I honestly don't think I'm paid fairly... I make a lot less than the average income in the surrounding area. I work my tail off at all times...
I love Mini Coopers but I could def. NOT replicate that...I would be calling a cake decorator pronto! Good luck Jem! :)
My payment is right around 400.... I sooo want a new car right now though! I'm looking for a Mini-Cooper (like a year old one) that is an...
I told my bf I was getting him an easter basket....and it was a giant hint that it would nice to get something in return... In his basket he got...
That's what I thought when I read the thread title as well.
My mom can't either....she can't come to visit me unless my Dad drives her (they live 5 hours away.) She said it freaks her out.
I loved ALF. For my 6th B-day party Alf came (someone dressed up as alf that my parents hired:))
I had to get glasses recently for night driving as well...I have insurance through my school but I had NO idea how much it would be. It was about...
We are going on a cruise to Bermuda this summer. We are leaving out of Baltimore.
In my bracket I had picked UNC and UCONN in the final game....I was in first place. Surprisingly I'm still in first. I'll win the whole bracket...
When I have a random number calling me I type the phone number in google. It usually comes up with a list of people who got a call from them and...
I am living w/ another girl right now and she owns our condo... It started out okay (until I realized she was a lesbian (not that I care...but...
I'm making tuna steaks (never made them before...kinda nervous) along w/ brown rice and yellow squash.
I l ike to shop...and I have a lot of clothes b/c I get bored with what I have.
The same thing happened to me today! We were getting ready to go to dinner and have a HUGE pile of stuff sitting on the floor now. I officially...
Cadbury creme eggs are my weakness.
We do a test called the "E-Cart" to assess students' knowledge throughout the county. We have 1 Reading and 1 Math in the Fall, then 1 Math and 1...
Where I grew up and where I first taught we had a librarian/ media specialist who had the class for a "special" once a week. At the school I...
I know someone who is getting back like 5,000...single...employed (he gets paid what I make..he works for bf) and is on food stamps??? ...but...
It looks interesting and I have the right hair type for it...however I'm a mess when it comes to styling my own hair. My mom's a hairdresser and...