2012-2013 Jobs!

Discussion in 'Job Seekers' started by leighbball, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. catnfiddle

    catnfiddle Moderator

    May 8, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Sep 16, 2012

  2. smalltowngal

    smalltowngal Multitudinous

    Jan 2, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Sep 16, 2012

    Congrats, newsci!!
  3. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Sep 16, 2012

    Congratulations, newsciteach!
  4. SCTeacher23

    SCTeacher23 Comrade

    Jun 3, 2009
    Likes Received:

    Sep 25, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? Part time K-1 Literacy Intervention
    How long have you been trying? Since about March
    How many resumes did you send out? a little over 100
    How many interviews or job fairs? 3 interviews
    What general geographic area? northern NJ
  5. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Sep 25, 2012

    Congrats!!! Good luck :)
  6. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Sep 25, 2012

    Woohoo! Way to go! NJ is hard to land a job :)
  7. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Sep 25, 2012

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1

    We have 145 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  8. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Sep 25, 2012

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade

    We have 146 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  9. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Sep 26, 2012

    Congratulations, SCTeacher23 and BaileyTN!
  10. tan0823

    tan0823 New Member

    May 15, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Sep 27, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? 2nd grade
    How long have you been trying? graduated in may
    How many resumes did you send out? probably about 30
    How many interviews or job fairs? 6 interviews
    What general geographic area? Virginia
  11. soapbox

    soapbox New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Sep 27, 2012

    Long time Lurker

    What grade and/or subject? Special Education, 7th and 8th grade
    How long have you been trying? May
    How many resumes did you send out? Around 50
    How many interviews or job fairs? 8 interviews
    What general geographic area? Alabama
  12. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Sep 27, 2012

    Congratulations, tan0823 and soapbox!
  13. catnfiddle

    catnfiddle Moderator

    May 8, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Sep 27, 2012


    I love that this list is STILL growing!
  14. BaileyTN

    BaileyTN Rookie

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Sep 27, 2012

    I'm so glad to be able to add my info to the job list!

    What grade and/or subject? 5th grade
    How long have you been trying? Graduated in May
    How many resumes did you send out? Emailed over 75, probably more. Dropped off 6 directly at the schools.
    How many interviews or job fairs? 21 interviews (yes, 21 in 3 months! yikes!) and 2 local job fairs
    What general geographic area? Tennessee
  15. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Sep 29, 2012

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade
    tan0823 - VA - 2nd grade
    soapbox - AL - special ed 7th and 8th grades

    We have 148 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  16. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Sep 29, 2012

    Me too!
  17. MissD59

    MissD59 Comrade

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Oct 6, 2012

    I don't have my own classroom, but I was hired as a full-time second grade TA at 3:00 the day before school started this year. I am located on Long Island, in NY.

    Just reinforces the fact that you should never stop trying, not even up to the last minute. I'm not going to lie, I'm taking a full time graduate course load at night this year, so I actively looked for a TA job. I didn't feel that the demands of my schedule would work well with being a first year teacher. I did send out over 300 resumes, applied to jobs, and did multiple mass mailings over the summer. However, I would have done more if I wasn't overloaded with night classes. I did email about 60 elementary school principals directly the week before school started to let them know I was interested in a full-time TA position, and attached my resume and cover letter. I had interviews and received phone calls from many districts that week, so emailing really does work. Every action helps!
  18. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Oct 7, 2012

    Congratulations, MissD59!
  19. elateacher4life

    elateacher4life Cohort

    Feb 12, 2011
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    Oct 8, 2012

    So happy for all of those job seekers who found a job for the 2012-13 school year. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Socivol

    Socivol Rookie

    Jun 6, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Oct 8, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? 6th grade Social Studies/Science
    How long have you been trying? Since March
    How many resumes did you send out? HUNDREDS
    How many interviews or job fairs? I only had 5 interviews, but I applied for HUNDREDS of positions.
    What general geographic area? Tennessee
  21. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Oct 8, 2012

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade
    tan0823 - VA - 2nd grade
    soapbox - AL - special ed 7th and 8th grades
    MissD59 - NY - 2nd grade TA
    Socival - TN - 6th grade ss/sci

    We have 150 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

    I always hoped we'd get to 150!!!!!!!
  22. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Oct 10, 2012

    Congratulations, Socival!
  23. Lovetoteach15

    Lovetoteach15 Rookie

    Aug 28, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Oct 19, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? 2nd grade
    How long have you been trying? Since mid-July
    How many resumes did you send out? Approximately 75
    How many interviews or job fairs? 7 interviews
    What general geographic area? NC
  24. Shellie82

    Shellie82 New Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Oct 25, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? HS Special Education
    How long have you been trying? May
    How many resumes did you send out? Wow...75+
    How many interviews or job fairs? 6 interviews for para positions, 8 for teaching...this was the one!
    What general geographic area? Illinois

    I've never posted but I want to thank everyone for their sage advice! :) It has been a huge help in interviewing for teaching positions.
  25. Aliceacc

    Aliceacc Multitudinous

    Apr 12, 2006
    Likes Received:

    Oct 25, 2012

    Congratulations to both of you, and welcome Shellie!
  26. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Oct 26, 2012

    Congratulations, Lovetoteach15 and Shellie82!
  27. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Oct 28, 2012

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade
    tan0823 - VA - 2nd grade
    soapbox - AL - special ed 7th and 8th grades
    MissD59 - NY - 2nd grade TA
    Socival - TN - 6th grade ss/sci
    Lovetoteach15 - NC - 2nd grade
    Shellie82 - IL - HS special ed

    We have 152 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  28. miskenzie

    miskenzie Rookie

    May 5, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Oct 29, 2012

    What grade and/or subject? Pre-K :love:
    How long have you been trying? January
    How many resumes did you send out? I lost count...50?
    How many interviews or job fairs? 5 interviews
    What general geographic area? New England
  29. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Oct 29, 2012

    Congratulations, miskenzie!
  30. PolarBear

    PolarBear Rookie

    Oct 1, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Oct 29, 2012

    I completely missed this thread.

    A little background: I've been a Special Ed sub for my District since '09. Almost all of my assignments have been long-term (3 weeks- 6 months). A Study hall position opened up in July, after I'd already been promised a permanent position with the SPED Dept. I interviewed, and two days later was hired. I'm a "highly qualified" Para, but my contract mirrors that of a starting teacher in my Dept (I'm attached to the English Dept). As an aside, sometimes it pays to be a sub. I was recruited for this position by the Principal of the HS, after completing a long-term SPED assignment at his school last year.

    What grade and/or subject? High School
    How long have you been trying? '10
    How many resumes did you send out? 5 or 6.
    How many interviews or job fairs? 3
    What general geographic area? Pacific Northwest
  31. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Oct 30, 2012

    Congratulations, PolarBear!
  32. elateacher4life

    elateacher4life Cohort

    Feb 12, 2011
    Likes Received:

    Nov 6, 2012

    English 8
    I have been looking since June.
    I sent out dozens of resumes.
    I went on three interviews.
    I teach in Southern California.
  33. Kangaroo22

    Kangaroo22 Virtuoso

    Jan 13, 2008
    Likes Received:

    Nov 6, 2012

    Congratulations, elateacher4life!
  34. Linguist92021

    Linguist92021 Phenom

    Feb 4, 2010
    Likes Received:

    Mar 1, 2013

    I've been waiting sooooo long to post in this thread :)

    - English - mixed grade 9-12 (court / community school)
    - I've been actively looking since November (4 months)
    - Applied to 5 jobs (1 in the summer, 4 since November)
    - 2 interviews
    - 1 job

  35. giraffe326

    giraffe326 Virtuoso

    Jan 2, 2006
    Likes Received:

    Mar 1, 2013

    *like* and congratulations!
  36. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Mar 2, 2013

    Yay Linguist! Congrats to everyone who has gotten a job since I last posted :)
  37. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Mar 2, 2013

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade
    tan0823 - VA - 2nd grade
    soapbox - AL - special ed 7th and 8th grades
    MissD59 - NY - 2nd grade TA
    Socival - TN - 6th grade ss/sci
    Lovetoteach15 - NC - 2nd grade
    Shellie82 - IL - HS special ed
    miskenzie- New England - pre-K
    Polar Bear - Pacific NW - hs study hall
    elateacher4life - So. CA - English grade 8
    linguist92021 - ? - English 9-12

    We have 156 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  38. OhThePlaces

    OhThePlaces Cohort

    Mar 23, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Mar 2, 2013

    Make that 157! Yesterday was my first day! :D

    What grade and/or subject? First Grade ESOL
    How long have you been trying? I've casually applied for a few jobs in the last year. I've been a SAHM, so I didn't feel pressure to get a job right away... I only wanted something I thought I'd really enjoy.
    How many resumes did you send out? 4 or 5
    How many interviews or job fairs? Two interviews.
    What general geographic area? Florida

    I was called on a Friday to interview the following Monday... I spent the weekend reading through all of the interview questions on this forum and also ordered an ESL strategies book on Amazon and paid for overnight shipping. The interview went SO well. I felt like I nailed every question, and the principal let me know that she would be finishing up interviews the next day, but that as of now, I was at the top of her list. The next afternoon she called and offered me the position! I am so excited and thankful for this forum... I really think it made me feel confident going into the interview.
  39. leighbball

    leighbball Virtuoso

    Jul 6, 2005
    Likes Received:

    Mar 2, 2013

    sizzla 222- Central Ohio - 3rd grade
    kcjo13- Nebraska - campus coordinator
    MathEqualsLove- Oklahoma - hs math
    sophiesmom- SE USA - 2nd grade
    waterfall- Denver, CO - 3rd grade
    Kat53- SW USA - K-6 administrative evaluator
    ayla- East Coast - elementary teacher (grade TBD)
    AlwaysAttend- NJ - MS SS/Religion
    mommafran- KS - 5th grade
    missklyssa- TX - kindergarten
    teacherwithlove- CA - 2nd and 3rd grade
    TXteacher7822- TX - MS Math
    yellowdaisies- CA - 1st grade
    BruinsFan63- NH - 2nd grade
    courtney- KS - 7th and 8th grade LA teacher
    Alisha- WI - 4th grade
    Mathemagician- NJ - HS math
    apples2apples- CA - kindergarten
    COMrs.S- CO - 4th grade
    teacherintexas - TX - 3rd grade
    tryingtoteach11 - Chicago - 4th grade
    nyteacher85 - VA - 5th grade
    drooping cactus - NC - 6th grade LA
    iloveschool - TX - HS reading
    iloveschool's dh - TX - Physics
    joe22k - SC - 6th grade
    emb382 - VA - MS special education
    bizzbeth125 - CA - 2nd grade
    cbits - KY - HS Physics and Chem
    MrsAllison - TX - 3rd grade
    schoolteacher - PA - 3rd grade math and science
    iheartlearning - TX - 1st grade
    michyjane - TX - HS Science
    mkbren88 - AZ - Kinder
    dgpiaffeteach - OH - 9-12 English
    toast - AZ - 4th grade
    lbradley1718 - TX - 7th grade science
    Nichole906 - Midwest - HS Math
    txspedteach - TX - kindergarten
    iteachreadingjo - WI - ?
    SandyMandy - FL - 5th grade
    monsieurteacher - New Brunswick, Canada - Elementary Phys Ed/English to Immersion/Grade 3/Grade 4
    MsManda3 - TX - 1st grade
    txagteach - TX - 1st grade
    MissBeck - CA - 7th and 8th grade science
    roobunny - TX - 2nd grade
    FourSquare - Chicago - 6th grade special ed
    imanashhole - NYC - preschool
    teachersk - PA - MS autism self-contained
    sconnuck - AZ - ?
    momto5boys - TN - 6th grade LA
    peregrin5 - CA - 8th grade science
    Newbie1229 - IL - 4th/5th grade resource
    Darkhorse - CO - 4th grade
    MsB2012 - TX - 3rd grade
    Cerek - NC - MS math
    missdeee - FL - 4th grade
    Be_the_change - East Coast/Mid Atlantic - Kindergarten
    TerriInCa - CA - 2nd grade
    dr.gator - FL - Reading interventionist or 2nd or 3rd grade
    KMM - FL - Gifted elementary math
    HTCC - ? - vocational hs classes
    TeachingTots - MI - 1st grade
    Teacher Chele - ? - 2nd grade
    Galois - CA - HS math
    Lakrieg - VA - 3rd grade
    missteacherlady - ? - Kindergarten
    reddies88 - TX - 8th grade science
    Xidous003 - CA - HS special ed and English
    DisLauraT - IL - 3rd grade
    AlyssaH87 - FL - pre-k
    AB123 - FL - 1st grade
    TarHeelHannah - NC - ms science
    mathteachertobe - CA - 7th/8th grade math
    magistra44 - NC - ms Latin
    Pisces_Fish - NC - 2nd grade
    Blondie0428 - VA - 4th grade
    unity - CA - special ed grades 1 & 2
    sunfishy - MA - 5th grade ELA/SS
    Jazzy*Jai - TX - 6th grade LA/Rdg
    strassy - IL - ms SS and writing
    creativemonster - CA - 6th grade SS and English
    TamiJ - Mexico - Pre-first
    racm - ? - 2nd grade
    firsttime - SE USA - ms math
    jerseygirlteach - NJ - 4th grade special ed
    amh0130 - NC - kindergarten
    SenoritaM - New England - ms Spanish
    misstee - CO - 1st and 2nd grade
    russell506 - ? - kindergarten
    ktqt - TX - 4th grade math
    indigo-angel - IL - 9th grade English
    happy_dance - NC - kindergarten
    Sunflower883 - ? - math coach
    dolphinswim - TX - HS special ed/resource room
    perplexed - WI - Reading Intervention teacher gr. 6 & 7
    kevmic28 - TX - ?
    leighbball's cousin - NJ - MS Language Arts
    Luv2TeachInTexas - TX - k-5 resource room (sped)
    FutureTeacher_1 - MI - 1st grade
    FT2012 - FL - 4th grade
    melissavio - VA - 6th grade ss
    MrsHodge - TN - 4th grade
    3littlemonkeys - TX -4th grade math and science
    Skallagrimsson - CA - ms sci/ss combo
    live - MI - ms science
    gutterballjen - TX - 3rd grade math/science
    elemteach - MA - 5th grade
    JamieB11 - PA - Toddler Teacher Group Supervisor
    Rainbowbird - New England - 3rd grade
    uscsoccer - ? - ms ESL
    slytherin - IL - HS drama
    MissAH - CA - ms social science
    jw12 - OH - Physical Science and Biology, 9th and 10th grades
    Magnolia - CA - kindergarten
    msteacher29 - TX - ms ESL
    bonneb - AK - preschool
    DKM - NC - ?
    Want2TeachVA - VA - 2nd grade
    LITeachTeach - NY - elem G&T
    Lisabobisa - PA - MS/HS Emotional Support
    OneBerry - IN - ms aide
    Simba - OH - HS English
    Ruby2011MA - TX - 4th grade
    AnonyMS - TX - ms inclusion aide
    njteach41 - NJ - ms social studies
    md06010 - NJ - elementary sped
    ShoelessGal - MA - Elem. Intervention Teacher
    Green-eyed_Lady - TX - Business Ed. & A/V Tech., Grades 9-12
    elleveeaych - NC - Special Ed Self Contained Jr High
    Kaseta - NM - HS English
    penguinpc - TX - kindergarten
    vazqueja - NJ - ms Spanish
    Enseignante<3 - PA - building sub
    dream2bateach - OH - sped teacher's aide
    believeachieve - FL - special ed teacher
    nklauste - MN - reading specialist
    Teachforlife - GA - 7th grade ss
    SandyCastles - NC - kindergarten
    PCdiva - NY k-12 technology
    yeahimateacher - WA - 7th grade English Lang. Arts
    i{heart}math - IL - hs math
    kmeteach - NY - teacher assistant
    newsciteach23 - PA - 9th grade science
    SCTeacher23 - NJ - part-time literacy intervention, k-1
    BaileyTN - TN - 5th grade
    tan0823 - VA - 2nd grade
    soapbox - AL - special ed 7th and 8th grades
    MissD59 - NY - 2nd grade TA
    Socival - TN - 6th grade ss/sci
    Lovetoteach15 - NC - 2nd grade
    Shellie82 - IL - HS special ed
    miskenzie- New England - pre-K
    Polar Bear - Pacific NW - hs study hall
    elateacher4life - So. CA - English grade 8
    linguist92021 - No. CA - English 9-12
    OhThePlaces - FL - 1st grade ESOL

    We have 157 jobs so far! Yay!!


    :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
  40. Linguist92021

    Linguist92021 Phenom

    Feb 4, 2010
    Likes Received:

    Mar 2, 2013

    Sorry, forgot to add: Northern California.

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