I invite everyone in the class, even if they don't pass, I don't want to exclude anyone nor point out to others that they didn't pass. It's a...
Hey if that's what you like, go you! But I don't understand it. Why shoes? I have 4 pairs of shoes- sneakers, a dress sandal, a casual sandal...
I get what you're saying, however, right now, there are at least 35 kids in the hallway roaming about with no supervision. People are out and...
So, this is more of a vent, but you know . .. (summer can't come soon enough) So, every year I reward my classes who pass our EOC tests with a...
Just wondering--our admins works year long--they do get vacation time, like all other non-teacher workers, but not 2.5 months in the summer. Do...
I've had some p.i.a. admins before, but none of mine would have had a problem with a child standing, instead of sitting, if they we're working,...
This is not the norm--I saw the opposite. When i worked in NYC (one of the most powerful unions in the country) I taught in a closet, no texts,...
Good for you co-teacher for supporting you, but unfortunately, his new school may tell him they're not interested if you are attached--regardless...
It really depends on the tool. Is for grading? Is for assessment? Is it for my use or student use, or both? Is it for presentations? I am the...
I did the survey. It is very well done, well put together, easy-to-follow, and very simple for a non-techie. didn't realize there were still...
Have you taken or plan on taking the training for the course? While it's not necessary, it is a huge help! They give you texts and tons of...
If you are considering teaching English, be aware that English Comp and Grammar are not separate classes. English is language arts, with reading,...
So, what grade level? Since you say they're waiting until 16 to drop out, I'm going to assume middle school or maybe freshman/sophomores. I...
Although this person may be a troll-maybe they are looking for a legitimate answer, so I will try. OP--you obviously had a terrible education...
I get what the OP is saying. Yes, we should teach bell to bell, but if you need to have a lab cleaned up, that should not count against you. If...
I'm not a coach, but I ran a theatre program for a number of years. Full teaching schedule of AP/DE and 5 shows a year, so rehearsals every day...
It's happened again. I have six students sitting in my classroom right now, with my actual class, who are in the math class across the hall. No...
I did, for several years. I teach Dual Enrollment now at my high school, so it is the same class I was teaching at the community college, but...
So, just curious My school has a bad habit of not securing subs. Some of it is lack of subs, other is "oversight." Just today, the math teacher...
It does not mean the end, in fact it can be very helpful, depending on you and the administrator. First, look at the suggestions that were made....