I accepted a job yesterday because they needed to know by Friday, when I interviewed and was offered the job on Thursday. I interviewed for my dream job also on Thursday and wont get an answer till monday. If I am offered the other job can I still take it and turn down the first one? Honestly Ill be happy in either job but the first one means my son and I have to move 200 miles to take it within the next two weeks and it also means I will have to move away from a lady friend who is just a friend but she and her children are very special to me.
Congrats! I wish and pray to have your problem next week (but really, I hope my dream job calls first). I looked on teachers chat recently and this question was asked in my state. Many answered back that even if a contract were signed you have a certain amount of time to change your mind without penalty/problems. Good luck on your dream job! I hope they also call first thing Monday!!!
You can back out. But, know that when you do, you often burn bridges that you may need. Education is a smaller world than you think. But, ultimately, you must think about what is right for your family. Do what your heart tells you.
I would be honest and say you were offered a job closer to home and you can't justify moving your son for your own happiness. At least it wont sound like your playing favorites with districts.
Since you haven't signed a contract yet I think you are well within your rights to take your dream job if they offer it to you.
I agree. You haven't signed anything. If you do get your "dream" job, just be honest with the first. Definitely express your gratitude for their offer. Good luck! Fingers crossed!
And...if you don't get the "dream" position, I feel that everything happens for a reason. There may be a great life waiting for you 200 miles away!
I took a job then ended up backing out 1 or 2 days later. It never came back to haunt me, but it was in the same district, not sure if that helped my cause.
I agree...especially if your son is school-aged, they might readily understand and appreciate that you don't want to uproot him right before a school year begins. I hope you'll come back and update us. Best of luck to you!
Thanks for the advice. I have a lot to think about. Its funny I had no problem making the decision to retire from my first career, move over 800 miles across the country back home to Texas so I could finish my college degree and become a teacher. But accepting this job offer has left me with so many questions and doubts. My son is 12 and in the 7th grade. He doesnt mind moving as long as I put him in the right junior high with the best football program. The real struggle I guess is that I moved from that town last summer to student teach in the Fort Worth area so that I would have better prospects of finding a job and now I am considering moving back there. The other struggle is the pay is about 10k less for the first position than it is in the Fort Worth area but the cost of living is the same because its a college town.
Well no call today. I called this afternoon but they were already gone for the day. Ill call in the morning I need to have an answer. The first school called today to order my school shirts.
Agree with this completely. Some people will tell you that it's wrong to back out of a teaching position you've already accepted, but I also think it's wrong to neglect the best interest of you and your child. Remember that are is no shortage of teachers looking for jobs and it would probably not be too difficult to replace you. However, also know that there are consequences for backing out of a position. I did that last year for a district that I thought would be better and I ended up burning bridges and regretting my choice. I almost had the potential of being in the same situation this year (see my post from today) but I'm not about to put myself in the same situation twice. Congrats on the position you already accepted and good luck making your choice if it comes to that.
Thanks Jersey. I read your posts and realized that the board at the first school doesnt meet till the thursday before school starts. I am going to continue to interview until I have a contract in hand. Just to cover my bases. I didnt hear from the second school so I am assuming that I didnt get that one. School starts 3 weeks from today.
Ok didnt get my dream job. Called Hr for the job I accepted and they dont have my paperwork yet. But they did tell me there is training on monday thru wednesday. The principal was in a meeting all day today so I couldnt talk to her but the secretary told me to stop by and pick up my keys and take a look at the room. So my son and I are driving down there tomorrow to take care of everything I can including finding a place to live.
How do you get past the feeling that you made a mistake accepting a job. I drove down today and found out it was not the school I thought it was. Its on the other side of town. One of the teachers was telling me about bullet holes in her windows. They hired 8 new teachers at this school. All of my grade level are new teachers. What did I get myself into???
That is scary to think about. You could back out if you truly feel uncomfortable and wait to interview someplace else. How did you feel about the principal and staff? Who you worked for and with does make a difference.
Oh my! I would find out if there are strict rules in place for discipline, is the crisis management plan in place, and how safe is the school environment when school is in session. Sometimes you can only control what happens in your classroom and you may be what some students need. Then again.... Good luck!
I havent met the principal yet. I did a phone interview and she was in meetings all day while I was at the school. The secretary is nice although she showed me the wrong room and gave me the keys for it. So I had to go back up there and she couldnt find keys for my room. So far it feels disorganized. They are waxing the floors tonight so I cant go back tomorrow and I am driving back tomorrow also. I need to pray on it for peace in my heart for my decision. I am going to continue to search for other jobs. The board does not meet till the thursday before school starts so I wont even have my contract till the first day of school.
I would keep looking if your gut is telling you this is the wrong thing to do. I had that sinking feeling last year when I saw the room I would be teaching in--after I had accepted, of course! It was a crumbling portable, and by Oct. we had been evacuated out of it due to mold contamination. Nothing like moving your classroom in October! The same weekend I moved, I came down with pneumonia. Never did find out if it was related, but either way, it really was a lousy situation. Your situation sounds more serious, and if you feel unsafe I would have no reservations about interviewing elsewhere! Good luck.
Ok. I finally met my principal today. She reassured me everything was fine. But HR does not have my paperwork at all. My gut is screaming at me that this is wrong. So I have been praying about it all trying to get some peace in my heart or a sign to run as fast as I can form the job. I drove around most of the morning and afternoon and looked at houses to rent. Found a nice one. Walked through it and like it. So I take the app and head back home. On the way home My Dad calls me and tells me the ISD I live in is on the news announcing they are short on teachers. Due to last minute resignations and retirements. So they are hiring Ele Ed teachers asap. So is this a sign or should I just be happy with the job I have been given and move? Biggest pros for trying to get on here is: I dont have to move across the state 10K more in pay at the isd here
kev~I think I know what ISD you are talking about because I saw the same news story. Keep trying to get a job up here if you can.
How does HR not have any paperwork? That doesn't seem like a good thing, especially so close to the year. How did the P reassure you? What did she say? Only you can make the final decision, but in this case it might not be a bad idea to still apply to the other district and see what happens. For the future though, I'd never accept a job offer without seeing a school first. Good luck!!
I lived in the area for two years so I knew the schools but my biggest mistake id I mistook the location of the school for another school. So it wasnt the one I thought it was. She reassured me by telling me not to worry I have the job and she doesnt know what the deal is with HR. I aaplied for 4 jobs today. I have to be back down there for training this comming Monday thru Wednesday and then have to be on campus all day friday. So D day is coming fast. I have to take my finals tomorrow for two of my masters classes and I havent even begun to study.
:woot:Sounds tough. Keep praying and applying! Nothing is final yet and even then you have time to resign. Fear of life is a legitimate reason in my book...:help: You did say bullet.hole.in.window?
I'm sure it won't be an easy choice...good luck! We'll be here to support whatever decision you make for you and your son.
yes bullet holes in the windows. Oh and I was told not to ride my Harley to school because theres a good chance it wont be there after school.
I sent out an email to one of the principals to the new district hiring and got a call back within the first minute of sending the email. I have an interview today at 1. Yeah.....
Interview went well but he wont have a decision till monday. So it looks like Im headed to East Texas to teach. I start training on monday and still dont have a place locked down to live yet.
If he calls to offer you the job on Monday, would you still take it? I'm sorry this isn't easy on you...I'm sure it will all work out somehow though!
Would anyone mind telling me which district you are taking about that has the shortage? I'm in the Dallas area. Thanks
Yes its Fort Worth. I emailed every ELE principal that I could get ahold of today and got one interview out of it today and one emailed back saying all their positions are full. Fort Worth does apparently have a shortage now. Google it and you will find the news article. Elementary, Sped and Bilingual positions are open. Fingers crossed and lots of prayers that I get a good phone call on monday.