In many cases this practice is negotiated in the contract. As others said though take heart because in many cases a teacher may transfer and thus...
I've interviewed with 2 HR reps before. In both cases the interviews were screeners and in one case it was the second screener I completed for...
If you're wondering if your time is running out, absolutely not. If you're wondering if it's time to start the search, possibly. Most...
A shell is very appropriate in my opinion. In my first round of interviews I wore a lot of oxfords with my suits and felt a.) masculine, b.)...
I'm going through my typical Sunday evening blues and have already had my, "Oh no, how am I going to get everything done for the week?" panic...
At my school all academic IEP students are combined in one class per grade-level to allow for easier inclusion. Perhaps that is happening? I...
Does anyone happen to have the scoring guide for Saxon Math? We just completed the first written assessment today and I forgot to bring the...
Do you ever feel completely inadequate in your job? There are days when I feel overwhelmed, anxious, and just not up to the task at hand. I...
Elementary is obviously very different. At my last school we often had trouble getting subs late in the school year and at the last minute (we...
I picked one up at IKEA a few years back for under $20. It's similar to : but mine has a...
This week was another rough one at times with this particular student. Work on Writing was introduced this week and the students generally did a...
At open house or the first few days of school I send home a student info sheet for parents to let me know about their child. I also include a...
UPDATE: This morning I placed a few library books in his book box (and some for other students as well). His books were on origami. During a...
I've tried making a phone call home but unfortunately there's little support. The poor guy didn't spend one night last week in his own bed and...
I suppose I'm relying on his 30 DRA score in assuming he can read. Also, his past treachers have assured me he fully participated in this reading...
I'm turning to the wealth of knowledge here at AtoZ for some advice. I'm introducing Daily 5 for the first time (the students all did Daily 5...
I think Daily 5 would work really well with a split. You can easily teach the strategies to the different ages and it sounds like you'll have a...
Ahhh, the curse of the new teacher. This past year has been my second go-around with this "bug." I've found that much of what is in the...
At my last school plans had to be submitted on Progressbook and in paper by Monday morning for that week. This year, plans are not submitted...
All summer it seems you've been saying you're basically a shoe-in for the job at district #1 and yet, they really haven't been willing to make a...