Be open and honest. Point out where things are going well, but express that you need help in terms of behavior management. You never know what...
My goodness, it's amazing just how similar the situations are in both nations. We're also rated on test scores and whether or not we make adequate...
I would take it as good overall. Not only did he point out what you're doing well, but he took the time to point out something specific you can...
Don't do it for her. I'm telling you, I was in that situation myself last year. I was a newly hired first year teacher, and this other ESE teacher...
We're going into the second week of class and I'm still hanging stuff on the walls. The building my class is in was used for summer school so we...
I'm in exactly the same boat. I think I need to come to terms with the fact that I can never plan more than a day or two ahead with my ESE kids....
I use Warm Up. I told me kids the idea is to warm up their brains, the same way you stretch your legs to warm up before going for a run. It ties...
I bought a Do-It-All! planner last year that I really liked because each day is divided into five sections vertically, with one week shown at a...
Yep. We have the safety, health and workplace guideline type ones we watch every year. Then, scattered throughout the year we have some training...
A lot of people use discount sheets to create boards if you need that defined space. I had one empty wall in my room and decided to use it for...
I've never encouraged a student not to go to college, but I have supported them in their decision not to. The fact is that college isn't for...
I got the same thing as traveler from Staples. My Office Depot was a bit better, and they had some different organizations and retailers set up in...
Take a look around and see what the other science teachers have up. They may even have older posters that you cuold borrow. Our school is big...
I didn't student teach, but I did sub for a year, then work as a paraprofessional for two. I honestly feel those prepared me for teaching way...
To answer the initial question, my seniors dig the teacher true/false quiz just as much as freshmen do. This year I'm having the kids do 2 Truths...
If you got to on the right hand side (scroll down just a little) they have a number of builders, depending on the type...
I have the kids do two truths and a lie, since it's in a similar vein to the T/F activity. I wish I could have them all make T/F tests and...
If you have MS Publisher at home or at work, it has calendar templates.
Yep, Oriental Trading and dollar stores usually have them.
Maybe wait to set up until you have the class established, and find out what they like and what themes they come up with. It's entirely possible...