I used to just say "Language" and my HS kids would apologize. A lot of them dont even realize they do it. Last year I had a chart for one class...
I think Wilson is great for younger kids, especially if you have the committment to work with the kids for several years as it's a 4 year program....
Have them tap their ear with their finger tip. It provides the rhythmic physical sensation and also the auditory tapping without being loud enough...
I teach high school too. I think some of the kids think it's lame but others get into it. So many of them didn't experience crafty stuff growing...
I have a cricut and love using it for my class. I keep it at home for crafting but brought it in for the first week or two this year while I got...
Why bother going through Facebook? As long as it's not against school policy, just give him your school e-mail address so he can check in with you...
Do a lot of them have children? if so you could talk about parenting, and what resources are available like free programs at libraries etc. Is...
You have to go to the mobile version of their site on your android phone. I think it's m.classdojo.com I tried it on my HTC One X and it worked....
I'm always honest with my kids about their levels, but try to infuse positives in there. Last year I had an 11th grader test at 3rd grade level....
I've had the same issue since they found out I play games. Most of my students seem to prefer Xbox so I just telling them I'm a Sony girl and they...
My policy is that I'll accept friend requests from students once they move on from my school. Unfortunately for my kids I ended up moving from...
I teach HS Reading using rotations. Kids spend their time split between reading independently, in small group with me, and using the Reading Plus...
Maybe at your next team meeting establish a policy for letting others know if you're open to chat or not. If someone's door is locked, they're too...
While you can't get caught if you're not doing it, people can get the wrong idea. Personally I don't have a problem e-mailing former students, but...
Check with your district, but most likely you are legally protected in your right to NOT break up a fight, especially in older grades where the...
I'm sure administration will be understanding, as long as they don't see it become a continuing trend. I had to miss our entire 2nd week of...
I usually recognize the kids I run into, but occasionally can't recall their name, especially if it's from when I was a sub and they weren't in...
I suppose it depends what they went in there for. when I was a floater, I'd occasionally have to use something from the teacher whose room I was...
I would just keep you head down and your ear to the ground. Avoid talking about the situation and looking like you're gossiping or part of it, but...
I love collecting new memories like this each year. I teach high school and have a few students I communicate with by text, because I've tutored...