Not to sound harsh, but I do not like giving rewards for meeting the standard expectation of being on time. If I were in this situation, I would...
Your school doesn’t have a system in place to handle tardies?
Power point has a way to write directly on the slide. You can even save the annotations when done. I believe if you right click and look for...
I believe that in some states, politicians somehow determined that the amount of discipline referrals should factor into how schools are graded....
So that is the only reason you failed the observation? I don’t know how it works at your school, but the evaluators at each district I have been...
With all due respect, you did not actually answer the question about the observation. Maybe there are some objective things in the observation...
With what parts of your failed observation did you disagree? What did the student say to you/how did he try to come at you? What was admin’s...
So the AP told you to do this? And he has enabled these kids since Alg. 1?
This is unethical and sets the tone for future seniors. Did the principal recommend this?
I nice bottle of wine (or Scotch, etc. depending on preference) to be opened upon securing her first teaching job. If you want to go sentimental,...
Pain In The A$$
From the thread you started a couple weeks ago about what keeps everyone going, it seems you already sensed a breaking point approaching. Many...
It might vary by state or even by district. Here, you get a year toward the five for each previous district you had at least two consecutive years at.
The eraser incident sounded innocent enough on both students’ parts. Perhaps it could have been a teachable moment: “Johnny, that’s nice of you to...
So I just tried this version and was pleasantly surprised. I did microwave the water to heat it up but steeped the black tea bag after. The part I...
In addition, people-first language and mindset is big. “I am a person with autism,” vs. “I am an autistic kid.” People-first language promotes the...
Your might start by looking at Spread the Word to End the Word.
Great idea!
For the most part, kids got done at different rates, so it never got to more than three a couple times. And the assignment was very easy to grade...
Recently, I tried having the students bring their paper up to my podium immediately upon completion. I then graded the problems on the spot,...