I had a wild bunch of kindergarteners today! Plus, the afternoon was just miserably hot again. I'll add my - Ahhhhhhhhh! - too!
Note to all. If you have a child that has a full blown temper tantrum do not I repeat Do not try to demonstrate it to your mother with your dog around. I did that last night and SMASHED my nose into my dogs SKULL! So now I have a nice bruise on my nose and my eyes have dark circles. Which I do not think is from lack of sleep.
Jaime, you have my sympathy... but this is, as you tell it, at least a little funny. How much trouble do I get in if I laugh?
Today we did our 1st painting activity. We discussed the rules of not getting paint on other children and why we shouldnt paint ourselves. Well one child broke both rules in the 1st 5 minutes. He sat out.
one of my sweeties visited the principal right after the first bell this morning.......and he was back in there again at the afternoon lunch recess.
Not even TeacherGroupie is old enough to remember when Deportment was a regular school subject - but one can be nostalgic for "good old days" one never experienced...
I think I was laughing when it happened. I wasn't laughing later when the headache hit lol. But don't worry everyone else laughed.
I'll trade your naughty kid for my sore nose. Which I wouldn't have if I didn't have a kid having temper tantrums.
Add me to the list of AGGGHH!! people for the day. Boy was it bad, worse then usual. I just don't know that this group of kids will ever catch on. However it is nice to know Im not alone in my experiences for the day.
My AHHHHH happened today and was not because of kiddos, but because of HR. I applied for an intervention teacher position. That was on Wed and I hadn't heard anything today on Friday. Called the school, talked to the sec. and she said that the position was still available and the principal wanted to me to make sure I had everything together with HR. Called HR, they said they didn't have my 4-8 cert, I told them I did, so she said she would check, she called 20 minutes later saying everything was great and she was forwarding it on. So hopefully my AHHHHHH will turn into something good.
Wow! My kids are driving me crazy at times, but I've had much worse groups. Hey we had the tornado watch tonight as well, but nothing came of it but rain and some wind. Getting back to my group, they are just young and I am somewhat overwhelmed as to what to teach, so I teach EVERYTHING. hahaha , all at once and very fast!!!!! They don't have time to be naughty when I'm around, but when another teacher or sub takes over, it's a nightmare. I get so mad when other people let my kids get out of control.
So funny you mention that Grammy. The MAJOR incidences with this particular sweetie happened with other teachers.....and helpers. I wasn't around. (recess,lunchroom, music, phy ed.).....I had to deal with it though because he is in my class.
I'm much too tired still to even say AAAAGGGGHHH. I had a regular week with my class of extraordinarily demanding kids. Thursday night was curriculum night, so I was back there from 6:30 until 8:45. Friday is a tough schedule day (one 45 minute break for lunch, that's it), I had to input grades into the new grading program (the tech teacher forgot that I now teach 3rd and she gave me all the instructions for the middle school files by mistake), the new program sucks, and I was there until 7:30 pm, working in my room. I got half my plans done for next week. Next Thursday afternoon/evening is parent conference night. Conferences start at 3:30 and can go until 7:00. The next day is a teacher work day with no kids. Thank God. Maybe I will scream then. For now, I need to conserve energy any way possible.
Sorry about your long and miserable week daisy! In some weird way, it kind of helps to know that so many of us are in the AHHHHHHHH Club. We can scream for you if that would help.
Field trips make me nervous, too! I am Constantly counting my group and am so paranoid that I will loose someone. I can't relax until the next day! My first one this year will be October 29th. :0