You'll never know what can happen, unless you try it. Good luck, Rebel1
Is the digital projector connected to a computer that has the smart board software installed? In my old building it was on every computer..if so you can still use the files even though you wont be able to touch the smartboard, you will have to move the things with a mouse. My new school has Mimios...which I have not had too much experience with.