I agree with Alice, I think the first question is asking why you want to work with students in this particular district as opposed to any other...
When I was looking, I had a fairly decent relationship with my P. Around Jan. or Feb. I scheduled a meeting with him and let him know that...
I think I read somehwere recently that "References available upon request" was discouraged. One, it takes up valuable room on your resume or adds...
I took a few of those insight tests and while I can't be sure, I don't think I fared well. I tend to overanalyze multiple choice questions like...
Let's face the facts. With every job there is some degree of, "who do you know?" I mean EVERY job. Move on. Yes, it's frustrating and no it...
Definitely let the secretary know why you're there and what the materials are. I know our secretary will occasionally say the P isn't "in" if it...
My resume was two pages as well. I stapled mine and honestly, I've seen all sorts of opinions from everyone on what to do with the resume. At...
I'm a firm believer in honesty being the best policy. If you do decide to keep looking, you owe it to your current school to let them know....
I think your materials sound fine. Most of what you included is what I included when I mailed or dropped off packets. I've found job fairs...
Not sure on that one. Does it mean that students are making progress or that your curriculum is progressing at a reasonable rate? I hope that...
I agree with others, remove the restaurant experience as it's not really relevant for this job. If you'd like, you can probably tie it in once...
Many times a district has certain procedures for how long they will hold applications. Some districts even let you know that they're getting...
You can also look at comparing numbers for multiples, comparing perimeter v. area (and throw in another circle for volume), or to compare...
My district pays us on the 15th and 30th of each month (or last day in the case of Feb.). I've also worked in a district that payed every other week.
I totally agree. Also, I'd find a listing of the districts in the state that you're seriously interested in (or if it's every district, start in...
This year I switched districts and there has been a rather large change. In my previous district, khakis and sweaters ruled the day. I typically...
Teach Like a Champion is a book that was introduced to me at a workshop series I attended. It has changed my teaching and supported some of the...
I think it depends on how diligent you anticipate being in checking in with the district. I don't think it would hurt to send your materials now...
In my experience job fairs can be hit-or-miss. If you're considering going to one, I'd try to do some research as to what districts are going to...
My state has zilch but I'd strongly encourage you to do extensive research before you start considering relocation. Don't just look at where the...