That's wonderful! :) Congratulations!
No, I don't think you have to enjoy subbing to be a great teacher. I didn't enjoy subbing at all, really. The only thing I liked about it was...
Sounds great! I think you will come across in ths letter, as being very enthusiastic and concerned with each individual child. The...
I just got my very first classroom yesterday! As a first year teacher, I'll be sad to let that room go if I move to another school. It's really...
Anyone else have any tips/ideas/suggestions. Eleven days until school starts and I still haven't received any IEP's. =/
Best of luck. :) I'm sure you'll be great!
-Philosophy of Teaching -Take lots of pictures during your student teaching to use! -Classroom Management Plan -Sample Lesson Plans -INTASC...
I agree with what most of the others had to say. The worst thing for me when I subbed was not knowing what to expect. For instance, I subbed...
Thanks for the information. :) You're right, I think the IEP's will help me a great deal! Hopefully I can get those on Monday since school...
I know it might be a dumb question, but what exactly is meant by a Mild/Moderate Disability? I just got hired as a K-3 special education teacher...
I sent out more than 38 applications and only received three interviews. There aren't many teachers needed here in southeastern Ohio. Luckily,...
same situation Hello. I am in a similar situation. I am also a first year teacher and just accepted an special education position in an...
Best of luck to you! I'm sure you'll do great. Let us know how it goes.
I'm glad you asked that question. I was wondering the same thing myself. I like the idea of sending forms home on a daily basis. I believe...
Thanks for the tips, chicagoturtle. :) I will definitely try some of your suggestions. And I can't agree with you more about The Mailbox! It...
Hello. Today I just accepted a position as a K-3 Special Education teacher. My class will have five or six students, mostly with learning...