Speaking with the new AP, he said that admin plans to have 5 observations for each teacher by end of next May. I’ve already had announced one with the AP and will have one with the P this week. So that will be 2. I’m not so sure if that means 3 more split between AP and P or 4 more each from AP and P. From experience, has anyone ever had 10 observations done in a year with 8 being done in the 2nd semester?
I'm sure it's only 5 total because even 5 sounds high. I'm supposed to get 2 a year but they seem to forget LOL
My principal has access to a camera in my classroom. She's probably observed me a dozen times. I'm okay with that, for some reason.
Once tenured, we only get observed every other year. During an observation year, we get observed twice (once in the fall and once in the winter or early spring). Both observations are scheduled ahead of time, so we know when the principal is coming. There is a pre and post conference and we turn in a lesson plan. I’m at a point in my career where I don’t really care who comes to observe. Anyone is welcome at anytime. The kids keep doing their thing, I do mine, and we don’t skip a beat.
Had our winter staff meeting during in-service and admin says there will be 2 observations and 2 walk-throughs where all of them will be unannounced…. Since both admin are new in their positions, I’d guarantee all 4 will be done and unannounced. So what should I expect when they actually do this?
Make sure your objectives are posted. Also, don't forget the I do, we do, you do model. Finally, be certain that students know your behavioral expectations!