What a great room! I love the house idea. I wish I was organized enough to do that! I also love your Twitter idea. Will you be using it every day?
:wub:I love your room! My favorite part is that wall!:wub: I actually just painted my dining room chairs almost that color!
Very nice. It's so organized!
You can. I did that a lot this year. I used and really liked remind101. About 1/2 of the people that signed up were kids, but the other 1/2...
We did blogs for a short time last year, but it was really more of a writing assignment. We were reading a book and students had to blog from the...
I use Google docs pretty effectively without the kids needing any kind of account. I make forms for quizzes, worksheets, surveys, etc. And...
We are definitely doing this one: (synonyms) And...
I should mention that I teach 7th grade English.
I have been given several hundred paint chips (probably close to 1000) by our local hardware store (for classroom use). Now I need some great...
So, would the child need to write one letter in each little square? Or is it just more of a visual guide? I really want to try this for my son and...
Have you ever had students use graph paper to improve their penmanship? I don't mean practicing on graph paper, but using it for everyday...
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did I deserve this? I don't think that's what I meant at all. I'm not sure what in my post made you react this way. All I'm...
Our district would have a fit if they managed to catch someone posting about school on Facebook. I can understand them having a fit if I post...
I always have a list prepared for this. I used to have a dry erase poster that said "What to do when you finish" and it had a bunch of activities...
Looks great!
Unfortunately, no. AND we don't have a teacher center. I'm hoping the teacher is ok with me working quietly at my computer. There aren't any...
We just had our first back to school day! Mostly, it was nice to see everyone and get some stuff done. But it was also a little stressful. For...
In 7th Grade English, we do a question game. The students (in groups) ask questions about the teacher or class. For each question, they get a card...
What grade level or subject?