What specifically is an issue at Title 1 schools? What specifically did you do to help someone with that issue? I can say I have experience as a...
Thanks! I hadn't yet, because the posting didn't indicate which school the opening was at. Now that I can track down an email address, I was...
I heard back from one of the people I emailed! The HR person indicated as the contact person for one of the open positions I applied for wrote to...
I would keep it to one story rather than having multiple...which one is the most powerful to you or relates best to the position? I think I'd go...
Well I guess that means my decision to leave L.A. was a good one. My experience at CSU schools was awesome...great education for under $1000 per...
My teaching credential program was not considered a grad program; it was considered a 5th year/undergrad program. I was able to get financial aid...
I think it's because it's so HOT here, who in the world would add on an extra layer of clothing?! ;)
I don't like the drastic ones, but the ones with a less noticeable difference between front and back look good to me. But I don't wear skirts, so...
Haha--I'm in San Antonio, so similar thoughts re: Houston :) S/O is deployed, so that wouldn't be an issue. I do have kids who would LOVE a night...
I thankfully had kids before becoming a teacher, lol. Naming would have been so much more difficult if I'd had former students in my head, in...
Lol, so true! When I lived in CA, I didn't want to venture more than 20 min from home, because why? Everything I could possibly want to do was...
I really want to do that one! I think my next obstacle run is going to be Dirty Girl...an easy one but we should have a huge group so that will...
Aw...if I could find a way to swing a 3-hour drive each way I'd want to do it! Moved out here a year and a half ago, haven't seen Houston yet and...
Loved that!
Okay. Pretty sure my credential came with CLAD and I didn't pursue the BCLAD option. From what I saw during student teaching...everyone taught ELD...
Isn't there bilingual certification though? Or is that the same thing? There was CLAD, and BCLAD, I think? Geez. I've forgotten a lot since then!
I never did get hired on in a public school--stayed in the same 2/3 combo class the whole 5 yrs I taught out there. So I can't say how the process...
Wow--I was going to tell you about the APLE program (they help pay off your student loans if you commit to teaching at certain inner-city or rural...
I don't remember if ESL was an add-on or a specific type of credential, but in CA it'd definitely be valuable. The more versatile you are, the...
I really don't want to be discouraging, I just saw firsthand how hard it was, saw an intern teacher stressing over possibly losing her job (and...