From a local news channel: WLUK-TV FOX 11 about an hour ago Many of us have already starting buying school supplies for our children. But why do you need to send your student to school with dozens of pencils, folders and glue sticks? In 5 minutes on FOX 11 News at Nine, hear what area officials have to say about those back to school lists. You REALLY know it is back to school time when you see a news piece about this....and the redundant comments that follow. Do you see the same old news stories in your area? Do you respond?
OH geesh..never really heard complaints. Around here how you can donate to families who need supplies...
Diz, you can here too. In fact I believe it is quite accessible for families in need to get free supplies. I put out a supply list every year and expect some will have MORE then needed and some will have nothing. I prepare for that. I just find it interesting that this story pops up every year when "back to school" rolls around. Sheesh, children come with a cost. School supplies are just the very minimal tip of the iceberg.
What you have to buy some supplies?!?! LOL!!! I thought it was a tradition to get supplies, new backpack and lunch pail (or whatever they call it). I had an Ewok lunch pail!!! LOL!!!
You are making me feel my age, Diz. I had a Fat Albert Lunch box!!! hahaha!!! Well, in an hour there have been 180 comments. Interesting to say the least.
LOL!!! Ewoks is one I remember. LOL!!! Hey at least we can say we had pails and lunches that didn't come pre packaged LOL!!!
I know it's back to school time when the TV starts playing commercials about back to school shopping. You know, the one where they show kids with tablets, cameras, and mp3 players in addition to the usual backpacks and clothes. Yup. Gotta make sure your kids have his electronics ready for school!
How did we survive? Do remember when there were rules no electronics? I mean can't really hide a tape or cd Walkman...LOL!!!
I'm not sure how we became such an electronic driven society. I see the benefits, yet I definitely see the pitfalls. Children are missing out on the "in between" things needed to problem solve. But that is a whole 'nother topic. Diz, you make me laugh!
Yes, the complaints and questioning happen every year. Lists have gotten significantly better over the last few years to where it's now pretty basic. I really struggle to understand the outrage.
See what happens if their district proposed raising taxes to better fund schools and cut out school supply lists all together. I'm sure they would rather that happen.
Some kids can come with cell phones and Ipods or Ipads or whatever junk their parents buy for them but they can't "afford" pencils. No, I do not want to spend my tax dollars on school supplies. Their parents can buy them. (obviously there are exceptions to this rule but I still don't want to buy school supplies for their kids).
The taxes would have to go up quite a bit because the prices in the school catalogues for pencils and crayons are 5 (or more) times higher than the regular stores!
At our school, we aren't allowed to send supply lists to parents. I think that's silly: I understand that not everyone can afford supplies, but it would be nice to let those who can know ahead of time what would be useful. I don't see why we can't just call it a "suggested items" list.
#Back2School was trending on twitter yesterday and I clicked out of curiosity and it was mostly businesses and news stations. But there was one kid that tweeted something like, "why is this's still summer...let's not talk about this." I loved back to school shopping yet I never got new electronics. But nothing beat that brand new box of Crayola crayons. The smell of brand new crayons reminds me of childhood.
Oh yes, it is definitely that time. I was always excited as a child to buy new school supplies. I still have fun taking DD shopping for new school supplies.
My hubby loves school supplies...time to stock up on all those things... that we use at the house...LOL!!! Not just for school!!! Kinder...Glad I can make you laugh!!! Do you remember going to school with the coolest Trapper Keeper (well, in my case we couldn't afford the trapper keeper, so we got it's knock off...LOL). Still fun to pick out and that perfect folder with you know care bears or something on. My mom only let us get one of those "special" folders!!! LOL!!!
One of my fondest memories growing up was school shopping. My mom always made it special and it got us excited about school. I was poor growing up, (I didn't know it at the time) and this was one of the few times I got new clothes. I would spend every night leading up to the first day of school rearranging my new supplies in my new backpack. My kids now get the same exact experience. I see the excitement in them that I remember feeling. I take each of my children shopping individually, so it gives us a special day. My kids love school.
Spent the last few days at the beach clinging on to July. I don't go back until right after Labor day...started seeing back to school sales on July 4 head almost exploded.
My mom also took each of us school shopping individually--not an easy task, as it was about a 45 minute drive to the nearest town with decent stores. She was a major deal shopper, but we also always got to pick out 1 "fun" item (folder or notebook, usually). We were never allowed to have Trapper Keepers at our school growing up. Now, as a teacher, I can understand how crazy why: the velcro would drive me crazy!
As an aside (slightly) related to the original topic...Joann's Fabric had THANKSGIVING decorations out today.
I was also on the no Trapper Keeper train. But I still managed to survive childhood. We did get to get cool folders. I believe I picked out a Lisa Frank folder every year.
Our new P doesn't allow us to give lists either. The crazy thing is, the district puts out a "generic" list that is posted at Staples, WalMart, etc. and it had the parents purchasing a ton of things that our school's teachers don't use! Have the lists for the basics - pencils, colored pencils, erasers and the like. Don't get specific about x number of pocket folders, x number of spiral notebooks...
I just heard on the radio that they are taking dontations for some kind of program where they provide filled bookbags for "needy" kids. I wonder how they determine if your kid deserves a filled bookbag. Heck, I need school supplies myself maybe I should stand in line LOL
I work at a wealthy independent school and we have parents complaining over having to buy too many boxes of tissues (we ask for like 3 per student- they get spread out among that grade level's teachers), yet parents are fine buying stupid scented pencils and erasers for their children with no complaint! (I hate those scented pencils- I hate watching my students get "high" off of them instead of paying attention!)
I still get that feeling as a teacher I LOVE school shopping- the supplies and the clothes. I still will treat myself to a clothing shopping spree for "back to school" like my parents gave me as a child (I usually will just hit up Kohls, Goodwill, and some nice shoes stores so nothing crazy). And this is the one time a year that I will let myself go to Staples and buy brand name supplies instead of dollar store knock offs :thumb:
I LOVE back-to-school shopping. It's really hard to not still buy cute folders and notebooks and fun pencils! And it's tax-free weekend! TeacherNY, some group in my area donates the filled backpacks to each school. We pass them out based on ED status.
Parents were surprised at open house when they got our list: paper, pencil, and a folder for each class. What kind of paper? What color folder? Brads? Type of pencil? Ummm . . . we really don't care. Several thanked us for being basic. We did have a "nice to have" list and a "prohibited items" list, but we can teach a child all year if they show up with pencil, paper, and a folder.